It was the day of her flight.

Xue Jinxu woke up early at four in the morning to prepare. She had not woken Guangxi up. She moved quietly and had been running around the house while she packed for her trip. Her flight was scheduled six in the morning. She was expected to arrive in Shanghai at around half past eight.

She encircled the whole of her apartment and double checked everything. After all, she will be gone for almost a week.

She had instructed her staff to maximize her trip to Shanghai since she does not go there quite often. Being the biggest port in China, the activity of their fleet there was also very far from negligible. Aside from the main objective of the trip to resolve the issue with the Shanghai port, she also scheduled to meet with their other clients who were located in the area, and to do a random unannounced inspections to their fleet which were in the s.h.i.+pyards for repair, maintenance and upgrade.

Representatives from the legal and PR teams, together with Miss Yan, her secretary and a.s.sistant, also went with her. Butler Lee was left in Beijing to be at Guangxi"s side. She had instructed Butler Lee to help Guangxi with his training. The boy needed guidance, and the next best option after Xue Jinxu was Butler Lee.

It was going to be a busy week.

After checking, she headed out of Apartment 301 while pulling her grey luggage suitcase. To her surprise, she noticed somebody"s lurking in the shadows.

"Who"s there?" She was wary.

"It"s me." Chen Linyun appeared. It was only around five in the morning.

"Chen Linyun! You"re up early. What"s up?" She greeted cordially with a bright smile to start the day right.

"Here." He extended his arm which seemed to be carrying a bag. He offered it to her. He was gazing on the floor. He glanced at her, his other hand fixed the position of his on his face.

"I baked a new batch of cookies yesterday. I remembered you like them so much so I packed you some. You can eat it while you"re in between places, or if you feel hungry or if you simply feel like eating it. I also prepared sandwiches. I thought that you wouldn"t be able to eat breakfast with a flight this early. I also put a medicine kit and a shawl just in case you feel cold, or you aren"t feeling well. I"ve also included insect repellant, and some other small things..."

He recited as if he had memorized all of these. He was stoic from beginning to end.

Xue Jinxu simply stared at him, bewildered. "Linyun, you shouldn"t have, really. It"s too much! I"m so grateful!" She said while accepting the bag with both hands. She slung it across her shoulder. She could not possibly reject such kindness. It was thoughtful of him.

"Please take care of yourself." His stoic countenance had now revealed a worried expression.

Honestly she was genuinely touched with the whole gesture. He had prepared so much for her and had even woken up early just to send her off before her flight. She wasn"t used to the special treatment.

She said, "I"m only going away for a week!" She gently laughed.

Chen Linyun ignored her, instead he pulled her wrist and hugged her.

"Hey." She wanted to push him with her arm that was trapped between them, but she changed her mind. She figured this guy was simply worried about her. His face showed it too much.

The hug didn"t even take that long. "See you after a week." He turned around and sauntered away. It was kind of cool, the way he did it. The truth was, Chen Linyun, was simply pus.h.i.+ng himself to do it although he was trembling all over, simply because he wanted to, and he did not want to regret not being able to send her off today.

And so, off went the lady and took her flight. At the airport, she unwrapped the sandwich that he had prepared. Her stomach was full and her heart was full as well. "So this is the feeling of being taken care of. How warm." She smiled. Even as a Big Miss, n.o.body had done something like this before for her, not even Butler Lee or the maids in their house, unless she asked for it. Even her own mother had not done it for her!

At Shanghai, inside the car going to her accommodation, she munched on the heavenly cookies that he baked especially for her.

During that week, she had been on the run doing her own things, but once in a while, she would dig into the magic shoulder bag that Chen Linyun had prepared for her. It was handy and quite useful. At the end of the week, almost all of the articles inside the bag had been used, except for the medicines, which is good, because it meant that she had been well all along.

All her to-do list had almost been accomplished, and the trip was so far turning out to be a success. Her business trip to Shanghai for one week flew away just like that, and was now coming to an end.

The discussion and negotiations with the port of Shanghai had turned out well. Her random inspection had also turned out quite well. The crew were surprised but were also honored that the COO herself came to conduct the audit. After all, it was rare to meet the G.o.ddess COO. She was treated not only as a boss but as a celebrity, and guest of honor as well. They treated her and her team to lunch, and after all the inspection they had offered to tour her around, which she obliged.

In every step of the way she had been constantly reminded of Chen Linyun, through the magic shoulder bag. If this was one of his ways to get closer to her, it certainly worked out. It was as if he was also there beside her taking care of her.

"How warm." She had always said in her mind.

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