Midnight Cinderella

Chapter 31

On the way back, Feng Jing was still sitting in the back seat. He looked at Mi Xi Er driving in front of him and asked faintly: "Mi Xi Er, you really didn"t tell Qin Fan that I moved?"

"Really I did not tell him!" Mi Xi Er showed his loyalty to him.

Feng Jing looked at him for a while and said: "He found out that I moved."

Mi Xi Er"s hand holding the steering wheel really shook this time: "Ah, how did Qin,Qin Fan know? He, what did he say?"

"I didn"t say anything for the time being." He guessed that Qin Fan was calm, but he still didn"t know where he moved.

"Then, did he say that he was going to fire me?"

Feng Jing leaned over and patted his shoulder and said, "Rea.s.sured, I will keep you."

Mi Xi Er: "..."

Thank you very much for your rea.s.surance.

"If Qin Fan ask you , you are smart, he should not know where I moved."

"...Oh, I know."

After returning home, Feng Jing spent an afternoon reading the original novel of "Secret". This is the only non-synchronized novel that has been fortunate so far, but the concept is very delicate and does not lose to his mystery novel. The story is warm and full of love. It"s not like a book that Xing Yun would write. An important reason why he doesn"t read books by Xing Yun is that his story is too dark. After reading it, he can"t help but doubt the world.

But this book he likes it very much. Is it true that after people are in love, the world is full of love?

He turned back to the t.i.tle page again and looked at the sentence above - I would like to dedicate this book to my favorite editor.

Fortunately, the editor, his wife, love, can make a writer who is used to writing human ugliness become soft.

Feng Jing suddenly thought of Jiang Ran, and his heart was soft at once.

He picked up his mobile phone and dialed Qin Fan number.

When the phone rang a few times, it was connected. Qin Fan"s voice pa.s.sed through the earpiece into his ear: "It"s really rare that the Emperor Feng Jing took the initiative to call me."

Feng Jing closed his mouth and didn"t want to talk to him: "I have finished reading "The Secret", I like this story very much, and as an actor I will pick it up."

"The Emperor Feng Jing is really efficient in doing things. I will contact the other side and if they are very satisfied with you, you should not have to audition." The two films that have been played since Feng Jing"s debut are directed by the same director. He has never tried anyone else but Jing Zi.

"Well, is there any news on the actress?"

Qin Fan knows what he is worried about. The Emperor Feng Jing not only has strict requirements for himself, but also has strict requirements for his partner. If you look for a female star to play the heroine on the other side of the world, he will definitely not pick it up.

"Do not worry, fortunately, the teacher"s treatment of the casting is more strict than you. The last time the "Player" chose the heroine, he even refused Li Sisi and Ni Bai, if he wants to personally come in, even my choice won"t pa.s.s."

"That"s good." Feng Jing said, added, "But I have a request, if the film side can"t agree, there may be no way to cooperate."

"Any request?"

"If you shoot a night show, you can"t exceed twelve, I have to work before twelve o"clock."

Qin Fan was quiet for a while, and seemed to be thinking: "Is it because of the video that Mi Xi Er showed me before? He said that you are getting better now."

"That"s because I took the medicine prescribed by the doctor. If there is work, I definitely can"t take medicine."

Qin Fan was silent for a while and said: "I will try to communicate with the film."

"To be written into the contract."

"...good." Qin Fan responded and put forward his own request. "You should go to Dr. Zhang for psychological counseling tomorrow? I hope to see results."

Feng Jing: "..."

This is really not what he said.

"Qin Fan, I think psychological counseling is a long process. It is impossible to get immediate results." He tried to convince Qin Fan from a scientific point of view. "And Dr. Zhang"s fees are very expensive."

"It doesn"t matter, the company will not be poor after sending you to counselling."

Feng Jing: "..."

For Feng Jing, Dr. Zhang"s psychological counseling course is like the company"s art training course for artists, must partic.i.p.ate.

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