Xue Guangxi went home to the Old Xue Mansion one Sat.u.r.day to spend some quality time with his family. Honestly speaking, he only went after his mother"s incessant nagging.

He was quite affected by the recent banishment of his sister. He could not see the sense of it all. He was p.i.s.sed, at the very least. His confidence and faith on his family"s principles, and values as one solid unit had faltered greatly. To add more to this, he"s a teenager who"s experiencing natural hormonal changes which made him more irritated and rebellious.

At the Xue Mansion…

"Guangxi, you haven"t been home for a months. It"s good that you have the time. You should make time for your visits!" Father Xue castigated him over lunch.

"It"s fine. Don"t scold him. I"m sure he"s busy. Oh, my youngest child is almost a grown up now." Mother Xue endearingly addressed Guangxi while stopping Father Xue"s rants.

"Guangxi. You"re this family"s only future. Do not disappoint us." Grampa Xue reminded him.

"Father, I"m sure he knows." Mother Xue answered for him. In truth, as his mother, she could sense that Guangxi was fed up with their family"s issues. Mother Xue had reared two other children before Guangxi. During this difficult and sensitive time, she"s had been trying to manage him. She wouldn"t know how else to survive if even Guangxi left their side.

Mother Xue continually put more parcels of delectable food on Xue Guangxi"s plate. She was openly pampering him. "Eat more." She smiled at him lovingly, while watching him eat in silence.

Xue Guangxi had been quiet during the entirety of the lunch meal. His mother instructed him prior the meal to "sit through" it and that"s simply what he did.

After their lunch, they gathered in the gazebo for their afternoon tea.

"Guangxi, I heard from Butler Lee that you made three students transfer schools. What"s this farce about?" Father Xue confronted his son. He couldn"t help it, because it seemed that Xue Guangxi"s behavior was worsening, and the only time to confront him was during his visits.

"Just thought them a valuable lesson, Father. They deserve it." Xue Guangxi explained. "They shouldn"t have messed up with my people."

"And who are your people? Perhaps, some commoners? Social climbers? Be more restrictive in the people you allow into your world, Guangxi. Remember what happened…" Father Xue did not finish his sentence alluding to his abduction almost a year ago.

"Shhh!!!" Mother Xue harshly signaled Father Xue to stop.

"I"ll choose my friends. I have my own set of standards." Xue Guangxi curtly replied. He was starting to have a headache with the discussion. He"s the favorite now, because he"s the only one left. Being the favorite seemed to him that every movement of his was checked and monitored, and every choice and decision was challenged. It was suffocating and infuriating him.

"You have to be mindful of who you are. You"re not some ordinary kid out there! You"re the Second Young Master of our family. You"re an heir. Surround yourself with people of equal status, Guangxi." Father Xue continued.

"Or else what?" Xue Guangxi could not take it anymore. "Will you disown me too if I choose my friends that do not meet your standards? Are you perhaps already planning my very own arranged marriage?"

"Go ahead! Disown me! This family is so tiring, so unfair."

"I will never understand why you disowned my sister! What did she do wrong? What is so wrong in marrying brother-in-law? I cannot understand!"

"If you ever meddle with my friends and the people I choose to be with, I will not wait for you to disown me. Let"s see which will happen earlier – you disowning me, or me leaving this household on my own accord."

"You rascal!" Father Xue threw his teacup to the floor. The tea was spilled and the cup, shattered. Mother Xue jolted from the sound. "Are you threatening your elders?! Have you forgotten that everything that you have – your name, your position, your money, your clothes, your "men" which are your bodyguards, your car and even your flat - all were provided to you on a silver platter by us! You ingrate!"

"You even haven"t helped the company to the fullest extent yet, and here you are all arrogant already! You are such an ent.i.tled spoiled brat!"

"Yes! I"m such an ent.i.tled spoiled brat but I"m the only one you"ve got! I"m the only one left! I"m so well-aware of that! All the responsibilities left solely to me!"

"You"re Xu-jie had not once complained about the responsibilities given to her!" Father Xue bellowed.

"Then make her come back! Accept her and her husband!" Xue Guangxi yelled back. "Rescind her banishment! Reinstate her into the company!"

"ENOUGH!" Grampa Xue intervened. The father and the son both paused, both their chests rising up and down from surging emotions.

"Guangxi, Guangxi, dear. Please stop, alright? Apologize to your Father. It"s not good to talk back to your elders."

"I won"t apologize, Mother. Everything I said is the truth, and will still hold true."

"Mark my words, I will really do that." Xue Guangxi stood up and left.

He drove towards the apartment complex where his sister lives. He rang the doorbell. It was already around five in the afternoon.

"Guangxi. What brought you here? Come in." Xue Jinxu led him in. They all sat on the living area.

"How are you, Guangxi? Is everything alright?" Chen Linyun asked. He could sense that Guangxi was somehow agitated.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" Xue Guangxi pleaded.

"Sure. What happened?" Xue Jinxu"s forehead was dominated with horizontal lines.

"Arguments with the elders." Xue Guangxi shared indifferently.

Xue Jinxu wrapped one arm around her brother. "Guangxi, I"m sorry. Have I been neglecting you?" She was guilt-stricken.

"It"s not your fault, Xu-jie. I"m old enough to look after myself. At least you trust me to make my own choices. They don"t. They want to control me!" He blurted.

"I won"t allow them! I still cannot understand or accept what they had done to you! Aahhh!!" He ruffled his hair out of frustration.

Xue Jinxu sighed. "You"re more pa.s.sionate about it than us. Let it slide, Guangxi. There"s reason behind everything."

"If I ever run away from home, will you take me in? Please? I won"t have anywhere else to go." Xue Guangxi asked. "Just to be clear, I"m not running away now, but I"ll sleep here tonight, to make them see that there"s gravity in my words. I"ll return to my flat tomorrow."

Chen Linyun and Xue Jinxu both sighed in unison and exchanged distressed looks.

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