On the second day of the cruise, they went all out for the water sports. They were both wearing rash guard swim wear and shorts. That way they only had to put exceeding amount of sunscreen on their face, neck, hands and legs. Kang Sola"s was of hot pink color while Guangxi"s was colored blue. They were both lively and full of invigorating youthful energy.

Both climbed up the high water slide and queued in line. One went after the other and made a splash on the pool. Kang Sola had prepared her underwater camera and had brought it with her.

They played for hours in the water. They tried out the surf simulator too! It was Kang Sola"s first time to try it.

"I can"t believe this cruise s.h.i.+p has these features." She said to Xue Guangxi.

"Well… Sea Carnival is a state-of-the-art cruise s.h.i.+p, specifically customized to its target market – the younger generation. The company"s reseach and business development team had really worked hard to make this happen. The world is evolving, and the business landscape is changing. To be able to stay as the leading s.h.i.+pping company, we have to move towards the direction the world is going, and to be able to ride on its waves, as well." Was Xue Guangxi"s answer.

"I captured it on camera. Can I publish it on my video?" She asked for permission.

"Sure. Go ahead." Xue Guangxi the Marketing Director had given his clearance.

They were working in the middle of their play. How nice of a job could it be?

They played some more by completing some water obstacle courses. Then they decided to have their buffet lunch.

In the afternoon they convened again, simply resting on the deck. Afterwards they checked out the internal casino and arcade. They played for a bit more. Xue Guangxi had won little trinkets from the games. He gave it to Kang Sola.

"Some souvenirs." He had said.

Kang Sola didn"t want to accept it at first, being burdened by it, but then she realized it"s actually harmless. "It"s just like what he said – some souvenirs, and nothing else."

On the third day they tried out the sky course. It was an obstacle course located at a slightly higher, elevated level on the cruise s.h.i.+p. The sky course required them to wear harness for safety.

They also tried parasailing. A smaller boat that was attached at the side of the cruise s.h.i.+p was let down. The partic.i.p.ants were attached to a parachute which the smaller boat will drag onto the air.

Xue Guangxi and Kang Sola both gave it a go. Butler Lee was left on the deck, to capture their adventure on video.

In the remaining days of the cruise they explored every nook and cranny of the cruise s.h.i.+p. Because Xue Guangxi was there, Kang Sola was able to also interview some of the crew and s.h.i.+p personnel. She even got access to the kitchen which was usually off-limits to guests.

As usual she did a tour on her cabin, and the view from her balcony. She talked and talked in front of the camera.

It"s quite a different experience from the first cruise.

On theire last night, they partied like crazy. There were some already raging on the dance floor. They were not on the bar, rather they were on a communal area where some of the families also pa.s.sed the time.

Then a familiar happy music invaded the air.

Xue Guangxi clapped four times.

He raised his two arms up, and touched his four fingertips with his thumbs on both hands four times.

He flapped his arms bent at the elbows like wings four times too.

Then he twisted his body four times.

He clapped four times again.

All this time, he was staring at Kang Sola, teasing her, inviting her to join him. There was a big grin on his face.

He was dancing the chicken dance [1].

Who would have thought that the Second Young Master of the Xue Family, the Marketing Director of Xue s.h.i.+pping, the heartthrob, the charming pampered little prince – Xue Guangxi – would be dancing the chicken dance so willingly and so enthusiastically without any inhibitions and quite enjoying it too?

Kang Sola laughed her clear, bell-like laughter. Soon after she joined him. They did the dance steps together, facing each other. The tempo got faster and faster that even if the steps were simple, it became confusing and more challenging. They were laughing as they danced. Then the tempo slowed down and became so much slower. It was the same. They were extremely enjoying it.

When the song had ended, Xue Guangxi raised his right hand gesturing for Kang Sola to give him a high five. She tapped her own right hand onto his forcefully. It was the perfect high-five.

Undoudtedly, they were having extreme fun.

Another children"s song was played, ent.i.tled Move and Freeze [2]. They joined again. There was an instructional video to be followed on the screens attached to the walls. Actually they were dancing with children way younger than them but they did not care because they were having fun. Other young professionals also joined out of fun.

The song required two people to pair up. Naturally, Xue Guangxi and Kang Sola were a pair. The song was a partic.i.p.ative one, which required them to touch body parts like their own knees, shoulders, and their partner"s knees, turn around then freeze. They were occasionally laughing while dancing.

The song and dance had been long finished, but the happiness they felt lingered for a little longer. The smiles on their faces were plastered as if permanently.

It was their last night in the cruise. They went to rest towards the deck, to casually sit on the recliners. They were enjoying the cool summer breeze on their faces while looking up at the stars.

"You really know how to have fun." Kang Sola commented while turning to look at Xue Guangxi, already sprawled on his recliner. She laughed a little. Her laughter was of the clear bell-like caliber.

[1] Here"s a link to the chicken dance for visual appreciation. Here"s a link to the Move and Freeze for visual appreciation.

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