Teng Man Rui continued to deliver her spiel.
"It"s difficult for me to live with you like this, or even be around you. I cannot even bear to see you care for me so much, the way you had been doing it. It"s a slap on my face! I cannot look at you in the eyes because I"m scared of what those beautiful deep eyes will reflect and tell me. I cannot endure being around you, living in your house, breathing the same air with you, wearing the clothes you bought for me, and eating the food you had prepared for me."
"Every good deed you performed for me only acted like a hammer that kept on hitting the protruding nail that was my shame. It"s burying in me deeper into a quicksand I would never be able to escape if I stay here longer."
"And…" After a moment of pause, she added, "I think we have to end everything between us now, Zhu Li Qiang."
Everything that Teng Man Rui narrated had been said in such a robotic, unemotional way, except for her last statement. She choked on her last words and finished it fast, as she gulped several times to dissolve the forming lump on her throat, and blinked countless times with the intent to flush the forming tears away.
"…I"m going to stay with Jinxu, or in her empty apartment. I"m sure she"ll agree to it… If you want to send your men to look after me… If that will give you the peace of mind you deserve, that"s amenable with me. That"s fine… Suit yourself... Though, I suggest, you won"t."
"I"m really sorry, Zhu Li Qiang… You deserve better… It will certainly hurt now, but eventually you"ll realize that this really has to happen to us… It"s the end of our short-lived romance. I"m happy every minute of it."
"I will treasure it forever."
No matter how much she blinked, unshed tears still built up and spilled from her eyes" brim. She inhaled rapidly to help flush out the building strong pang of emoitions inside her chest. The pain was not a joke. Not at all. It was real and could compete to the recent traumatizing experiences she had undergone lately.
Zhu Li Qiang was silent. Using his hand that was still gripping her elbow, he pulled her into a tight hug.
"No, this is not the end, Man Rui. We just started, haven"t we?" He retorted to her monologue, unwilling to give her up easily, after that he had invested in.
"Say that you don"t love me, but you cannot lie to me. I would know if you"re lying."
"I understand you want s.p.a.ce to breathe. I can give that. You may stay with Jinxu or in her apartment. You can do that."
"But please, don"t end things with me."
"Man Rui." He locked her in his warm loving embrace as the lady struggled to free herself out of it. Her arms were limping meekly by her sides.
"I am dedicating my life for you. While saving you, I made a vow for eternity that I will dedicate my life for you no matter what the circ.u.mstance is as long as you survive that feat. And you did… So don"t you go on with your argument that I won"t understand you. Trust me, I do. Whatever it is, Man Rui, I accept you as you…"

"I will be patient with you, and wait for you until you"re ready to face me again. I will wait forever it need be. I am yours, Man Rui."
"Say that you don"t love me if it"s the truth. I dare you, say it!" He challenged, face was grim and his whole body was trembling like crazy.
"I…" Teng Man Rui was tongue-tied. What would she say? She was faltering.
"You"re mine." s.h.i.+ Fan Hai rang inside her head. She gasped in horror and struggled even more to free herself.
Sensing it, Zhu Li Qiang even constricted their hug as if telling her, "It"s okay, Man Rui I"ve got you."
Out loud, he pacified her. "Hush, now… I am someone you can trust. You don"t have to be guilty around me, Man Rui. It"s not your fault. Don"t blame yourself. No one"s blaming you. In fact, I have to thank you for fighting for your life and being with me today."
"I want you to heal, Man Rui."
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"So… what would you say… Do you, or do you not love me?" Expectant, he regretted asking the question right after it escaped his mouth. But, well, it"s too late now. Whatever her answer is, he would need to respect, as long as it"s the G.o.dd.a.m.n truth.
"I love you, Zhu Li Qiang."
"That"s why I cannot bear you to be so good to me, in spite of."
"I don"t deserve it, and you deserve better."
Zhu Li Qiang cradled the back of her head with his right hand as he squeezed her tighter in his hug. He whispered on her ear, "That"s all the a.s.surance that I need."
"My heart beats the same. I love you. Man Rui. My life is for you. Remember that."
"Go now. Bring Chichi with you. I"ll a.s.sign one of my men to drop you off where you would meet Jinxu. Group B of my men will be looking out for your safety." He kissed her on her crown as he stroked her head with his right hand.
"I"ll keep you safe. Don"t worry about anything, just recuperate your health."
"I love you."
She nodded as she pulled away from his mighty arms, and exited the front door of his penthouse.

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