Xue Jinxu and Kang Sola looked at each other in astonishment as they frantically sprung up from their seats. "You go down first." The older lady commanded the girl as the former seemed busy composing another message, which she consequently sent to her husband, "Pick us up at Zenith-O. I"m with the girls. Bring Zhu Li Qiang. Be here ASAP."

Just to make sure her husband would take notice of his mobile phone, she rang it a couple of times, not waiting for him to answer. And then she proceeded down the stairs towards the dance floor where the commotion was. 

In the middle of the dance floor, the still dancing mob, unaware of the simmering conflict, flocked around a certain group who noticeably stopped dancing, where tension seemingly grew by the minute.

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Teng Man Rui and Hw.a.n.g Meilin hit the dance floor first thing upon entering the raging establishment as if their feet were on sizzling fire. Hand-in-hand they geared towards the middle of the dance floor where they bobbed and swung their bodies according to the rhythm of the songs, faces were adorned with large, wide grins accompanied by occasional sweet youthful, girly laughter. Eventually, not long after they started, some tall lanky guys surrounded them and danced with them. Hw.a.n.g Meilin immediately sn.o.bbed them and harrumphed in utter annoyance, but much to her surprise, her friend, Xiao Rui had been anything but sn.o.bbish. 

Teng Man Rui giggled and danced with them, grinding her hips close to the men"s bodies and continued cackling when nothing"s even funny while turning around as they oscillated with the music stylishly. She flickered her eyelashes seductively and raked her hair both in the attempt of fixing it and making it even messier. She intentionally did all these movements while keeping her moving hips and turning round and round. The two men flocked around her like crazy as if they were enthralled, and drawn in even more, like moths enamored by the dangerous flame, and as if they were in a middle of a chase. 

The tease, Xiao Rui once in a while grabbed a shot gla.s.s or two and downed it in one go. Some of the liquor escaped the side of her mouth, which she wiped clean with the back of her hand. Her laughter merged with loud music, as she became even more heavily intoxicated. 

Teng Man Rui started to stagger while still trying to dance with sloppy moves. Her legs crossed the other and a moment longer, she would have kissed the ground, if only the dance floor was not packed with crazed youth. One of the guys wrapped his arms around her, supporting her with his strength behind her. The other man surrounded her from the front and grabbed her wrists gently. She giggled some more and raised both her arms freeing it both from the stranger"s grip and staggered some more with one wrong step crisscrossed the other foot. One of the men, the one behind her, caught her.

Everything happened rapidly. Hw.a.n.g Meilin on the sides watched closely, and with concerned friendly judgment, brows furrowed with indecision what to do next without having to leave her friend behind. That was when she hastily composed a message to the other two friends who were staying in the booth upstairs. "I need some reinforcements with Xiao Rui. She"s a bit tipsy already and is currently behaving oddly. Specifically, she"s become dangerously flirtatious!!!!"

A few minutes ago, there wasn"t even any tension in the air. Just after Hw.a.n.g Meilin sent the first message, the two men appeared to be fighting over who"s taken dibs on Teng Man Rui. That"s when she sent another one, "SOS ASAP!! We might get into trouble!!"

Hw.a.n.g Meilin started to get scared as the two men stopped dancing, both arms gripping Teng Man Rui"s limbs at each side. "Let go of my friend!" She tried to slap their arms away, but they never let go. They didn"t even spare her a glance. More panic landed on her as if it"s raining on her head.

She pressed the number one on her phone – her speed dial. "Answer it, please." Her feet fidgeted as her heartbeat quickens.

"Meilin-Jie." Kang Sola shouted at the top of her lungs as the loud music reverberated in the air. She was still far off from where Hw.a.n.g Meilin was standing. Kang Sola was struggling against the tide of people who were already jampacked and raging with the music. She got swayed even farther from where she"s supposed to be going.

"Meilin-Jie! Hang on!!" Kang Sola shouted again, in spite of her situation. She looked as if she also needed saving from getting washed away by the human tide.

"Oh no! Sola!" Hw.a.n.g Meilin reached her right arm towards her, yet she stopped. She could only go to one friend at a time. If she went towards Sola, that would mean she would be leaving Teng Man Rui"s side, which, by the way, would not be a good idea at the moment. Her friend was defenseless, and if she wasn"t there, the men would have taken her away.

She chose to stand her ground and attacked the men. "I said, let go of her!!!" She surged forward and concentrated all her small body"s frame on her hands as she tried to pull Teng Man Rui closer towards her. 

One of the men – the bulkier between the two – grabbed her by the wrist and threw her away. She lost her balance and was repelled strongly backward. Hw.a.n.g Meilin got nervous even more as she stumbled and struggled on her own, flapping her arms trying to find balance, when she b.u.mped her back onto something solid. She bounced forward this time. 

"Huh! Ouch!" She gasped in protest as her eyes widened from getting caught unaware.

Now, being thrown forward, a hand caught her in place. As she turned her head backward, she could sense a hovering shadow of a man who was standing behind her. "Be careful, lady."

"Who pushed her?" The man bellowed, despite the loud music. The oblivious youths within earshot who were still dancing glanced at him as they heard him ask forebodingly.

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