Chen Linyun slammed open the door of the function room in haste where Kang Sola and Mister Yamazaki were in at Four Seasons Hotel.  It turned out they were with a third companion – Chairman s.h.i.+ himself, Kang Sola"s father, or so he claimed to be.

Panting, Chen Linyun became a show-stopper.

"Oh, look who has come to join us!  Pleasant!  Come join us, sit with us, son." Chairman s.h.i.+ welcomed Chen Linyun who did not return the same sentiment.

 "No, I"m only here to pick up Sola.  Come here, Sola."

Kang Sola sprung to her feet in surprise. "NO!  We are still in the middle of a discussion, Linyun-ge…"

"Sola…" Helplessly, Chen Linyun implored with his eyes.  He could understand his sister"s yearning for her biological father.  During a previous family dinner, Xue Guangxi had mentioned in pa.s.sing how the girl had wanted so much to know and her father whom she had not met ever since she was born.

In the past couple of days, with this understanding, Chen Linyun had somewhat pa.s.sively let Sola be, and left her alone since he knew that the rift between them was caused by their differing views on the matter.  He considered that Sola is still young, and at this point in her life she still needs her parents, and if they are available, then that would be so much better for her.  He"d learned that her mother had pa.s.sed at childbirth, which was extremely unfortunate for her.

In hindsight, he wondered at the time, "Was she also my mother?"

"Linyun-ge… I"m sorry…" Kang Sola conscientiously pleaded guilty, pursing her lips together, her head bowed down.  She fidgeted in her place.

"But… please don"t b.u.t.t in…"

"I"m here to spend more time with my father who reaches out to me."

"I"m not coming with you…" Even when fidgeting, she stood firm with her decision to stay.

In her mind, she added, "I"ve waited for this for so long…"

"Don"t be stubborn, Sola.  It isn"t the right place or time for that." His brows were furrowed helplessly.  As much as possible, he wanted to patch things up with Kang Sola.

As Chen Linyun went near the dining table, he saw a doc.u.ment on the table.  It piqued his attention as it was not ordinary for a doc.u.ment – a crisp, formal, white doc.u.ment atop a brown envelop on a dining table in a restaurant during a simple family dinner.   

"What"s that?" He pointed.  He could read some of the words.

At this point, Mo Wenbin and Xue Guangxi entered the function room gingerly behind.  Mo Wenbin was hesitant, caring much if he"s intruding some official business; however, Xue Guangxi noticeably could not have cared any less.  He had lost the l.u.s.ter in his eyes as if he lost his purpose in life. Two hands on his pockets, face unsmiling, and gaze kept low on the ground, he joined the rest with such a lifeless, lethargic nature.

It was a hundred and eighty degrees turn from how he usually behaves.

Upon seeing the commotion and hearing Sola"s unyielding words towards her own brother, Xue Guangxi seemingly plunged into a deeper depression.  Unceremoniously, he left the room shortly after his arrival.

"Hey!" Fl.u.s.tered, Mo Wenbin whispered audibly at the lad who totally ignored him.  After a short while, Mo Wenbin received a message notifying him of the lad"s departure from the place. "I"m busy.  I"ll go ahead first." It said.

"That brat." But Mo Wenbin took note of his unusual behavior and just let him be for the time being.  He needed to provide support to the siblings here.  He had a complete understanding of where each of the siblings was coming from.  If need be, he should serve as the middle ground for them. 

As for the other men, he scrutinized them with discerning eyes.

"What"s that?" Chen Linyun repeated, still pointing at the doc.u.ment.  He reviewed the situation.  He saw a black signing pen lying close to the doc.u.ment, and the orientation of the paper was rightly turned at Kang Sola"s direction.

Alarmed, he picked up the paper and read through it thoroughly.

"Chairman s.h.i.+!  What do you mean by this?!" He raised the doc.u.ment and the envelope in the air, clasping its edge tightly.

Mo Wenbin came closer.  He took a peep at the doc.u.ment inconspicuously.

"Hmmm…" Chairman s.h.i.+ drooped his eyelids. "I"m just worried that your mother"s relatives have been exploiting your sister"s privileges for years.  As her biological father, I stepped up.  I simply want to make them stop, that"s all."

"What do you mean?" Slightly shaking his head, Chen Linyun probed. "Exploiting her privileges, huh?  What does it mean?"

"You see, your mother left Sola a fortune in her will.  She made her – and you – her heirs of all the things she owns.  The people who took in Sola knew this, and they only raised her for their own benefit.  But now that she"s reached legal age, she"s now able to change this situation."

"And?  How come this doc.u.ment states a proposal to transfer shares?"

Chairman s.h.i.+"s brow arched.  "It should be right as I"m her father.  It is only right."

"Sola, don"t sign anything." Chen Linyun instructed tautly.

"Sorry, brother, but I have decided to give Father the right to whatever"s legally under my name.  Honestly, I don"t know anything about it until today.  Father must be telling the truth."

Chen Linyun felt like he"s having a headache.  His breathing came in and out raggedly.  He checked the doc.u.ment again.  True enough, it was already signed by the girl.

"She doesn"t know the possible consequences of what she"s done.  She"s too young and naïve to know about this stuff."

"I"m not sure of the intention of the people who raised her, but if anyone"s exploiting her, it"s this man."

He could not help but crumple the doc.u.ment"s edge even more.

"I cannot let it happen.  Whatever"s left for Sola is for her future.  Her mother wanted to make sure of it.  What would this man do?  s.h.i.+ Corporation is slipping; he badly needs back-up."

"At the end of it all, Sola might be left with nothing."

"I cannot let that happen."

"Linyun-ge… Please return the doc.u.ment.  I"m sorry…"

Chen Linyun sighed.  "I"m disappointed, Sola.  I told you, you can discuss anything with me.  Anything!  I… It"s my fault.  I have been too cruel to you, right?  But this…" He softened several degrees more at his sister"s tone.

He sighed again.  Then, he ripped the doc.u.ment in half. "This transaction is not happening."

"But…" Kang Sola raised an arm in the air towards the ripped doc.u.ment, almost as alarmed as her brother.

"Wenbin, please take Sola home.  I need to stay and discuss some matters with Chairman s.h.i.+."


"Hmmm…" Chairman s.h.i.+ grunted, not pleased at all.

"But… But…"

"Let"s go, Sola."  Mo Wenbin gently nudged the girl in both arms towards the function room"s exit.

"We"ll talk later, Sola.  I"m apologetic, but it"s for your own good.  Later.  Trust me on this."  He mildly tried to placate his sister and tapped her crown for a bit before he returned his attention to the chairman.

Meanwhile, Mo Wenbin and the perplexed Kang Sola left the room together.

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