"Sola!" Xue Guangxi grinned and waved his arm to catch the attention of Kang Sola, who was carrying her tray of food at a distance. She was searching for a vacant seat at the cafeteria. Kang Sola saw him instantly amidst the sea of people seated on tables between them. She blushed at the attention Xue Guangxi"s gesture had caused. It stirred people"s curiosity, and not to mention, animosity towards her.

"Xue Guangxi called her out from afar! Is she his newest girlfriend?"

"That girl is a commoner. She isn"t comparable to Xue Guangxi"s exes or to his status. How come he knew her?"

"He must be tricked! Lured to look at her! She isn"t that pretty anyway."

Most of the university girls who saw the commotion caused by Xue Guangxi murmured in annoyance. Kang Sola consciously traversed row per row of tables in cafeteria while praying deep inside to become invisible right that instant. She could sense the deadly gaze of all the girls there.

Xue Guangxi was the campus heartthrob, not only because of riches, or looks, but because of his easy-going personality. Since he entered university, he had been changing girlfriends far too frequently, and the girls knew this, and were still waiting for their turn to jump to him whenever they hear him to be single again.

However, these past months, although there had been rumors that Xue Guangxi was single again, to their dismay, they always find him in constant company of this girl with purple highlights on her hair. She looked relatively plain, and without status. No one could confirm what she is to Xue Guangxi, but all the girls waiting for their turn were left on standstill because of her.

Once Kang Sola reached Xue Guangxi"s table, she reprimanded him, "Hey Guangxi can you be more discreet? See, you just turned me into those girls" top enemy. This university is composed of 70% female population. That means I"m the university"s number one disliked student."

Xue Guangxi brushed her off and laughed. "You"re overreacting. What can they do to you? Besides, we"re not even a thing!"

"As if they know that! It doesn"t matter to them! Just being seen with you would make them want to attack me with daggers!"

A glint of fierceness flashed in Xue Guangxi"s eyes instantly. "Tell me if anyone ever tries to hurt you, simply because of your affiliation to me." He said, all his playfulness, gone.

Kang Sola was caught off guard with Xue Guangxi"s statement. She could sense he was extremely serious. Her cheeks burned in embarra.s.sment. She lowered her gaze then nodded.

"Don"t worry about it!" Xue Guangxi returned to being cheerful. He pa.s.sed one earphone to her so that they could share his music. She accepted it. Xue Guangxi wore his earphone in his right ear while the other, Kang Sola wore in her left ear. They started digging on their food. Once in a while they laughed at each other"s comment. Their lunch was filled with mirth.

This little connection and closeness set the whole cafeteria ablaze. All the other girls who saw turned into jealous, spiteful witches. Xue Guangxi had not displayed that same level of closeness with any of his exes before.

After lunch, Kang Sola went to the comfort room to freshen up. Xue Guangxi waited for her patiently and was staying at the back lobby of the Science and Humanities building just across the cafeteria. His next cla.s.s was scheduled at half past two. He was playing some games on his phone.

At the comfort room, Kang Sola heard some girls talking at the farthest end. They must have seen her already, but it did not stop them from gossiping upfront.

"Some people don"t know their place, and tried to fit in with rich people." The girl who said it mockingly glanced at Kang Sola.

"I know right! Some people are so skilled that they were able to seduce young heirs! So shameless! So desperate! I pity the victims!"

"If I were them, I would have ran to the farthest end of the earth where they belong, beyond reach of those heirs, beyond reach of cops, even. Where could it be? Some slums perhaps?"

"Some people don"t even know shame at all! Too thick-skinned, makes me wanna puke. Ugh!" The girl shook her body in disgust.

Kang Sola tried to ignore them. After doing her routine, she tried to go out of the restroom peacefully. The three girls blocked her. One girl grabbed her arm and slung her to the wall.

"Hey." The leader of the group stood in front of her. She pushed Kang Sola on her shoulder.

"Xue Guangxi is too kind and nice to everyone. You hear? To everyone." She said.

"The responsibility to know your place falls on you. You hear? Leave him alone."

"Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You better check yourself out in the mirror. You think you are fitting to stand beside him, laugh at him, and accompany him?"

"How dare you covet someone so high? He"s out of your league." One the girls from the sides spoke. The leader smirked.

One of the girls in the cubicle heard the ruckus outside. Once done with her business she hurriedly ran outside. Seeing Xue Guangxi seated at the backlobby"s benches near the restrooms, she immediately approached him.

"Excuse me, your friend, Kang Sola was being bullied in the girls" restroom."

"Upon hearing this, Xue Guangxi dashed towards the girls" restroom. He gingerly went inside while keeping his head and eyes low on the floor.

He went straight to the farthest end where the huddle was. Without further ado, he grabbed Kang Sola"s wrist then he dragged her out of the restroom. His countenance was grim.

"G-Guangxi…" Kang Sola uttered, but no more.

He freed her wrist then stood up at one of the benches. He clapped three times while calling everybody"s attention.

"Guys, guys hear me out, please!" He raised his hand, grinning. He turned and faced each side.

The three girls who bullied Kang Sola had left the restroom and were also waiting to hear his announcement.

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