One particular guest that was not quite invited mingled in the crowd. He found his way and settled among the other guests. Since everyone was busy, no one had sensed his presence yet, especially who knew him. He grabbed a champaigne from the wandering waiter with tray of refreshments and cheered as well just like everyone else.

Chen Linyun and Xue Jinxu, roamed around to engage into small talks with their guests. The guests approached them and said their congratulatory remarks to the couple individually.

This event had been the closest gathering which could be comparable to their wedding reception. It was almost the first gathering that they were officially introduced as husband and wife.

At other times, when Chen Linyun received the awards for his business, Xue Jinxu stood beside him, but it was just a short program and nothing else. This time, it"s a party where people enjoy the celebration of something new. Everyone was happy for them, and wis.h.i.+ng them well in their new venture.

"Jinxu!" Teng Man Rui called when her friend was around her.

"Man Rui! I"m glad you made it!" They hugged each other tightly. "This is my husband I was talking about the last time we talked." She was blus.h.i.+ng coyly like a new bride. Well, she still was. It really seemed like their wedding reception.

"Nice to meet you, Mister Chen Linyun." She greeted politely and slightly raised her champaigne bottle to his direction.

He did the same as acknowledgement. "Pleasure is mine, Miss Teng Man Rui."

"I"m really glad you made it! You"re in Beijing! What are the odds!" Xue Jinxu exclaimed while grabbing her friend"s arms.

"Yeah. I just came back from my vacation in the countryside. I"m staying with my parents in the old house. They encountered some minor mishaps on their travels. I"ll be accompanying them for a while." She explained the truth. "There"s no need to tell them my connection to s.h.i.+ Fan Hai."

Among the crowd, a certain someone"s attention was grabbed by Teng Man Rui"s presence. It was Zhu Li Qiang, the party crasher. He approached the couple.

His original intention was to make amends to the couple, and to finally have a closure at this particular chapter in his life. He was so messed up experiencing two consecutive heartbreaks. He wanted to finally move forward, and to do so entails, facing each open-ended heartbreak one at a time, beginning with the first one.

He felt that he needed to make peace with them personally. He thought that if he had invited them for a meal, they would decline, so his next best option was to crash this party, and he did. It"s actually a good opportunity because there were lots of people who will not make it appear awkward, and a small talk with each other will do. He need not linger in the place.

Chen Linyun"s persona changed into a hostile being, putting all his guards and walls up against him. "Did you invite him?" He asked Xue Jinxu.

"No, I didn"t." She felt a headache coming. "Why is he here?" She wanted to stop for a while to ma.s.sage her temples, but the two men were already approaching each other. She followed shortly because she didn"t want her event to be ruined by anything nasty that might happen between the two men.

"Aahh, Mister Chen Linyun, the lucky husband. Zhu Li Qiang." He extended his hand for a handshake. Chen Linyun took it cautiously.

"Xue Jinxu. You look lovely, as always." He said towards Xue Jinxu as she joined them. "Congratulations on your event, and I apologize for cras.h.i.+ng your party."

"So you"re aware that you"re not invited." Chen Linyun pointed out the obvious derisively. Xue Jinxu touched his arm to stop him.

"Zhu Li Qiang, thanks. But please..." While she was still thinking how to continue, Zhu Li Qiang cut her short.

"I"m not here to make a scene. I came in peace. In fact, I"d like to personally congratulate you and wish you both well on your married life. I"m conceding. It"s against my principles to go after a married woman. And would you believe, my eyes and heart had been captured by another. In fact, my feelings for you, Xue Jinxu, appeared so petty and wane in comparison as to how I am feeling for that woman."

"Ahh, that"s good then." Xue Jinxu said awkwardly.

"Chen Linyun, you can put your guard down against me. I"m not a foe or a rival anymore. In fact, I"d like you both to be my friends. I just came back from Country D after finis.h.i.+ng my masters studies. I don"t have much friends here. I"m a good fellow. And you"re kindred spirits too. Think about it. I don"t want enemies, just friends."

While saying this, his eyes were captured again by Teng Man Rui"s silhouette. "The woman you"re speaking before me, who"s she?"

Xue Jinxu blinked. "You mean, Teng Man Rui?"

"Yes." Zhu Li Qiang thought, "I"m right it"s her. Something good came out of going here."

"She"s my bestfriend. Why? Do you know her?"

"I might know her. She looks like the girl who captured my heart. They have the same name too." He explained, not quite looking at who he"s speaking to, rather he"s looking at Teng Man Rui who was at the farthest end of the venue. "But their ident.i.ties are not the same." His face had this confused look.

"Then go get her." Chen Linyun encouraged him while wrapping one arm around Xue Jinxu. He still did not want the conversation to drag on.

"Thanks buddy. Let"s drink sometime, my treat." He tapped Chen Linyun"s back then went towards the direction of Teng Man Rui.

He sauntered to the direction where Teng Man Rui was standing.

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