He sighed. "I thought before that the s.h.i.+ boy would be a perfect match for her. They were easy-going when they were younger. Now they want to literally kill each other."

"They knew each other before the engagement?"

"Of course. They shared the same kindergarten."

"But she told me she didn"t know who she"s betrothed to." He mumbled under his breath, deep in thought.

Grampa heard his mumblings and was too accommodating to explain. "She didn"t even care to know who she was betrothed to. Never asked the name of the person we arranged for her. She wasn"t interested." He snorted. "Such stubbornness!"

"And most probably she has forgotten about him altogether."

"The boy left young when their whole family moved to South Korea." He continued. "When Jinxu a.s.sumed the position in the company, she changed. She became almost a different person, and it was quite understandable. The situation called for such changes."

"However, those changes include getting oblivious of her childhood. She became tough and resilient as the job required… and as if shredding skin, she completely disregarded her sweet pampered princess life."

"I wouldn"t be surprised if she has forgotten lots of mundane events unrelated to work."

"Sir, do you… Do you really prefer the s.h.i.+ young master for her?" Chen Linyun grimaced. He couldn"t hide the hurt and anguish he felt with Grampa Xue"s disposition. "I"ve worked hard to be able to stand beside her. Now, I can be that knight and the prince who can give her reinforcements in war, fight with her, not just the archer who would be more useful from afar. Yet…"

He clenched his fists. It"s not a perfect world after all.

He was being brazen. Noticing that the Xue grandfather wasn"t as unapproachable as he usually portrays, he was maximizing this opportunity to know more from him.

True enough, Grampa Xue did not mind at all.

"At first, yes. I prefer him. He has the background and strength, the personality to rule and be ruthless in this vengeful world. But Guangxi helped me open my eyes. He was too ruthless, too ambitious and dangerous. He"s inhumane!"

"You knew what he did, Sir?" Chen Linyun asked, surprised and incredulous.

"More or less."

"But there"s no evidence, is there? Just a recording pen." He snorted. "Legally, recording a conversation in secret is a breach of human rights. We can risk to use it but there"s a huge probability that it will be deemed inadmissible at court, or it will be accepted but our end will be penalized. Either way, it"s more of a lose-win situation."

"And only for a recording pen? You have to know, Chen Linyun. The two families have been partners since the times of our ancestors several generations back. Although there"s some truth to it, would this instance justify the destruction of partners.h.i.+p that will affect the lives of thousands of our employees? More so, it will appear that the Xue Family has started accusations against the s.h.i.+ Family. The situation can be flipped easily. It"s a game of the wicked."

"There"s a workaround, Sir. We don"t have to use that pen nor attack them head-on. Their business is on the brink of falling at their own foolishness. They will fall on their own, Sir."

Grampa Xue raised his brow. "How would you know?" He looked at Chen Linyun studiously.

"I initiated it, Sir." Chen Linyun pushed back his lenses upward with his thumb and index finger – his habit when he wanted to partially cover the lower half of his face.

"Hmph. Are you showing off right now, son?" Grampa Xue almost laughed. His beady, old eyes reflected sheer amus.e.m.e.nt.

Chen Linyun"s face turned tomato-red. "Not my intention, Sir. But if it would lead to winning your favor, it won"t mean any harm either."

Grampa Xue finally laughed a little. "I"m developing this irking inclination of somewhat being charmed by you."

"Your appearance tells otherwise, but you seem cunning, Mister Chen Linyun." Grampa Xue"s eyes sparkled.

"Is that a compliment, Sir?" He retorted bashfully.

"Think of it however you like." His lips were still curved upwards. "I"m starting to like this lad. Very una.s.suming yet delivers results, on his own accord at that!"

"How far are you with our bet? Three things, as I remember correctly."

"Rough estimate is around 60%. I"m currently addressing the internal strife within the company, and the market share growth and I"m positive of its outcome. Regarding the matter with Guangxi… and the overall impression of the Xue Family…I"ll start on it once Jinxu wakes up, and once we return to Beijing. It can be done, Sir."

"Sounds impressive, Chen Linyun."

"I would like to request one more from you, lad." Grampa was neither overbearing nor demanding. He was even mellow, and if one looked closely, he"s even emotional.

"Once Jinxu wakes up…" He continued.

Chen Linyun gulped. A drop of sweat trickled down his temple. "What could it be?" He was nervous.

At this point, a line up of doctors came rus.h.i.+ng into the ICU. They were marching hurriedly along the corridors, unfeeling. They were maintaining this mask of non-emotion.

Both Grampa and Chen Linyun stood up abruptly.

"What"s happening, doctor?" Chen Linyun inquired.

"We"re going to check on the patient first. Please excuse us." With that, they left the two worried relatives – one old and the other youthful, yet both love the patient in their own respective way.

A few more minutes past and the duo were almost losing patience from waiting indefinitely.

As the clock kept on ticking, the more vexed and worried and weak at heart Chen Linyun became. Where could he possible source his strength to last this feat?

How could he even show a sign of weakness in front of Grampa Xue, of all people?

Chen Linyun had to keep the strong, calm façade no matter what.

More minutes pa.s.sed. Neither spoke nor broke the silence.

Grampa Xue was in the middle of his statement before the doctors came, but he was not showing any signs of continuing. It left Chen Linyun hanging all the more.

Soon, the patient"s parents arrived at the scene, outside the ICU.

Butler Lee also came, not really for the patient, but to call Chen Linyun for the meeting with the executives. He was also carrying Chen Linyun"s laptop, as per the latter"s request earlier. Reading the situation, he left on his own accord, and sent a message to Chen Linyun which read, "Sir, I will postpone the meeting at a more convenient time."

In which Chen Linyun replied, "Thanks, Butler Lee."

The waiting was put to an end when the series of doctors came out of the ICU. All the relatives present held their breath for the doctors" verdict.

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