That same lovely evening the two old friends Xue Jinxu and Teng Man Rui bade each other goodbye. Teng Man Rui took the train back to HangZhou while Xue Jinxu had a flight scheduled the next morning since her meeting in Shanghai had ended as well.

It was always a time well spent between the two friends. There were no awkward moments, or time needed to adjust, as if it was only yesterday when they last saw each other. Sadly, their catching up was drawn to a close.

From the country club, they each grabbed their own taxi – one going to the hotel where she"s staying and the other one to the train station. They both retired for the night.

Teng Man Rui arrived at Hangzhou at around eight in the evening. She dropped her bag on the couch in her apartment, and poured herself a gla.s.s of cold lemon water from the fridge.

She was deep in her own thoughts.

She walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window. The view of her apartment was a manmade lake. However at this time, it was so dark, only a few lights from the lampposts here and there could be seen. She still gazed forward, without really looking.

"She said she didn"t know whom she"s going to marry. I believe her, she did not seem to be lying." However she was deeply perturbed. It was supposed to be none of her business, really.

There were rumors going on for some time now about the betrothal of two powerful families in the elite circle. It was between the s.h.i.+ and the Xue Families. The rumor said that the Young Master and the Big Miss were about to tie the knot. They were only rumors, and the two families were not denying or confirming anything. However, the existence of the rumors was already suspicious by nature. Those two extremely powerful families would not allow any news about them to spread, if they did not allow it themselves, if they did not initiate it themselves.

She picked up her phone and dialed a number. There were a few missed calls by that number.

"Hey what"s up?" She said once the call pushed through. It had been ringing for a couple of times before.

"I"m in Hangzhou." A male voice from the other line answered. It was low and cold, and a hint of smugness could be heard, although he only said three words.

"When did you arrive?" Teng Man Rui probed. She was getting restless and nervous at the same time. She was not expecting to hear the man"s answer earlier.

"This morning. I went to your office but you weren"t there." The man explained.

"I went to Shanghai this afternoon."

"I see. Where are you now?" The man"s voice was becoming playful and mischievous.

"At home. I just arrived."

"I"m at a bar I"ll send you the address."

The call ended.

She sighed but she still slid off her house.

A few minutes later she found the man who called seated in a corner booth alone. The music inside the bar wasn"t too noisy, rather the ambiance was lethargic. She stood by the side of the booth without saying a word.

"Teng Man Rui." He stood up. He was pulling her closer for an embrace but she pushed him away and sat down.

"Why are you in Hangzhou?" She said irritated.

"Visiting you, of course." The man had a mischievous grin and half-opened lazy eyes. He was studying the curvature of the woman before him.

"I met your fiancé today." Teng Man Rui said. The man"s grin grew ever so wider.

"Oh? Is that so? I haven"t even met her. Is she beautiful?" The man taunted.

"s.h.i.+ Fan Hai! Stop messing around!" Teng Man Rui was near to tears.

"I"m not messing around." The man"s countenance changed. It was darker, deeper, nastier. "I really have not met her yet."

"She"s my best friend." Teng Man Rui could not contain her tears anymore. "She"s like a real sister to me. Will you really marry her?" A single tear fell, followed by another, and another.

The man maintained his dark aura, his deep countenance. "The elders arranged it. I"m out of it."

"That"s what she also said. She did not acknowledge it."

The man laughed. His laugh was dry, cold and eerie. Anyone who would hear it could not help but have gooseb.u.mps. It was terrifying.

"The girl said she does not acknowledge it? That"s funny."

"Mhmm.. Will you push through with the marriage?"

"Well, looks like I cannot do anything about it."

"How about… How about… us?" Teng Man Rui"s voice trailed off. She was keeping her gaze low to the floor. Every now and then she glanced up to see his countenance.

He did not respond.

The girl cried even more. "We should end it here now." Her tears were falling heavier and heavier. The frequency of her tear drops was increasing.

"What"s there to end?"


"You"re going to get married soon! And to my best friend at that! What are you implying? You"ll make me your mistress?!" She was glaring hard at him. "Or you"re implying there"s nothing to end anyway? Is there nothing between us?!"

The man ma.s.saged his cheek that had received the blow. "I don"t have any liking towards the girl. What I"m after is the empire behind her. Could you wait until I get that?"

"The girl you are talking about is my best friend!!"

"So? Are you even related by blood?"

The girl covered her face with both hands and wailed. She wailed and wailed until she got weak in the knees and her head started to get dizzy.

"No, let"s end it here." The girl said firmly. She sat properly. No more tears flooded her face.

The man shrugged. "Suit yourself. But don"t ever regret your decision. Don"t go beg me to accept you."

There was silence between the two.

"Did you even love me?" Her voice was shaky, but she stopped crying. She was helpless, lifeless.

"I did. I still do." Said the man that was so terrifying. He grabbed his coat beside him and stormed out of the bar without looking back to the girl who started crying again.

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