Midnight Cinderella

Chapter 23

After such a stimulation, Jiang Ran deliberately ignored her Weibo for the next three days.

But Feng Jing had been watching her.

He had nothing to do during the day and liked to sit by the balcony to see if she was going out. After three days of observation, he concluded that Jiang Ran was a thoroughgoing homebody.

Her schedule was very regular. Every day around four o"clock in the afternoon, she went downstairs to send out a batch of deliveries, and then led her dog out on a walk for about an hour. The rest of the time she basically stayed home.

All in all, it seemed like Er Huang"s b.a.l.l.s were safe for the time being.

Thinking of this, he finally decided to give Feng Ya his box of lipstick. After that one lipstick Weibo post had gone online, she had hara.s.sed him every day until he had a headache and was forced to give her the box, leaving behind only the one he had used.

Not wanting to let her know about his move, he had not asked Feng Jing"s secretary to come over, but had personally sent the box to her.

Really, he felt like he was such a wonderful brother.

Perhaps it was good karma, but on his way back he encountered Jiang Ran, who was picking up packages downstairs. The size of her package was about the same as what he had seen in the warehouse before, so large that it made Jiang Ran"s small body look like she would soon be crushed underneath.

He had Mi Xi Er drive away and catch up with him later.

"Miss Jiang," he called, going to her side. As soon as Jiang Ran turned her head, she saw a familiar black mask and cap. "Ah, Mr. Feng!"

Nodding in greeting, Feng Jing took the parcel smoothly from her hands. "Let me help you."

By the time Jiang Ran reacted, her hands were already empty. She groaned and said to him, "Sorry to trouble you."

"You"re quite welcome." This box was heavier than he thought. How had Jiang Ran picked it up? "What did you buy to need such a big box?"

"It"s stuff my friend sent from abroad. I sell it to others."

Feng Jing pretended to be amazed. "Are you a reseller, Miss Jiang?

"Me and my university cla.s.smate are partners. She"s living over there."

"I have some friends who do something similar. They say it"s quite tiring work."

"Haha, it"s not so bad for me because both of us are only doing it part-time."

Feng Jing listened to her talking about her work and wanted to ask for more details, but felt like it would be a little too pushy. He changed the topic. "Could I add you on WeChat?"

Jiang Ran nodded: "Of course, but most of the things we sell are makeup, skin care and snacks for women. Perhaps you could buy some for your girlfriend."

"Cough cough. I don"t have a girlfriend. I was going to give it to my sister."

"Wow, you"re so nice to your sister!"

"..." Indeed, he had just sent her a box of lipstick.

"Mr. Feng, were you still not recovered from your cold?" Jiang Ran suddenly asked.

Feng Jing"s face changed, but fortunately the mask helped him cover it up. "Yes, I"m the type of person who finds it difficult to completely recover from a cold." That"s certainly the truth. He"s not lying. Um.

"My roommate at my previous school used to self-medicate by cooking ginger with c.o.ke. It really does work. Would you like to try it?"

"Does it? I"ll try it later."

After entering the elevator, Feng Jing was finally able to add Jiang Ran on WeChat.

Her display name was "Great Ke Ke Imports," and her avatar was a girl with short brown hair. Feng Jing frowned at the avatar, "This doesn"t seem to be you."

Jiang Ran explained. "That"s my cla.s.smate Zhao Wei."

"Do you two share an account?"

"Well, this number is hers. She"s responsible for sending messages out to a circle of friends, while I only use the Web version to reply to messages."

"Oh," so he had worked so hard just to get a work account. "But if someone initiates a chat, it"s you who does the responding."


Feng Jing sent the request.

The elevator stopped on the seventh floor. Jiang Ran picked up her box and smiled at Feng Jing: "Then I"ll head out first. Thank you, Mr. Feng."

A long time after she had left, he was still reliving that smile. He had long known that Jiang Ran was very much in line with his aesthetic, but when she laughed, it was like a strike to the heart.

Because he was so absorbed in his thoughts, the elevator went from the 15th floor to the first. He looked at the tenants standing outside and calmly walked out - then went right round to the other elevator and back to the 15th floor.

When he got home, he took off his mask and hat and sat on the sofa to give Mi Xi Er a call. "Mi Xi Er, please buy me a bottle of c.o.ke and some ginger."

"Ginger? Are you going to cook ginger with c.o.ke?"



"I caught a cold."

Mi Xi Er: "....."

He knew that Feng Jing had explained to his neighbor that he was wearing a mask because he had a cold, but Film Emperor, you"ve gotten a bit too into character! Well, but the job of an a.s.sistant was to cooperate even when the boss was a bit nuts.

So Mi Xi Er bought a bottle of c.o.ke, and of course, the job of cooking ginger in c.o.ke was also his.

After his friend request was approved, Feng Jing had been browsing the wares of "Great Ke Ke Imports". Compared to other shops, it didn"t have too many followers, but it had quite a wide variety of products.

Feng Jing sent a message to Jiang Ran.

Feng: Is this Miss Jiang?

