A young well-made up woman in complete corporate attire with her coat and pencil-cut skirt terno ensemble stood walked elegantly and bedazzlingly at the s.p.a.cious foyer of the Chen Holdings building. 

Everywhere she went, she had each head turned towards her direction. Chin up, yet not haughtily, she glided in front of the elevator.

"Madame Chen, what brought you here?" Jin Yuan asked with evident surprise displayed on his stoic always serious face as he met up with the lady. The elevator opened and revealed the one and only Misis Chen. Most probably this lady was the only one person in the whole wide universe that could order his boss around. Jin Yuan was thinking all this while that this particular lady is his boss" boss.

"I"m here for my immersion." Xue Jinxu replied as she entered her husband"s s.p.a.cious office in the building where Chen Holdings operate. It was a thirty-story skysc.r.a.per. "I will be taking over once Chen Linyun goes on his two-week trip."

"Ahh, yes. The boss has already informed me beforehand. This way, Madame."

Xue Jinxu was led into a secret pa.s.sage. The wall of shelf served as a turnstile. As it rotated, a secret door was revealed. It was a high-level compactor cabinet and room separate and safe from prying eyes and nosy people.

It was both a hideout and an escape route. The design followed the secret pa.s.sageways in castles during the medieval ages in Europe.

Who would have thought of that?

"Welcome to my man-cave."

A familiar voice resonated in the small fully furnished secret room.

It was none other than Chen Linyun.

"You keep something like this, huh?"

"Cool, right? It was such a pain in the a.s.s and had caused me more than just a headache to get this room constructed to my liking."

"It figures." Xue Jinxu inspected the whole place with her roaming eyes. "Unbelievable. You"re at a much higher level than us, humans. You"re a genius! I married a genius."

"You only discover it now?" He bantered while crossing one leg over the other, and as he raised one brow. He was already comfortably seated on his black leather L-shaped couch. His secret room"s motif was black, brown and green, with some indoor plants at certain corners.

"Tsk. That"s because I am always muddleheaded when I"m with you." Xue Jinxu grinned widely, her dimple showing, and her almond eyes twinkled with awe.

She sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

*Ahem* *Ahem*

Jin Yuan reminded that of his presence that they had seemingly forgotten.

Immediately, as if her a.s.s was burnt, Xue Jinxu sprung up on her feet and stood beside Chen Linyun who remained seated. He pulled her wrist so that she would be seating next to him instead.

"Please orient the madame about how we are running our business." Chen Linyun instructed his right-hand man. 

"Misis Chen, while you"re at it, think of a sound business proposal which includes your valuable inputs on how we can further improve our business, and be able to maintain our edge in the compet.i.tive business world, while still maintaining sustainability."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Xue Jinxu"s eyes sparkled with the challenge.

"Now, now, my dear, Jinxu. I know you"re quite motivated. Let me tell you, I"m quite picky with business proposals regardless of who"s presenting them." Chen Linyun even added more to the fire.

It"s as if they were starting a new game of proving one"s self. Xue Jinxu had always been the person to always go all out when it comes to commitments – whether be it personal or work-related. 

Chen Linyun could see the fire burning in his wife"s eyes. It was full of pa.s.sion that she once had when she was still the leader of her empire. That was past a year ago already.

"I hate to interrupt, Sir, but there are things we need to discuss regarding Bai An." Said Jin Yuan.

Chen Linyun"s eyes widened as he abruptly turned his head towards the wife who curiously asked out of sheer interest, "Who"s Bai An?"

"Ahhh, erm… Uhm…" Chen Linyun stuttered as he shot Jin yuan impetuous glares for bringing up something he rather not share with his wife.

"He"s an acquaintance, Jinxu… Remember the impoverished community I helped last year in Quanzhou? He"s someone from that village. It"s about a project that we"re arranging for that community."

Chen Linyun was referring to the desolate neighborhood at the edge of Quanzhou which he visited last year. Quanzhou has been prosperous and booming with healthy thriving communities. However, this particular village was dying, if not dead already since their sole livelihood - fis.h.i.+ng - could not prosper the way it used to. The fish were all dead. Chen Linyun had been helping that community for almost a year now. 

A year ago, that community had no livelihood, and it was tantamount to saying that the people who lived there weren"t living at all. They were being consumed with starvation, and diseases, as they were slowly wilting similar to a lit candle whose body made of wax melts as time progresses.

Now, with the a.s.sistance of Chen Holdings, as part of their program to give back to the community, they were able to teach the local other forms of livelihood such as basket weaving and textile production, and other labor-intensive, product-creating trades. Investors were able to come into their community through Chen Holdings. Their products were available for sponsors.h.i.+p in the two flags.h.i.+p platforms that Chen Linyun had formed a year ago: Farm Realm Online and Seed Harvest Portal.

During his two-week trip, he intended to add this particular itinerary together with Fujian, Hubei and other parts in Southern China. Quanzhou and this community would be his last stop before flying to Beijing. 

Although he wasn"t doing anything out of the righteous path, Chen Linyun"s reaction was not unfounded as the local"s name was articulated previously albeit unintentionally by Jin Yuan. It was because that particular community was also the very place where Xue s.h.i.+pping"s s.h.i.+ps were almost always attacked by pirates. In other words, that community was where the pirates that had ransacked Xue Jinxu"s empire"s a.s.sets reside.

Xue Jinxu nodded at his husband"s hurried, suspicious but safe explanation, and only narrowed her eyes, although kept her silence as she did not want to start any more disagreements or misunderstandings with the husband, especially now that his trip was nearing. 

Chen Linyun left with Jin Yuan as they discussed more of that community in private, as Xue Jinxu was left to mind her own contributions to her beloved husband"s company.

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