He was ecstatic. Beaming brightly he patted himself internally. But then, his smile faded. "Should we continue our date, or would you like to call it a day?"

"Mmm…" Teng Man Rui pretended to think for a bit while slightly smiling. "Let"s proceed with the dinner." A gentle little laugh escaped her luscious mouth.

Zhu Li Qiang almost jumped in surprise. "R-Really? Are you sure?" This time, Zhu Li Qiang held her shoulders in disbelief, almost in the brink of shaking.

The lady giggled. "I am 100% sure. Let"s celebrate for luckily escaping that horrible situation unscathed."

"This dinner…" Teng Man Rui added rather slowly. "You earned it." She completed while looking into his eyes sincerely.

Zhu Li Qiang felt hot on the cheeks. Coincidentally, he was driving, that he had an excuse to stare ahead.

Or was he even fortunate that at this exact moment he was driving? He nearly got distracted for a split-second.

He felt as if he won at the lottery.

The lady laughed even more. "You should see your face in the mirror. Are you that happy?"

Zhu Li Qiang nodded like a school kid.

"Hehehehe." The lady"s arched happy eyes were showing again. "How cute. He"s like a boy, still. Yet he"s man enough, responsible enough. Even brave enough."

For the rest of the ride, Zhu Li Qiang drove in silence. Once in a while both of them were stealing glances from the other, apparently without the other"s knowing. What a game they were playing!

The drive came into a welcome end, after reaching their destination. It was a well-decorated venue for parties and gatherings. The place was big and usually in demand most of the time so booking was rather difficult. With some magic known as connections, Zhu Li Qiang managed to rent for themselves a certain part of the venue.

It was a garden setting surrounded by myriads of lights all around – hung in trees, on posts, on corners. It was enchanting and romantic. There was a large gazebo with a s.p.a.cious ballroom inside. At one end, there was a table so ornately designed with cutleries, and superb table ornaments and setting. At the other end there was a live music from violinists.

"Wow…" Teng Man Rui whispered in such awe. "Zhu Li Qiang… Such preparation…" She murmured while checking out the place with her eyes. She looked at him eventually.

Embara.s.sed as he was, he awkwardly scratched his head while he helplessly fidget in his place, though only momentarily. He pulled himself together, and invested all his attention to the lady.

"You like it? I"m afraid that you will think of me overdoing it. I hope not." He confessed truthfully. HE was extremely nervous!

He led the lady towards a table, pulled a chair and helped her settled on it like a true gentleman.

How many times had he imagined this setting? How many drafts and designs had he crafted inside his head for their first date? That"s right! It"s their first date!

"I like every bit of it! Every corner, every design – everything! You"re spoiling me too much!" Teng Man Rui said, still smiling.

She was mesmerized by the setup and the setting while he was mesmerized by her. He could simply sit across her while not doing anything at all except to gawk on her. He supported his head with his right arm which was already resting on the table. He sighed contentedly.

"I would gladly spoil you anytime, Man Rui." He retorted, already enchated by the lady. His subconscious was answering for him.

"Would you like to start the dinner, or would you care to dance?" Zhu Li Qiang asked for the lady"s preference.

All this time, the violin was being played beautifully. Nothing beats the vibrato of a violin in a romantic setting.

"Let"s dance." Teng Man Rui retorted. She was still smiling. She giggled a little when, upon hearing her words, Zhu Li Qiang stood up, and offered a hand to her. She took it readily.

Hand in hand, elevated almost on the shoulder level, they traversed the ballroom until they reached the middle.

Zhu Li Qiang let go of her hand momentarily. He bowed slightly, which the lady answered with a curtsy. They connected again for the dance.

With the accompaniment of the violins, the circled the ballroom. Zhu Li Qiang was holding her firmly, but not overly imposing, one hand by the waist and the other holding her hand. The lady"s other free hand was on his shoulder.

The circled round and round, ever so bashful, matching the rythym ofe each other quite well. They were staring at each other"s eyes, as if they were the only people in the world. The lady kept on blus.h.i.+ng that the old blushed had not even the chance to subside.

In Zhu Li Qiang"s eyes, however, the lady"s blush was most welcome. "She looks lovelier with her cheeks slightly flushed like that. She looks healthier and livelier. And happier. And prettier…" And the list went on inside his head.

While still at it, Zhu Li Qiang elevated his moves to another level. He placed the hand he was holding onto his shoulder, and rested his now free hand on her waist. He pulled her a little bit closer to him.

He felt her surprise and even a little bit discomfort. Planning to loosen his hold on her waist, he decided to not push it. Then, almost simultaneously, the lady relaxed, and even curled her arms around his neck. "Hehehe." She laughed shyly. They swayed some more times.

A few seconds more, Zhu Li Qiang was hugging Teng Man Rui already. Engulfed by her sweet scent, he forgot his boundaries. The lady seemed fine with it, though, or she"s allowing it just this instance.

Eyes closed, Zhu Li Qiang cradled Teng Man Rui in his arms, as if protecting a precious gem, while dotingly keeping their rhythm, and their astonis.h.i.+ng closeness.

The lady, feeling their closeness, was aware of where the reality was heading, although she said in her mind, "He earned it. Just this once. At least, I can give him as much as this. He"s a good guy and all… But…" She narrowed her eyes while they continued to dance the night away.

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