
Xue Guangxi was still deeply sleeping one day in his lodging in Indonesia when he heard someone call his name. He thought initially that he was dreaming. It was already broad daylight, around lunchtime.


His name was uttered again.

He grunted, and ever so slowly, he opened his eyes to see his sister sitting by his bedside. "Ughmm, Xu-jie, is that really you? You"re here?" He said in disbelief while rubbing off sleep from his eyes.


Xue Jinxu was displeased upon seeing the extremely messy room where her brother was staying. She was let in by Xue Guangxi"s bodyguards who picked her up from the airport. The room was messy with pieces of trash, used takeout food containers, which, by the way, smelled awfully of spoiled, rotten old leftover food and in every sense, putrid. That, combined with the stench of alcohol which was probably coming from Xue Guangxi himself was too much for her liking.

Although she would have wanted to scold her brother, it had not escaped her observation that somehow something was not right. This little brother of her lived with her for a while, and she had personally seen him growing up. He hadn"t been anywhere near the same situation nor behavior he was depicting currently. This wasn"t his brother"s norm. If she had not seen her with her own eyes and would only hear stories of his present state, she would not have believed it because it would not sound like her brother at all.

"What happened?" Actually, she was afraid to ask. However, she"s the closest guardian the kid had at the moment. Whatever guidance and help he needs, she would have to provide it first to him. "Is this the aftermath of all the ruckus back home? Does he not want to come home to face the problems? Is it too much for him?" She was in deep contemplation.

Xue Guangxi sat up on his bed. While still rubbing his eyes, he asked, "Why are you here, Xu-jie?"

If Master Xue heard this question, he would have grabbed Xue Guangxi by the collar and threw a fit of pure rage, and scold him bigtime for still playing around and overstaying abroad doing nothing productive when he"s direly needed at home. If he"s needed under usual circ.u.mstances, all the more now that there were rumors and challenges that were thrown directly to him and his leaders.h.i.+p.

But Master Xue wasn"t there. Instead, his extremely tolerant big sister was there in front of him. The heavens still spared him some beating.

"I"m here to take you home." She said curtly. Xue Jinxu was trying to read the situation first before doing anything rash, for a change. She had always been sensitive with this little brother of hers.

She sighed. "Guangxi, we have to fix the matters involving you at home, and at the soonest possible time at that. What have you been doing here?" She looked as if she grew a lot older than her age. "Would parenting be this complicated? Seems like a balancing act between being tough and understanding."

"What matters? Sorry, I left without saying a word. Is the company doing fine? I thought it should since you"re still there anyway. Even if I"m the COO by name, you still control everything. I"m just a puppet." He said dejectedly, laced with some bitterness as if he was wronged.

Xue Jinxu clenched her fists. There"s sharpness in Guangxi"s tone. She was slighted, but there was some truth in it. She let it slide at the moment because what struck her more was that it appeared that Xue Guangxi did not know what was happening back home.

"Where"s your cellphone? We couldn"t contact you. Have you received Father"s message? Did the guards pa.s.s it on to you?"

"Got it, it"s there somewhere." He retorted while returning on lying down on his stomach and burying his face on the pillow.

Xue Jinxu instantly stood up to look for the letter. She found it on the floor. It was still unopened. This time, she went mad with fury. She couldn"t take it anymore. "You haven"t even opened the letter!"

She pushed him, nudged him and shook him hard to make him look at her again, to grab his attention. "GUANGXI!!!"

He was unmoving, maintaining his lying position.

She pulled the pillow underneath his face sideways. Naturally, the movement sc.r.a.ped Guangxi"s face but before he could protest, he felt beaten repeatedly by the same pillow. It hit him on his back, and on his head with an intensity that never waned no matter how many beatings he received. He could only dock under his own arms.

It took several minutes for Xue Jinxu to vent out her anger. She was shaking hard when she finally dropped the pillow.

"What"s happening to you, Guangxi? You can tell me, mhmm?" She"s back to being tolerant. She was tired, but then again she was the only relative this child has in that country. How on earth would she be able to drag this boy home if she doesn"t even know what concerns him? How would she be able to help him?

No matter how big he looks like, no matter if he already resembles a full grown man, he"s but a child, still.

Xue Jinxu was nearing tears out of desolation. "Let me know, Guangxi, so that I could help you. Let me inside your head. What happened exactly?"

Xue Guangxi finally stood up. "I"ll go out for a while." He said while approaching the door.

Jinxu tagged along. "Where?"

Xue Guangxi was irritated yet he did not answer back and continued in his track. He did not even change his clothes. He just put on his shoes.

"I said, where?!" Xue Jinxu kept on following him, equally annoyed at him, yet she continued to follow him around like a stage mom and a mother hen.

"Nowhere, anywhere. Outta here." Xue Guangxi answered, his face scrunched in a grimace. He sat on his motorcycle while attaching his helmet.

Xue Jinxu sat on the motorcycle as well, behind Guangxi. "I"ll go with you."

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