Chen Linyun was seated awkwardly across Father Xue and beside Xue Jinxu at the old family mansion.

After the discussion that afternoon, the Xue parents were seriously considering the option of appointing Chen Linyun as the president, as replacement of the deceased young master, Xue Minhe.

Since Xue Jinxu could not answer for him, Father Xue invited him for dinner. "Honey, can you go here at the Xue Mansion?" Jinxu asked her husband that very afternoon. "Father wants to discuss something with you. He"s inviting you to join us for dinner."

"Alright, I"ll be there in a few minutes."

It was almost dusk, around six in the evening. Upon arrival of Chen Linyun, he was invited to the study first, since it"s still early for dinner. Zhao Feiyan excused herself after exchanging greetings with Chen Linyun to tend to the kitchen and to their dinner.

"Jinxu, have you told him about your twin brother"s fate?" Father Xue started.

"Yes, Father. He knows."

"Very well." Xue Mingli approved and continued. "I"ll get straight to the point, son. We are planning to announce once and for all the pa.s.sing of my eldest son, Xue Minhe, the young master of this household. Though it"s such a sensitive topic to talk about, and to openly admit his demise would be quite upsetting, still we have to do it. Now, you were called today, because we would like you to fill up the vacant position of president of Xue s.h.i.+pping. Guangxi will be retained as COO, but you have to enter the picture as a hands-on president. Are you amenable to the idea? Can you do it?"

All this while, Xue Jinxu was holding his hand under the table tightly, not letting go even for just a breath. She was extremely nervous. She wouldn"t want Chen Linyun to be subjected to hards.h.i.+ps and challenges that the position entails. She knew very well how stressful it is to manage a company.

Before he could answer, Mother Xue entered the study again and called them for dinner. He could only manage to say, "Jinxu and I will discuss it further, F-Father. Can we answer after some deliberation?"

"What"s there to think about?" Father Xue probed while walking out of the study. He tapped Chen Linyun"s shoulder as a sign of him accepting the latter as part of the family, and to give some more pressure on the matter.

"I would have to hear my wife"s opinion about it first, and we"ll decide together."

Father Xue snorted. "She"s almost the same as you earlier. She couldn"t commit on your behalf earlier when we asked her. Go on, you two, discuss it among yourselves. But I hope you decide fast. It"s crucial times."

They convened in the dining table. Soon after, Grampa Xue entered the dining hall as well.

He stopped in his tracks upon setting his eyes on Chen Linyun. "What is he doing here?" He asked sternly.

"G-Grampa, h.e.l.lo. Father and Mother invited us for dinner. We were discussing some important matters this afternoon. They invited me to stay and extended the invitation to my husband."

"Last time I checked, you"re still banished, Jinxu, are you not?"

"Grampa must have woken from the wrong side of the bed. He"s so grumpy. Grumpy Grampa."

"Yes Grampa, I"m still banished. But I came here as a guest. My husband and I are invited by the master of the house."

"Yes, yes, Father. Indeed I invited them! Xu"er and Linyun are here to help us solve Guangxi"s unpleasant situation… And settle Minhe"s matter too."

"What has this dinner got to do with Guangxi or even Minhe?" Grampa curiously asked.

With a raised brow he tested, "Does he know?"

"He does, Father."

"Hmph." He grunted, unsatisfied. "Let"s eat first." He held his chopsticks firmly with his right hand and started picking out dishes on the table. The other family members followed suit.

They ate in awkward silence. Once in a while, the lazy susan turned its way clockwise and counterclockwise, and round and round until almost all bowls and platters lost its delectable content gradually.

"Mister Chen Linyun, we meet again." Grampa broke the silence after everyone had eaten.

"Ahh, y-yes, Sir." Chen Linyun nervously stood up and quite abruptly so, and then did a ninety-degree bow towards Grampa Xue. "At your service, Sir. I"d like to lend a hand too, as Jinxu"s husband."

Grampa Xue flinched at the statement. "Mmmm… Jinxu"s husband, you say? Do you know the extent and the depth of the role of Xu"er"s husband?"

Chen Linyun"s mouth twitched. "I know, Sir. Somehow I know."

"Grampa, please."

Grampa silenced Jinxu with a stare. "Stay out of it Xu"er. Let"s tackle it once and for all. We cannot tiptoe around the topic any further."

"Mister Chen Linyun, since you were brazen enough, and you"ve successfully managed to sweep our princess off her feet, and somehow climb the social ladder, it"s high time to face the responsibilities incorporated with the position of Xu"er"s husband. She"s the eldest child. It"s only right that the authority as the next head of the family belongs to her, and effectively, her husband." Grampa was explaining slowly, but clearly.

"I honestly think that you are too weak, Mister Chen Linyun."

"See, Guangxi"s only turning eighteen yet he"s being attacked with baseless rumors, and even in the company, ill-willed people want to kick him out."

"Almost over a year and a half ago, someone abducted him and tried to get rid of him. Fortunately, he was saved on time. I bet you knew about it as well."

"And then Minhe"s case…" Grampa Xue grunted in dismay. "There must be some sort of foul play in it."

"I"m telling you these things not to frighten you but orient you of the situation. Our princess has become strong over the years out of need. I don"t want her to stay strong only to know that she"s s.h.i.+elding her husband, because it should be the other way around!"

"Now, Mister Chen Linyun, tell me. Are you up to the challenge? Tell me straight now once and for all."

Without delay, Chen Linyun answered with conviction, "Yes, Sir! I"m up to any challenge! I will be strong for my wife! I will protect her with everything I"ve got. I may look physically weak, but I have other ways to fight and impose authority and protect my wife and everyone that is important to me. I have the means and resources to do that."

Grampa Xue studied him closely.

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