Right upon setting foot in their dream house, Chen Linyun found himself being dragged helplessly by the smiling wife.
Wordlessly, she grabbed Chen Linyun"s hand as he alighted from the car without any explanation whatsoever. Her long jet-black hair twirled in the air as she glided smoothly. Hand-in-hand, they entered together, both faces adorned with beautiful smiles.
Chen Linyun could not comprehend the situation, but at least, his wife was smiling, contrary to the negative vibes she had been exuding during the phone call that morning.
Nonetheless, there was this feeling of uneasiness that made him put his guards up and be cautious for what the wife"s next action could be. He wouldn"t want to be taken by surprise especially if it"s something that he would not prefer at the very least.
With light steps he traversed their living room, the wife still leading by hand. "Let me pamper you, dear~" She had said, glancing at his direction and shooting him with her sweetest smile.
It was as if she shot him a lethal attack straight to his heart which suddenly had gone *thump* *thump* *thump* the loudest way possible.
"She still has the same effect on me." He thought as he felt heat reached his cheeks automatically. Right. It"s the Xue Jinxu effect.
He touched the bottom rim of his gla.s.ses – a habit he unconsciously adopted as a defense whenever he knew his face turns tomato red. It was embarra.s.sing.
One year into the marriage and he still found himself blus.h.i.+ng and getting embarra.s.sed.
In no time they reached the master"s bedroom on the second floor – their room and love nest. "Go take a bath." She ordered. "Then come right back here."
"Hurry, okay!"
"What has gotten into you today?"
"Shut up and just take a bath. We"ll do all the talking later."
When he got out of the shower in a robe, Chen Linyun was pulled again by the wife and was shoved onto a chair with a prearranged setup fit for a…
Foot ma.s.sage.
She pointed at the setup at the farther corner of the room. "Tsan!" She said excitedly while presenting the setup. "I"ll give you a foot ma.s.sage, hon." The lady said while shoving him towards the chair. Her cheeks were glowing pink as well. She was equally embarra.s.sed.
Xue Jinxu sat in a stool in front of the chair then grabbed Chen Linyun"s left foot.
"Jinxu!" The husband exclaimed, abashed, as he struggled to free his foot from the lady"s grasp. There was no way he would allow her to stoop down to pamper him this way. It was akin to allowing a queen to become a servant for a moment.
"Don"t you dare move!" Xue Jinxu ordered sternly as she was getting fl.u.s.tered by it herself. She spanked his foot hard as a warning and tightened her grip on it, anxious not to be able to proceed with her plans for the night.
Knowing how much stubbornness the wife had in her, Chen Linyun relented. After all, what could possibly arise from this situation other than some lovey-dovey intimate moments with the wife?

What more intimate moments could they share than shedding each other"s inhibitions and being naked at each other"s presence at an emotional and psychological level?
Xue Jinxu"s action spoke of willingness as if to say, "This is nothing. I could bend my knees and kneel before you, and serve you."
Or better yet, her actions could be interpreted as submitting to him.
In her mind, she simply thought, "Honey, I just want to pamper you. I"ll do it for you. Some little token for your hard work…" But she remained silent as she pumped essential oil onto her hands and rubbed it together.
Adorned with a scowl, face concentrating as if it"s the hardest task in the world, Xue Jinxu pressed and kneaded with her knuckles in an adroit manner. Her scowl never left her burning face.
"Where did you learn this?" Chen Linyun, who was equally blus.h.i.+ng, was quite impressed. At first, he felt awkward and he couldn"t even look at the wife who was seated just in front of him on her stool, but as she kneaded and applied pressure, he felt relaxed and comfortable, which eventually led into pus.h.i.+ng his guards down.
"I watched videos on the internet." She explained calmly without tearing her gaze from her craft. At this point, the left foot was done. She had laid it again and fetched the other foot. "Does it do what it"s supposed to do? Are you feeling more at ease?"
"Mhmm…" He murmured as he closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair. "Excellently done, Jinxu."
Minutes pa.s.sed as Xue Jinxu silently performed her task for the night – to please her husband her way.
As she finished and laid his right foot on the ground, he shot his eyes wide open, sat up, and with a swift movement, he grabbed with both hands the wife"s face. She was taken by surprise as her eyes widened from the swift movement. Next thing she realized her lips were already captured by another pair of soft lips in an intense acknowledgment and response to her heartwarming deed.
His kiss was so pa.s.sionate that it communicated a message wanting to tell her the depth of his sentiments.
"It reached me. Your love, your care. It certainly does."
Indeed, actions speak louder than words.
Xue Jinxu"s worry and desire to care for her husband, and Chen Linyun"s appreciation couldn"t be better expressed than how they chose it to. They were well in sync.
Nevertheless, there were things that needed to be settled through an in-depth discussion.
Chen Linyun would have wanted to go deeper with the kiss as he leaned forward and encapsulated the wife in his embrace which shouted security. But, at this point, the wife pulled away.
Xue Jinxu gently wiped Chen Linyun"s lower lip with a nearby napkin. "I need to discuss something with you."
Almost instantaneously, Chen Linyun"s eyebrow shot up hearing the statement. Call it a premonition.
At this point, Xue Jinxu was still sitting in her stool in front of Chen Linyun while he was seated on an armchair. He pulled her onto his lap. The wife obliged.
"Honey, I would like to recommend someone for a management position in Chen Holdings…" The lady stood up, went over the shelf and pulled out a folder.
"Here." She handed the folder to the husband, apparent signs of puzzlement portrayed on his face.
He tilted his head as he studied her stoic face. "You bribed me first with a ma.s.sage for this? Who could it be?"
"I trust the person"s capability. The person is reliable too. The folder contains background information and credentials."
"d.a.m.n. Who could it be? For her to take the initiative to prepare a bribe…" Chen Linyun"s face formed a frown. He ma.s.saged the s.p.a.ce between his brows and closed his eyes as he could feel the tension rising again from inside him.
"I think I need another ma.s.sage. Why are you doing this huge of favor for anybody? Is he your friend?" The lady was treading on dangerous grounds. Chen Linyun very seldom got angry. In cases that he did, he wasn"t angry because of the wife. In this specific instance, however, he"s nearing losing his cool for the very first time.
"Who?" Xue Jinxu blinked several times, not following the conversation.
"The person you"re endorsing for an open position."
"Oh." Xue Jinxu laughed sweetly, nonchalantly.
Chen Linyun"s blood pressure skyrocketed. He could feel the surge of the force of blood upward, inside his head. "d.a.m.n. She could still smile thinking about him. Perhaps a relative?"
"It"s in the folder." She answered curtly as she returned seated onto his lap. Apparently, she did not have any intentions of explaining any further.
The husband"s hand clenched, crumpling the edge of the folder while the missus remained oblivious of his internal turmoil.
Chen Linyun was irritated beyond words. Could he be… jealous?

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