The following days and weeks were spent vehemently doing preparations for the ceremony. Well, for the most part, Xue Jinxu had been informally a.s.signed to manage and to take the lead with the arrangements to suit her liking.
While the husband was still busy being the OIC in Xue s.h.i.+pping, the lady got to work with the preparations. Not to mention, she reopened her shop, Kodomo-toki, which added to her hectic schedule.
Every single day meant business as usual for the two.
Xue Jinxu spent more time with Jiang Ying Yue, the mother-in-law than Chen Linyun who could only make so much time for his own mother. Mother Chen was fine with that, because who wouldn"t be satisfied with Xue Jinxu as a daughter-in-law?
The two families discussed and had chosen an auspicious date for the wedding ceremony in October –a little less than four months away from the current date. It was still in June.
During this time, Jiang Ying Yue and Xue Jinxu met with famous wedding dress couture, bakeshop and pastry shops, and caterers. They visited potential locations for the wedding ceremony – hotels, resort, and the likes.
The problem was, Xue Jinxu could not make up her mind of what kind of a wedding ceremony she wanted.
Nonetheless, there"s one pressing thing in her mind that she was so sure of. That was, having little buns as soon as possible. She was too decided that she rendered it of utmost importance and a.s.signed a top-priority flag on it. It was a frenzy the husband could not understand at all.
"Why are you suddenly so pressed in having our own children, Jinxu? What changed?" Chen Linyun asked the wife one sunny summer day one weekend when they were sprawled on bench recliners and were fancying having a beautiful tan. They were in a weekend getaway in a resort. "Notably, you were too adamant before."
Eyes closed in apparent delight from her sunbathing, the wife answered. "When you encounter death"s glaring face, you"ll understand." The weight of her statement could not be shrugged off lightly but the way she delivered it was as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
Then she opened her eyes and with such a gruesome feature lingering on her lovely face, she turned to her husband and added. "In the event that it happens again – not that I am wis.h.i.+ng for it, G.o.d knows I don"t – and if I, unfortunately, don"t survive it, just say it happened, Chen Linyun, honey, I don"t want you to be left alone in this world."
"Such is life, we wouldn"t know when our time will come."
She clenched her fists, and her eyes flickered with what appeared to be… fear?
"Hush, hush. We will live long lives, Jinxu…" He went to where she was sitting, squeezed her arm gently in an attempt to pacify her, and kissed her lips pa.s.sionately.
The lady was quivering, but then as brave as she was, she toughened up and smiled her signature genuine smile.
"So are you convinced now?" The teasing alpha female that she was inquired. "Shall we get to work now, honey?"

Chen Linyun poked her on the forehead lightly. "What"s the rush? Can"t you wait until our wedding night?" He asked back, equally playful.
"Eeeek!!" The lady shrieked and giggled. "You!"
Chen Linyun laughed at the lady"s reaction. "Are you being coy right now, Misis Chen?"
"h.e.l.l, yeah! I"m going to be a bride again."
"We should do this every year haha!"
"Nah, just joking."
Chen Linyun kissed the back of the lady"s hand, already intertwined with his. "But if you prefer that, we can do it every year. Renew our vows and all. Anything you want, I"ll give if it"s within my power."
"That"s sweet, but it"s a waste of resources. Maybe next year we already have a little bun with us." She winked.
The husband"s face turned red. "She doesn"t know how to quit, does she?"
She scratched her chin with her free hand, lost in her own thought bubble. "But honey, our wedding night is around three more grueling months from now. It"s too far ahead yet!"
"You"re getting short-sighted. With how busy you are, it won"t take that long. You wouldn"t notice it."
She was moping like a spoiled kid who didn"t get what she wanted.
"Enough of this talk." He kissed the tip of her nose. "Wait for our wedding night. Isn"t it exciting?"
"In the meantime, make sure your body is ready for it." He reddened to next degree. "Not just that but what will come afterwards. Make sure you"re ready for what you"re asking both physically and mentally, Jinxu. Be ready for everything." He looked at her flat belly.
Eyes burning with pa.s.sion and antic.i.p.ation, she committed, "I"m 100% ready. I"m a fighter and a survivor. I want them. I will get them. You have to help me. Sure, I can wait for three months as long as I get "em cute little buns who look like you." At the end of her speech which started strong, she baby-talked her husband and pinched his cheeks repeatedly. "Cute, cute, cute, cute. You"re the epitome of cuteness, dear. I want a girl and a boy who both look like you. Why not two pairs of girls and boys?" She kissed him intermittently. "I"m so crazy about you, Chen Linyun."
"Me too."
"As many as we can, love." He squinted his warm eyes, pleased with his little wife"s rough planning.
"Though I want little buns who act like you – strong-willed, talented, stubborn and pretty."
"Let"s settle at 50-50%." He haggled.
"Fine with me." She kissed him again and again and again and giggled.
"Three more months, huh? I can wait."
With the determination that came from knowing what awaits after the ceremony, Xue Jinxu focused most of their time perfecting their wedding preparations. In the end, she decided and settled with the idea of a traditional Chinese wedding with a fusion of contemporary.
Three months flew by easily as seasons change from summer to autumn, their favorite season.
In those three months, although the Chen couple lived in bliss, the usual challenges were thrown towards the Xue Family, without the knowledge of the princess, one of which was the rumors about Xue Guangxi.
With the efforts of the family and Chen Linyun, the rumors were subdued and redirected to other mundane gossips. Such was the cycle, gossips circulate everywhere and the old gets replaced with the new.
But for a certain someone lurking in the shadows, it"s not the end of it yet.

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