For the next 2 days, An Ning was more amicable than the previous days, maybe because now she was not so scared about the incident that had occurred at the old site of the Yue family.

"An Ning."

I called her in a slurred voice, with an ice-cream in my mouth. The little girl turned her head towards me with a fling of her ponytail. She looked at me with a pair of shining eyes, her face, bright red with a sheen of perspiration.

"What"s the matter?"

I pouted, thought a little, and voiced the doubts in my heart.

"You know a lot about the family business, but Grandpa An says that you don"t want to inherit it?"

An Ning looked up, finished a large bottle of mineral water in one breath and took out a napkin to wipe her neck.

"Who said that if I understand then I have to inherit?" she shook her finger towards me, and calmly said, "I just want to be an ordinary person, I don"t want to be a ghost master or a psychic."

Also, I thought, who would be willing to deal with ghosts all the time? No one would want to do this all the time right?

I too approve of An Ning"s way of thinking.

The trip to the Ou Palace was delayed by a day, but this didn"t affect either of our good mood. For the next few days we roamed around and played, explored all of the mountain resort, ate everywhere on the snack street and when satisfied, we set off to return home.

To my surprise the pervert had disappeared for several days, ever since the night he had taken off his mask.

I sat in the car with my wrist slightly raised, looking at the red jade bracelet. 

The red spider lily carving was very fine, as the sun shone on it, I could even see the bright gold line flowing on the red jade bracelet.

Seeing this, I thought of the pervert"s demon face.

AnNing sitting next to me, bitterly said: "It"s just been a few days and already you look at the bracelet and start thinking of him?!"

I slapped her lightly, she laughed and escaped from my clutches, unwrapped a packet of potato chips with both hands and started eating.

"Aiya my Xiao Hua, I was right, you look at the bracelet and think of him. There"s nothing wrong with missing your husband ah! No need to hide it."

I stared at her. I didn"t know whether to laugh or be angry. I don"t know what to do with her.


When we arrived at the station, we dragged our suitcases down and got ready to take the subway.

An Ning frustratingly yelled: "My a.s.s has almost flattened, sitting in the train for half the day and then sitting in the subway for such a long time!" 

She mumbled something. I smiled, took her hand and walked towards the subway entrance: "You want to leave ah!, it will take about 45mins via subway to get home, unless you can fly home we will have to take the subway."

"I know, I"m aware of that."

She bowed her head, dejectedly dragging the luggage, and together we entered the subway station.

I sat in the fast-moving subway, watching the small tv on top. I didn"t want to look down at my phone.

The happy time ended quickly, it felt too short and a lot of things happened on this short trip, the incident that occurred at the former site of the Yue family, is committed to my memory.

An Ning said that she would go back home and consult it with Grandpa An, but I don"t know if Grandpa An will be willing to help Yang Yi and his family.

If he can"t help …then there is no other way.

My head leaned against the pole no one was holding as I stared into s.p.a.ce. 

The Pervert hasn"t appeared since the night he gave me that soft and gentle kiss. It"s like he vanished.

I couldn"t help but think of the word "kiss goodbye", and my heart lifted up. I was scared, scared that he wouldn"t appear in front of me anymore, that he would leave me forever, how would I feel then?

Just thinking about it made my heart ache. My body"s reaction astonished me but I felt that it was reasonable.

So, in the end, I have feelings for the Pervert and those feelings are not ordinary at all.

"Oh right."

An Ning brought her head closer, winked and asked: "Before we set off, didn"t you say that you saw the spirit of a small boy at the starting station? Do you want to take care of it?"

As soon as she reminded me, I remembered about the matter! Look at my pig brain, I almost forgot about it.

"Well, wait for me to find him, if he is still there then I"ll help."

An Ning nodded and said, "If you need, I"ll help too."

I smiled gratefully at her and grabbed her hand: "My darling An Ning is the best."

She amusingly poked my forehead. I rubbed my reddened forehead in pain calmly.

This is her way of handling me, I look forward to her poking my forehead every day, how can I be angry?

Fortunately, we don"t need to switch the subway if we sit in this one till the end. This subway goes to the last stop but by the time we get there it will be late, and often during the evening the subway station is crowded.

There are people everywhere going home after work so it"s usually overcrowded. My home is close to the central zone and when I got off the subway with An Ning I was scared by the number of people on the platform.

Looking at the people, there were students carrying their school bags on their backs,  and white-collar individuals, wearing suits with their doc.u.ments under their arms. All had their heads bowed, looking down at their phones.

