A BMW sports car was parked in front of an establishment that enhoused the gym.  From the car, s.h.i.+ Fan Hai disembarked, then with force, slammed the car door shut.

For days he scouted in front of the Xue Mansion, trying his luck to see Teng Man Rui.  He couldn"t approach nor scheme in retrieveing his woman from that place because he knew that the Xue Young Master had something against him.

"d.a.m.n it."

He cursed repeatedly inside his head as he was faced with bad luck.  As if it was not yet enough, fate chanced him to b.u.mp into Zhu Li Qiang.

Im front of the Xue Mansion, sheltered inside their respective cars at each side of the road, they scouted together yet apart.

"Darn that man." He gripped his steering wheel tight.

In their previous encounter, they barely escaped each other"s blows in a fist fight.  

In a sense, the tiaut tension between them was unnerving and unsettling, very similar to their last encounter.

It was as if they were in a duel, waiting for the other"s next course of action.  If one of them, perchance, disembarked from the car, then, for sure a rumble would have inevitably taken off.

Neither of them realized that such a thing was unnecessary nor uncalled for.  What was there to fight for between two sour losers?

During the morning security teams of the residential area, and some roaming police officers approached them and "advised" them to return to each of their abode, which the two men wisely complied to.

Thus, he was not successful in his attempt to go ever so near Teng Man Rui.  Nonetheless, he had seen her from a far – at the balcony knitting – but it was far from satisfactory.

His thirst for his woman and child was left unquenched, and his current physical composition was worsened by a headache brought about by various factors around him - the noisy ruckus and pickets in front of s.h.i.+ Corporation, coupled with its declining state of business, and the threat to lose all that was his, even his t.i.tle as the Young Master s.h.i.+.

Frustrated, not being able to vent his anger to anyone in particular, he marched onto the gym, so ready to beat someone, anyone.

He changed into a boxing shorts and donned protective face gear and mouth piece and gloves, and hopped onto the sparring ring.  It did not matter who his sparring partner was, he planned to go wild and all out.

As the bell ring for the first round, he charged onto his opponent and threw punches and kicks and twisted his opponent"s body.  His energy surged towards the peak, as did his emotions.

His eyes blocked out, and in his mind, a shuffle of all his nemesis played one by one:  Chen Linyun, Zhu Li Qiang, his own father, and of course, Xue Minhe. "That b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

"He still married her."

"After all the things I painstakingy resorted to."

"In the end…"

"They still end up together, huh?"

His punches and kicks continuously flow.  He did not nor could not feel his sparring partner at all.

"My child in her womb… That"s my child!  How dare he to own my child!  My woman!"

"Xue Minhe, YOU! b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

Somebody seemed to throw a white object at the side of the ring.  People seemed to be shouting, too.

But s.h.i.+ Fan Hai was too self-absorbed.

"And that Zhu Li Qiang does not know how to give up, huh?  He said he has given her up?  My foot!  Why was he there?  Still finding a window, as I see it."

"He still covets what"s mine!"

"They have to pay, they have to pay!!!"

His punches grew even stronger.  He did not notice that his sparring partner"s limbs had bee flapping helplessly as he was pinned onto the floor.  Poor him, he had been transformed into a punching bag.  Whe he had the opportunity, he tapped s.h.i.+ Fan Hai by signifying his intent to stop, and admitting defeat. 

Yet, s.h.i.+ Fan Hai was did not even notice.

As far as he was concerned, he wasn"t done yet.

People beyond and outside of the ring finally decided to intervene, or else the poor sparring partner whose name he did not even know or cared to get prior the match had been bleeding profusely and was at the threshold of and nearly entering the vegetative state.

Other men at the gym pulled him from the almost lifeless beaten man on the ring.  I took about two to three men to successfully tear him and drag him from the ring.

"Let me go!" He roared.

"Who are you?  Who do you think you are?  You nearly killed that man!" Bystanders reprimanded him.  "He should be banned from this gym!" 

"Maybe that crazy man thinks that it"s okay to beat up people under the guise of a sport." Another bystander commented, eyes of condemnation were set on the subject.

He removed the protective gear from his head.  Likewise, he did the same with his mouthpiece.

The man that was beaten to a pulp was helped by two kind men on either sides, his arms flung on their shoulders as they found the way out.

When he pa.s.sed by the perpetrator, he almost inaudibly muttered, "I will not let this pa.s.s.  I"ll press charges." And off they went.

His blood boiled even more.  "TSSS!! I am not afraid!" He yelled back.  He threw his gloves away on one side and slouched on the bench at the gym"s locker room.  "What a sissy!" He hissed, tremendously annoyed.

"I am truly born unlucky."

He took a shower and changed clothes.  Even when his body became more refreshed, he remained muddleheaded.

He drove his BMW sports car home.

"It"s so f.u.c.ked up!" He hit his steering wheel as he was trapped in the middle of a traffic jam.

"f.u.c.k this!  f.u.c.k you!  All of oyu, you dumba.s.ses!"

 He sighed and for a few more times, vented his fury onto the steering wheel.

When he arrived at home he saw a somewhat familiar scene.

"She"s here again?!  Stubborn kid."

He disembarked from his car in front of his house"s gigantic metal gates.  "I thought I had been clear the last time.  What are you doing here …Sola?" He pinched his nosebridge in an attempt to simmer down his pent up rage from earlier.

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