At first, the two measured each other.  Realizing that the urgent matter for discussion could not be delayed any longer, Chen Linyun gradually introduced the topic.


"Hmmm?" Very elegantly, Mother Chen, with her left hand supporting the saucer, took a slight sip from the cup carried by her right hand.  "Yes, dear?  What"s bothering you?"


"Not too long ago… I have discovered something important - a thing crucial to my ident.i.ty."

"Although it did not outright clarify anything, it"s too explosive to just ignore.  And it does not only concern me, but it concerns another person, and perhaps several people with intertwined fate…"

"Linyun, speak clearly, I cannot understand you." Mother Chen was getting nervous.  Her hand trembled so she decided to place her cup on the saucer, and the cup-saucer pair on the tabletop.

"Mother, I may not know it, but for some reason, do you have a daughter that I do not know of?"

"What?!  What are you talking about?"

Mother Chen"s face paled as if memories that were locked deep down her treasure chest came rus.h.i.+ng through her mind.

Sensing his mother"s unease, he tried a different approach.

He smiled and appeared more relaxed than before.  He intentionally let the minutes drag on.  He took a sip from his tea first before continuing, "How do you find the girl, Sola?"

"Well, I think, she"s a little bit awkward to newcomers like me, but I think she"s a good girl.  She seems well-behaved, and she doesn"t seem to emit this negative vibe, you know what I mean?  Maybe she"s just uncomfortable with people she"s not closed to, but I guess once she had warmed up, she wouldn"t be too shy at all…"

 "Wow, Mother, very perceptive." Chen Linyun commended genuinely.

"I know a thing or two about reading people."

"Although it"s just a shallow observation on my part.  Personality-wise it"s hard to gauge."

"Then, do you like her?" The son probed casually.

"Well, not like-like, if you know what I mean, but I do not dislike her.  She seems cute.  Why do you ask?  You seem to be much more interested in this topic than when you first introduced your wife to me."  She chuckled.

At least the stuffy atmosphere had been dispersed successfully.

"Mother, she happened to be…"

"I found out recently that…"

"She"s my biological sister."

Mother Chen gasped.

"But, I cannot understand how.  I have lots of questions, Mother… I think only you can answer it…"

"I know you just arrived today and you must be feeling tired from your long trip, but this matter cannot wait any longer.  Mother, I need answers.  Sola is aware of my relation to her, but I don"t even know what to explain to her.  I am so confused, Mother…"

Awkward silence first engulfed the mother-son duo.  Jiang Biyu broodingly stared at the wall.  Chen Linyun dared not break the silence.

"Have you talked to your Father regarding this matter?"

"As a matter of fact, no, but when I was gone missing, Sola and Jinxu already asked Father about it, and astonis.h.i.+ngly, he said he"s not Sola"s father."

Surprisingly, Mother Chen cursed.  @#^!!! That abominable man!!!" 

"Mother, calm down!" Judging from her reaction, could it be?  Had his father lied to them?

"So, Mother, can you tell me the truth, please?"

Mother Chen"s chest heaved up and down.  When she recovered her calm demeanor, she apologized for her outburst but answered him curtly.  "No.  Not yet.  I will have to discuss this matter with your father first."

"By the way son, how have you known about this matter?"

"How did you validate?"

It was Jiang Biyu"s turn to probe.

"I received an anonymous message.  As for validation, I already checked our DNA"s and it matched.  I hope Mother can answer my questions soon.  I need an answer, Mother." Chen Linyun revealed an anguished expression.

Mother Chen was touched by her son"s suffering.  "Can you help me set up an appointment with your father?"

"He will be at the banquet tomorrow.  That should be a good chance for the two of you."

"Mhmm, I understand." 

Jiang Biyu stood up and walked a few steps towards Chen Linyun who stayed seated at the study room"s couch.  Standing up, she wrapped her arms lovingly around his head that was leveled at around her torso.

"Mother is sorry that you have to experience this mess, son.  Mother will fix this."

"I just need answers, Mother."

Afterward, Mother Chen retired for the night.

As for Chen Linyun, he informed Xue Jinxu that he would be going out for a while to "unwind".  Xue Jinxu obliged and with a worried look, she a.s.sessed him without speaking.

"I"m okay."


The wife only hugged her husband in silent companions.h.i.+p.  "Go.  Don"t drink too much.  Take the driver with you."



Chen Linyun found his drink buddy at the farthest booth in an elite bar.  He particularly liked this bar because it wasn"t noisy like the other venues for partying.  This bar was somewhat more suitable for people burdened with melancholy.


The other party did not even budge.

"I"m surprised you still have the energy or the guts to come here and still drink.  How long has it been."

"It"s been just a month.  It hasn"t been that long." His drinking companion, Zhu Li Qiang, finally gave him the attention that he sought.  "What brought you here?  A misunderstanding at home?  Nah, forget it.  I"m not interested."

"Some familial things."

"Familial…" Zhu Li Qiang sighed.  "What a homey, affectionate word… I thought I understand what it is but I guess, I don"t."

Chen Linyun rolled his eyes.  "Here we go.  It"s the blabbering of a drunkard."

Zhu Li Qiang became silent.

"How have you been?"

"Couldn"t be any better.  Couldn"t be any happier." He kept his grasp around his beer bottle.  At this point, he clanked it onto the tabletop not too strongly.

Chen Linyun ordered his own drinks.  "You"re truly the best drinking buddy.  You never fail to outdo me."

"There"s a gathering at my place tomorrow.  Will you come?" Chen Linyun invited him casually, more of reminded him of it.

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