In the afternoon, they went into the water for a swim. The water was still lukewarm – an effect of the scorching sun during noon. All six of them played in the water, once in a while pus.h.i.+ng the water towards each other. Xue Guangxi and Mo Wenbin tried to swim farther away, but eventually they returned near the sh.o.r.eline where the other four were.

The afternoon was filled with laughter. All of them were so ready to get tanned. For hours they stayed in the water and just had fun. Sometimes they went out of the water to get more fruit juices, and to explore their surroundings.

In the late afternoon they went to the local market and bought more fresh fruits and local goods.

Zhu Li Qiang and Teng Man Rui sauntered along the sh.o.r.eline at dusk. The other four left them be. Honestly, Xue Jinxu was happy how things were turning out for the two. She genuinely wished the both of them all the happiness that they deserved.

Chen Linyun shared the same sentiment, but apparently with a different reason.


Along the sh.o.r.eline, Zhu Li Qiang asked Teng Man Rui while they were sauntering leisurely. "You"re close to Mo Wenbin?"

Teng Man Rui tilted her head, amused. She giggled a little. "What"s this, Zhu Li Qiang? Are you… jealous?"

The man rubbed the top of his nose awkwardly. "Am I too obvious? Of course, I am!"

"A bit." He admitted.

The lady tapped his head gently, stroking his hair with her outstretched hand. Zhu Li Qiang was startled. He looked at the lady with such a bewildered look. She was smiling. "Don"t." She said. "You"re too cute, Zhu Li Qiang hihihi."

Zhu Li Qiang couldn"t help but grin ear-to-ear. He was apparently foolishly ecstatic. The lady was similarly smiling. They were enjoying these sweet moments tremendously. Candies and sugar would shy away from them. A little bit more and bees and ants would have rushed towards them in their sweetness. They were both shy, yet open to each other. They were like teenagers experiencing first love, learning what love is for the first time.

Zhu Li Qiang would have wanted to question the meaning behind the action, but have thought twice and shut his mouth. There were things that would lose momentum once talked about.

"Slowly. Be patient." He reminded himself. Whatever"s his latest and updated score in Teng Man Rui"s heart, only the lady could tell.

Apparently the lady was also putting effort into this. Perhaps she"s even pus.h.i.+ng herself too much.

Teng Man Rui"s situation brought about by her previous relations.h.i.+p did not hinder the progress of her relations.h.i.+p with Zhu Li Qiang. Once she admitted and decided to be open to his advances, tne next steps became rather easy and smooth. She"s trusting Zhu Li Qiang, and that fact was quite the dertermining step, and quite the catalyst in speeding up their progress. They seemed to be getting close to where they want to be, if circ.u.mstances permit.

Zhu Li Qiang simply could not afford for another rival to enter the picture.

They continued their saunter harmoniously.


At night they were preparing for the bonfire when a visitor came.

It was just a few minutes past six. Because summer was fast approaching, although it was still spring, it wasn"t that dark yet. It was a shade of purple and orange and pink, artistically mixed well at dusk.

Then, Mo Wenbin"s phone rang.

"Wenbin-ge, I"m here too." The chirpy voice of a lady came through the phone. Instantly, Mo Wenbin did a face-palm, and exclaimed. "Oh, mother, what have you done?!"

He pulled Chen Linyun aside and briefed him accordingly. "She"s here. Mother might have told her about our trip. Xue Jinxu. They might end up in a cat fight. I"ll manage her, and try to manage your wife. I"ll try to convince her to go home." Mo Wenbin was in a frenzy.

Chen Linyun"s face paled. They did not need to namedrop to know who they were talking about.

"Why is she here?!" He started to panic as well. He stole a glance at the wife who was busy arranging some things in the kitchen with Teng Man Rui. The wife caught his glimpse, and smiled at him innocently in return, without having any idea that the husband and Mo Wenbin were currently facing.

"Mother… You know mother…" Mo Wenbin started off. "I"ll meet her and send her off. Pray that she"ll listen to me."

"Alright. I"ll take a walk with Jinxu, and take her away for a good few minutes. You have to resolve it fast! Call me whatever the update is."

"Roger that."

Without wasting any more time, Chen Linyun dragged Xue Jinxu away. He invited her for a walk along the sh.o.r.eline, to spend some quality time between them.

"But we"re still busy preparing for the bonfire." Xue Jinxu argued back.

Chen Linyun grabbed her by the waist, pulled her close and tried to convince her further. "We haven"t had enough quality time together, Misis Chen. We rarely go out of town so we might as well savor it, just you and me. Let"s sneak out of here just for a few minutes and enjoy our surroundings. Let them do the work. It"s not much anyway."

The lady giggled. "Alright, alright. You seemed persistent. I bet you wouldn"t accept no for an answer."

"You bet. Come on." He said while grabbing her hand and dragging her out of the house.


Meanwhile, Mo Wenbin went towards the entrance of the resort to meet a certain uninvited guest.

"Wenbin-ge. I thought you"ll never come. I waited for like forever!" She readily whined upon seeing Mo Wenbin.

"Mei-mei, why are you here?!" He said, flabbergasted. "You"re not welcome here." He added in his mind, but of course, he couldn"t voice it out.

"You should just go home. They cannot accommodate another person anymore." Mo Wenbin said coldly.

"But I just arrived! It was a long travel going here, yet you want me to go home?! I went here for you! Aunty urged me to come here!" She was almost throwing tantrums.

"Oh, good lord! Mei-mei, just how old are you to act up like this? Come now, be a good girl and go home. I"ll send you off to Sanya airport. Come on, now." He urged her as if he was urging a child. She must be a r.e.t.a.r.d. She"s simply too much of a spoiled brat.

"It"s almost night time already and you want me to go home? I spent around six hours going here. It"s another six hours back!"

"Just who told you to come here anyway?" Mo Wenbin glumly thought.

He sighed. "Sit down first."

He fetched his phone and dialed Chen Linyun"s number.

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