A while later, he received a reply.

Great Ke Ke Imports: Yes, Mr. Feng ^-^

The corners of his mouth hooking up, Feng Jing added to the message: "I see you sell multivitamins. Are they useful?"

Great Ke Ke Imports: They are! I eat them everyday.

Feng Jing couldn"t help but laugh again. He knew she was eating them every day.

Great Ke Ke Imports: Are you going to give them to your sister? How old was she? We divide up the vitamins by age group.

Feng Jing thought about it and replied, "My sister is in her twenties."

Great Ke Ke Imports: Great! There was an appropriate multivitamin in the box that was delivered today.

Feng: Then I"ll just pick it up from your place sometime. Will that be okay?

Great Ke Ke Imports: Yes, and you"re even saving on delivery and packaging 23333

[Crystal: 2333 is laughter in Chinese texting slang.]

Feng: 23333

Feng Jing was ecstatic. How witty! Since his heart was singing, he transferred 1000 yuan over to Jiang Ran.

Great Ke Ke Imports: Σ(⊙▽⊙" How many multivitamins do you want to buy? I may not have enough in stock.

Feng: It"s quite alright. You keep the money and just deduct my purchases from it. That way you won"t have to make change every time.


Jiang Ran had run her shop for quite a long time and seen every shape and colour of guest, but this was the first one who had trusted her so much.

Mr. Feng must really love his sister.

Great Ke Ke Imports: I"ll remember that ^_^

Feng: ^-^

When Mi Xi Er came out of the kitchen with the c.o.ke ginger soup, he saw Feng Jing sitting on the sofa laughing.

....Recently, Feng Jing had seemed to laugh a lot like this. Was he falling in love?

Mi Xi Er"s alarm bells went off. Feng Jing"s behavior had already been quite abnormal. If you add secretly falling in love on top of that... the consequences were unthinkable!

While Feng Jing was taking photos of his ginger soup, Mi Xi Er prepared his mind to talk to him about emotional issues. "Feng Jing."


"Well," Mi Xi Er picked his words carefully, "You know, the company isn"t adamantly against an artist falling in love. Supervisor Qin is quite a reasonable person. Do you get what I mean?"

Feng Jing finally glanced over at him: "I don"t understand."

"Well," to make it clearer, "If you want to fall in love, be sure to tell Supervisor Qin."

"What for? He"s not the one I want to fall in love with."

Mi Xi Er: " ......"

So he"s admitting he wants to fall in love?

Mi Xi Er had more to say, but Feng Jing refocused his attention back on WeChat.

Feng: [Photo]

Feng: c.o.ke ginger soup was cooked.

Great Ke Ke Imports: Drink up while it"s hot! I wish you a speedy recovery.

Feng: Thank you ^-^

Then Feng Jing, who was perfectly healthy and had no cold at all, dedicated himself to drinking down an entire bowl of c.o.ke ginger soup.

Prevention"s good, too.

After dinner, Mi Xi Er tidied up the kitchen and came out to remind him to rest early. "Feng Jing, this time since you"re not working, go to bed early. Today a blogger on Weibo said that he worked overtime and late at night every day, and suddenly had a cerebral hemorrhage."

Feng Jing looked at him with some surprise: "Really?"

"Really, that post was still hot."

Feng Jing opened Weibo"s search and really did see this post. The blogger had written in great detail, causing a lot of netizens to panic, vowing never again to stay up late to cultivate. For Feng Jing"s job, however, it wasn"t a matter of wanting to stay up late. Instead, shooting night scenes after midnight or even all night was quite common.

Still, Jiang Ran wasn"t like him. She could sleep early, but every time he pa.s.sed through at midnight, she was still awake!

Feng Jing decided to urge Jiang Ran to go to bed early that night. When he switched over to Er Huang, the light in Jiang Ran"s room was still bright, and when he ran over and looked in, she was still packing. Thinking of the big box of goods that had just been delivered today, Feng Jing guessed that she was busy delivering goods to the person who had ordered them.

"Woof woof!" Feng Jing ran up to her, shaking his tail desperately.

"Er Huang, why are you running in again? Go out to play." Jiang Ran waved and seemed about to throw him out.

"Woof woof woof!" Feng Jing did not give in, wagging his tail at her.

"Er Huang, don"t mess around. I"ll be wrapped up soon."

Feng Jing circled around her, ran to her bedroom and pulled down her quilt.

"Woof woof!"

Jiang Ran: "............"


Crystal: I did not realize this until halfway through proofreading (since I was not looking at the Chinese raw), but Jiang Ran"s company is actually a daigou, a slightly shady form of importing luxury foreign goods into China that circ.u.mvents the high import taxes. It works by having someone outside the country purchase goods as a regular consumer and then either mailing them to someone inside the country or bringing them in as part of their personal belongings. The person on the inside then resells the goods for a lower price than it would be available for at a legitimate store. Recently, the government of China has begun cracking down on the practice. 

Long story short, Jiang Ran is actually a smuggler! Haha.

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