At the Old Xue Mansion.


"I have not seen our little princess cry and beg like that. It"s as if she"s on her way to getting slaughtered alive. It"s as if it"s the last time she"s going to truly live." Grandfather Xue"s countenance and demeanor weakened. He appeared so much older than his age.

"She was screaming on top of her lungs for that guy."

"She said to me, if I love her I"ll let them be. Of course I love her! She"s my only granddaughter. I had pampered her all her life!"

He sighed. "Son, we parents could not win over the youngsters."

"That"s the only thing I could do for her, set her free from our influence. I have a bigger mandate for the family. I"m doing everything I could. I cannot let just anyone into our family."

"I"m getting old and tired, son."

Grandfather broodingly paused.

"To tell you honestly Father, I share the same sentiments with Zhao Feiyan. I could not have cared less who she marries as long as she"s happy. She has sacrificed too much for us." He sighed. "My poor daughter…" Father Xue raised his head and closed his eyes. He, too, had aged because of their little princess" untimely marriage. "I believe in her judgement, Father. I don"t know this Chen guy, but I trust my daughter. Otherwise, I would have taken care of it myself."

"If that Chen guy oversteps his limitations or hurt our little princess, I would barge into their abode to drag her home myself. But for now, as long as she"s happy, Father, I"ll observe silently in the sidelines. If she wants to go home, I"ll take her in no matter what." Father Xue declared with resolution.

"Let"s leave them be for the time being…"


Chen Linyun and Xue Jinxu drove home in silence. The tears had stopped flowing. They were both calmer. At least now, they could still be together, but with a price - and a hefty price it was!

At the apartment, still there was only silence between them. They took turns to shower in the bathroom. Then they lied down to sleep.

Only then, when they were lying beside each other were they courageous enough to talk about the matter.

"I"m sorry, I"m still not good enough." His voice was shaky, tired. There was a lump in his throat. A single tear escaped his eyes.

She wrapped her arms around his waist.

"No, you are good enough. You are the best for me. Only you can be paired with me. Grampa is blind. Grampa did not even try to listen or to know you." She tightened her hug.

"I"m doing this voluntarily. You don"t have to say sorry. If you"re really sorry, please don"t stop loving me." She closed her eyes. "Nothing"s left of me except you. You"re enough for me." She buried her head on his chest. She started sobbing. The two were sobbing together.

Chen Linyun kissed the top of her head. "I won"t stop loving you. I love you too much. I love you to the moon and back. I love you to the stars and to the next galaxy and back."

Xue Jinxu laughed despite her tears. "Silly, Chen Linyun." She looked crazy, laughing while also crying. "So our love is intergalactic now? Haha!" She was wiping her cheeks with her palms while tilting her head up, laughing. "You"re turning me into a madwoman."

"The prettiest madwoman I know." He whispered, his eyes still troubled. His face, still crumpled with anguish.

"Let"s work harder, alright? Let"s hope for the day when they will be able to accept us." He held her in his warm embrace.

"From this moment onwards, I am a housewife, and nothing else. Please bear with me, husband, as I may not be perfect. I"ll serve you and our future family forever."

"I love you… I love you… To the moon and back, Jinxu, my wife. Thank you for choosing me. I"m sorry. I"m sorry…" Chen Linyun whispered solemnly to the woman he adores for a very long time. He cradled her head with his hand and stroked her hair with the other while kissing her forehead.

He couldn"t be any lower at this point. What"s worse, he had dragged her with him. Even as a successful entrepreneur, he was still considered low.

"Me too. I"m entrusting you all my life and my future. I love you, Chen Linyun." Xue Jinxu whispered back. Tears continued to flow from her eyes.

They continued sobbing together in each other"s tight and warm embrace until they finally succ.u.mb into slumber.


The next morning, they were spending some quality time in the living room. The two of them squeezed themselves onto the sofa. She was lying on her stomach on top of Chen Linyun. Her arms were crossed under her chin, while his arms were crossed under his head. They were studying each other in peace.

Not too long after, the doorbell rang.

It was Mother Xue, Zhao Feiyan.

Chen Linyun and Xue Jinxu exchanged glances. They let Mother Xue into their humble abode.

There was initially silence between them. The atmosphere was awkward. Only the sound of the whistling kettle broke the silence. Tea was served.

"Ma"am, I"m deeply apologetic as to how it all turned out. I"m sorry for marrying your daughter without your permission and blessing. But I love her too much, and you can rest a.s.sured that I will protect and provide for her to the extent of my ability. It might not be at par to the lavish lifestyle that she was accustomed to, but I will a.s.sure you our lifestyle will be decent. I will not let her starve, or suffer under my care. I will not allow any harm to come our way. I hope you can give us your blessings. If not now, we will wait for that day to come…"

He was stoic. It was as if he memorized the whole speech. All this time he was holding Xue Jinxu"s hand tightly. She could feel his hand tremble.

Mother Xue took in everything he said. Deep inside Zhao Feiyan was pleased with her son-in-law. She had taken a liking to him. She knew by instinct that he"s an honest person, and that what he just said, he will keep.

"I"m giving you my blessings."

She gently looked at them. There was warmth and pity in her eyes.

"I totally support the both of you. But Chen Linyun, please be true to your words."

"Oh, Mother! Xue Jinxu hugged Mother Xue. Tears could not help but flow down her cheeks. "Thank you, Mother! I love you. I love you!" She said while kissing her mother several times on the cheeks.

Mother Xue was also shedding tears quietly, but there"s a smile on her face. She also let out a laugh, "Come now, child. Sit down." She wiped the tears on her daughter"s cheeks and kissed it too, while guiding her to sit down again.

"I"m behind your back. If you need help on anything don"t hesitate to come to me. I"m Zhao Feiyan first and foremost before I"m Madame Xue. You are my child. I don"t care what your Grampa will do to me. My Zhao family is still behind me. Do you understand, child? I don"t want you to think that you are completely abandoned by your family."

"Here." She handed a black card.

Xue Jinxu and Chen Linyun exchanged glances. "Mother, we cannot take that. We"re fine. We have enough."

"Just keep it, for emergency. It"s fine if you don"t use it. Just keep it, dear." She caressed her daughter"s tear-stained face.

"Thank you Mother. Your acknowledgement means a lot to us." She hugged her mother again.

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