Walking amongst the crowd, I felt myself being squeezed to death. Saying that we were walking shoulder-to-shoulder was too light of a description.

Since both of us were dragging a suitcase as well, walking in the crowded station was even more strenuous.

I don"t know how many people trampled the suitcase and how many tripped on it. Half shouting, half insulting, they shrieked at us as we hurriedly ran towards the staircase.

"So many people."

I looked around but was not able to find the small boy in this crowd.

"Did you find him?" [An Ning]

An Ning glared at the brat who stepped on the suitcase and asked me. I shook my head.

"Can"t help it, there are too many people. I can"t find him, let it be. Let"s go."

The rush hour is simply a nightmare. There are people everywhere, squeezing each other to death. There is a traffic jam outside, and more people downstairs.

Even if the little boy"s soul was still in that corner, innocently looking around for help, I can"t help him. I would be an old maid by the time I reached him!

But his vague silhouette kept appearing in my head. I clenched my teeth. Should I come later to look for him?

An Ning looked at me and understood what I was thinking. She grabbed my arm and in a serious tone said: "Xiao Hua, this is not your responsibility. Don"t think too much about this and don"t feel guilty. There are too many spirits/souls that stay back on earth, you can"t save them all."

She pulled me out of the crowd. We climbed the steps and got out of the subway station.

"Since we can"t find him, then let it be. It was a long and tiring journey today, you must be tired too. Let"s return soon to rest ok? And you can be affectionate with your husband ah!"

AnNing patted my cheek with her fair hand, waved at me and dragged the suitcase to hail a taxi.

I smiled and said goodbye to her. I kept hearing what An Ning just said, turned around and walked towards the bus stop. 

"I am back!"

I opened the door to my home but surprisingly it was empty.

Strange, by this time mom and dad should have returned from work ah. I ran in the kitchen and saw that the rice cooker was too clean, it didn"t have any traces of being used.

I came back and sat on the sofa. There was a small gift box on the table, wrapped in a patterned turquoise wrapping paper with a pretty pink bow on top.

There was a card inserted in it. I picked it up and was ready to open it to take a look.

"Wow! Nice surprise!"

I jumped up in surprise and stood up, startled by the sudden voices behind me! I saw the two familiar people behind me laughing: "What are you doing ya, you scared me to death! How old are you people that you are still playing such pranks?" [Xiao Hua]

Seeing that I was angry, mom smiled. She walked towards me and pulled me to sit on the sofa. Dad came over and sat on the other side.

"Xiao Hua ah, do you know what day it is next Tuesday?" [Mom]

Mom looked at me mysteriously, winked and asked. I somewhat stupidly shook my head and answered: "What day?"

"Me and your father"s wedding anniversary ah."         [Mom]

She blushed and looked at my father shyly. I was startled by her maiden in love look. But my father looked at mom with eyes full of love.

My parents have been married for a long time now and they have always been in love. I have never seen them quarrel. Even though my yeye (paternal grandpa) and nainai (paternal grandma) have that kind of social custom, mom hasn"t left dad because of it.

But …what does their wedding anniversary next week has to do with me?

Mom picked up the gift box from the table and stuffed it in my hand. She blushed, lowered her head and said: "me and your father are going on a romantic vacation for a week. We have bought the ticket for tomorrow, so in order to compensate you, we bought you this present. How about we go out for dinner? What do you think?"

My chest felt funny. Holding the gift box in my hand, I didn"t know what to say. My heart felt sweet and bitter at the same time.

As for why bitter…

They added the dinner in addition to the gift as compensation. It makes me think they are very cute and adorable, somewhat childish…but cute. They have raised me and now they want to go on a romantic vacation. They deserve this. If you think about it, it"s very normal. But they gave me this present and I am at a loss for what to do.

However, them doing this warms my heart.

"You will be gone for a week ah?"  [xiao hua]

Mom nodded, smiled and said: "Yes."

She rubbed my head, and gave me a kind smile.

And her words reminded me.

That next week I will be all alone at home. But that isn"t the main point, the point is….there won"t be anyone else at home. That Pervert won"t possibly mess around?!

Sure enough, it was confirmed that very night.

As soon as I finished bathing, I wore my pajamas and entered the room. Exactly at that moment, the Pervert, who had disappeared for several days, pushed me against the door. The door closed with a "bang"; his nimble fingers promptly locked the door. His ice-cold lips pressed on mine, overbearingly demanding the softness of my mouth.

This b.a.s.t.a.r.d….

I glanced at him; he was standing against the wall. My legs softened as if all my strength was being sucked away, and I leaned in his embrace.

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