Meanwhile, in Beijing…

Xue Guangxi and Kang Sola strolled lazily along the busy w.a.n.gfujing Street.  It was currently in January.

They were out on a trip to accomplish a task that was given in their Sociology 53 cla.s.s.  Earlier they visited the National Art Museum and toured inside, together with their other cla.s.smates.  Now, they were out observing how people act in the busiest street of Beijing while they each suck into their ice-cold chocolate-coated popsicles.  Their cameras each hung on their necks across their chests.

It was three in the afternoon.  People from different walks of life intersected paths with no one in particular as they moved from one place to another.

Xue Guangxi and Kang Sola seated themselves in a nearby bench as they finished their popsicles.  It was freezing in Beijing but they preferred to fight cold with cold.

In the midst of silence, Xue Guangxi spoke, "I"m quite dubious about the man who introduced himself as your father." He gazed at the distant horizon.

Kang Sola turned her head at her friend in bewilderment.  "Why?"

"Are you extremely sure that he really is who you are looking for?  You haven"t confirmed it yet right?"

Instead of answering, Kang Sola sucked onto her popsicle as she, too, stared at a faraway land, not within their grasp.

"I suggest we wait for the adults to take part in it.  Let"s wait for Xu-Jie and brother-in-law at the very least, Sola.  It wouldn"t hurt to observe prudence in this case.  I"m just concerned for you."

He sighed heavily.

"I might not be here with you forever."

"Guangxi…" Kang Sola"s voice was laced with sadness.  She studied Xue Guangxi"s countenance and behavior.  Suddenly there seemed to be a dark cloud hovering above him.  He bowed his head as he rested his elbows on his thighs.  He allowed his melting popsicle to drip onto the ground.

"My growing feud with my father is tiring and frustrating, but it"s still getting worse.  The elders are always away taking care of business overseas, but when they are home, he never forgets to pick on me, even if I"m not doing anything at all."

"Actually that"s the problem - me not doing anything to help.  It"s not enough to just behave and do my part in upholding our family"s name by simply being good.  Father deems me useless because I don"t partake in the business."

"I mean, they know that I am capable, but…"

Xue Guangxi heaved a devastating sigh, and then took a bite from his melting ice cream stick.

"You"re still a student.  Shouldn"t they be more lenient on you?"

"Yeah, I"m still a student.  However, as I had done it before, you know, working and studying at the same time, and made things work, it has been proven that it"s possible.  Xu-Jie had done it too during her time.  The fact that I"m not doing so right now meant that I must have not taken the initiative."

"That"s the problem, Sola.  I don"t want to."

"Grampa mediated between us and talked to me in private.  He"s trying to be indulgent of me, but he made me understand that the family cannot be tolerant of me forever, especially as I"m getting older.  In a few months, I"m turning eighteen.  He wants me to think of my future, and of what I would want to pursue in life not because I"m forced to, but because I genuinely want to."

"And Sola, he gave me the option to pursue it - whatever it may be - on the condition that I will not waste my life and future, and I will take it seriously.  He"s giving me freedom.  The only catch is that I would have to finish whatever course I want overseas."

"In one perspective, it"s a gift of second chances that Grampa is ready to bestow upon me.  In another perspective, though, it feels as if they are giving up on me out of frustration, and that they"re throwing me away to a place where I can least cause trouble, or if I ever would, they would be least affected by it because of the distance."

"I would want to stay within the perimeter of the first perspective.  After all, even Xu-Jie was given the chance to pursue her dream in a foreign land before."

The chilly January wind blew past them.  Around them, various people continued walking and crossing each other unfazed in a buzz.  The afternoon sun gradually dipped in the distance, tainting the sky blue horizon with an orange hue and pinkish glow.

Their ice cream had been long gone, either eaten or melted to the ground.

"I am seriously considering it.  I would want to give it my best shot and become someone my family would be proud of, and someone that the society will somehow respect and regard as noteworthy."

Kang Sola listened attentively in silence.  She had been doing her own calculations in her mind.  "When are you leaving?"

"Nothing"s final yet.  But, perhaps in the summer, when this semester ends."

"What are you planning to pursue?  Have you decided yet?"

Xue Guangxi shrugged.  "I"m not so sure yet.  I tremendously enjoyed my experience and time as the Marketing Director at Xue s.h.i.+pping.  I enjoy being with people, witnessing people"s special events.  Perhaps something in line with that.  I am currently researching some options online, but I have not decided yet."

"You seem to be getting ready for it already.  Well, what else can I do but to wish you luck?  I would want to see you successful, too, not due to your family background but for your own efforts."

"Don"t listen to your detractors.  People will say whatever they have in mind regardless if there"s truth to it or none at all.  It"s so easy to fabricate falsehoods."

"I am both happy and sad about this development.  Seems like I"m going to be alone moving forward."

Xue Guangxi exhaled sharply in an attempt to dissolve the unwanted lump of sadness that started to build up in his throat.  "Going back to the topic, that"s why I prefer that you take necessary precautions in your interactions with those strangers.  What will you do if I"m not around anymore?  Wait a little longer when Xu-Jie and brother-in-law are here already."

"Promise me you won"t take this matter on your own."

The Second Young Master extended his right hand, his pinky protruding from it, gesticulating for Kang Sola to do a pinky promise with him.

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