"Wait." Chen Linyun stopped her in her tracks. His hand had grabbed her left wrist.

"Don"t leave yet."

Xue Jinxu turned her head towards the man who just grabbed her wrist. He was still seated on the sofa. His other hand pushed the bridge of his eyegla.s.ses up his nose bridge. "Is there anything else?" She inquired.

He stood up. "My first love, do you know who she was?" He took a step towards her. She instinctively made a step back. He"s still holding her wrist.

For the first time, Xue Jinxu"s heart skipped a beat. She put her balled free hand in front of her chest, near her chin in a bashful way. She was staring at the floor. "I don"t know her. Should I know her?"

He kept on making advances, she tried to keep taking steps backward. Finally, Chen Linyun who seemed to be getting impatient grabbed her back with his free hand and secured her in place.

She gasped. "Chen Linyun what are you doing?!" But her voice was so weak. It was the weakest and quietest voice that ever came out of her mouth.

Chen Linyun was staring intently at her whole entirety. He was disappointed that she was gazing at the floor. He freed her wrist, and held her chin instead. The other hand still secured her back in place. His other hand gently guided her chin upward. He wanted her to look at him. She sensed it and followed. They were in a staring contest.

"My first love, when I was eighteen, was you." Chen Linyun said while his deep gaze never left her eyes.

They kept on staring at each other"s eyes which reflected their own images in them. Xue Jinxu was getting weaker and weaker as she got drowned deeper and deeper in his gaze. It was as if she was getting sucked deep within his soul. There were no chances of escaping. It was the same during the night when she got drunk. It"s as if he had her on his palm.

She lowered her gaze again. She shook her head. Chen Linyun was taking note of her every movement.

"I have loved you the moment I set eyes on you that night five years ago, and I have never stopped loving you. Can"t you find it in your heart to love me too?" Chen Linyun was getting desperate. There"s a pained expression on his face.

"I.. I…" Xue Jinxu had never been lost with words. "I"m already betrothed." She finished in her mind, but could not voice out into words.

For the first time ever in her existence, she"s worried that her words would disappoint someone - that would hurt someone that is not her family.

For the first time she felt helpless and so delicate. For the first time, she felt she needed protecting by this man who held her tight in his embrace.

His embrace was far from repulsive. In all honesty, it was most welcome by her. It felt like a blanket that kept her warm and secured in the cold of winter. She even wanted to embrace him back and bury her head on his chest.

Her mind was still working fine. She knew that whether or not she accepted his love, it would end up in the same tragic fate that she had in her mind. It"s because she"s already betrothed, and even if she"s not, this guy before her did not come from an elite family. There is simply no way for them to end up together.

"If you"re already married, they won"t force you to marry anymore." Teng Man Rui"s voice invaded her mind.

"What! I can"t do that!" She shook her head again.

Chen Linyun was waiting for her answer. Although she did not say any words, she constantly shook her head. His heart was bleeding.

"I understand." Chen Linyun released her.

"What? No!" Xue Jinxu"s senses tensed at what Chen Linyun said. It was now her turn to panic. She did not want him to misunderstand. She grabbed his forearm. "No, you don"t understand." She was still gazing on the floor.

"I haven"t given my answer yet. Please give me some time." Her pretty eyelashes were quivering. She glanced up at him then withdrew her gaze again towards the floor.

Chen Linyun froze. Apparently he was not expecting this turn of event. He was rather speechless, motionless. "So there"s chance?"

What even surprised him was what this delicate lady did next. She returned his embrace and dug her head on his chest. She was grasping the hem of his clothing at his backside. She said, "Give me some more time."

Her usual resolute self seemed to have come back now. She glanced up at him and stared at his tender gaze. She tiptoed, and in a speed of light gave him a peck on his cheek.

The spot the she blessed with her quick peck was burning hot. Chen Linyun was going crazy. He did not know whether to stay in this position or run around the house in ecstasy.

"Is this really happening?" He thought. "Or maybe I"m just dreaming." He secretly pinched his thigh. "Ouch."

The lady who was standing in front of him was blus.h.i.+ng hard too. She kept her gaze on the floor.

"Thank you for loving me all these years." She again glanced up at him. It seemed that it will become a habit of hers in the future – looking down, and glancing up only after she said something. It was really bashful.

She grabbed her bag and ran out of the room. She was afraid that Chen Linyun would stop her again.

As for Chen Linyun, he was rooted on the ground for a long while. He was staring blankly at the door that was closed for a while now. He was frozen.

Soon there was movement behind the door. He was startled. He was expecting her again, but it was not. It was Mo Wenbin.

"What are you doing standing like an idiot in the middle of the apartment?" Mo Wenbin attacked him ruthlessly.

He ignored Wenbin, went straight to bed and buried his face on the pillow. He was grinning ear-to-ear.

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