By mid-August, the Xue and Teng households were shaken as the newest addition to their growing family, Xue DXia, finally let go.

It was such an ephemeral trip of only two months short, and in this fleeting period, the little angel had left a tremendous impact on those surrounding her – especially Teng Man Rui.

The new mother almost lived inside the hospital, near the NICU, to be precise, after giving birth. Even when she had been discharged, she requested the hospital to prolong her stay, not for herself, but her baby. Xue Minhe pulled some strings so that Teng Man Rui could still stay at the private ward a.s.signed to her even if she had almost recovered completely.

Each day was such a trying day.

She couldn"t do anything but watch her little angel expire little by little. 

All she could do was pump her milk into bottles which were fed to her precious little daughter through tubes. Nonetheless, she grew and gained weight bit by bit too.

The doctors eventually allowed her to hold her baby inside the NICU. First, they allowed her to hold Xue DXia"s tiny hands, then stroke her head, then finally, carry her.

Teng Man Rui sang her lullabies and told her stories. She told her that she"s such a wonderful gift to her and that she has bestowed her unparalleled happiness.

Teng Man Rui smiled as her baby yawned and smiled back, and got fl.u.s.tered as her baby cried.

This tiny baby rocked Teng Man Rui"s world.

No, this tiny baby had become Teng Man Rui"s life.

Some of the family members who visited had witnessed how Teng Man Rui radiated whenever she"s inside the NICU.

Zhu Li Qiang saw it too when he once visited. It didn"t help, though, because the sight of Teng Man Rui carrying the puny angel in her arms with a gentle smile on her lips got imprinted on the man"s head. He revered his tennyo on a much deeper level that it made him teary-eyed.

However, though Xue DXia was growing, the health conditions remained. Her weak heart did not improve, and her failing organs prevailed.

And finally, the dreaded day came.

Teng Man Rui was carrying her as usual in the NICU when she expired. For the last time, the lady sang her a lullaby.

They held a funeral shortly after. It was an intimate event – only extended family and selected friends were told about the news. 

s.h.i.+ Fan Hai inevitably learned from it, too, through Kang Sola.

"Jie-Jie, is it okay if I tell my brother about it?" Kang Sola asked Teng Man Rui one rainy afternoon. The girl hesitatingly called the latter to ask permission as she was not comfortable to a.s.sume that it"s okay. Although in her heart she prayed that Teng Man Rui would allow it. 

She"s the only one who saw how devastated her Fengyu-Oppa had become when he learned that Teng Man Rui had given birth prematurely due to the commotion he caused. 

And now the child he had been wanting to cherish was gone.

"You can tell him. It"s his right to know. But he shouldn"t attend the funeral." The lady firmly stated her terms.

"Okay, I will tell him that. Thank you, Jie-Jie. My condolences."


The call went dead after that.

The funeral went ahead even if it was raining hard that auspicious day as if the heavens were crying too.

Teng Man Rui did not cry, though, and remained composed during the whole ceremony. Xue Minhe who was always beside her acted as her pillar and supported her with his manly strength, without breaking the sacred silence enveloping them.

At a distance, a BMW car was parked, partially covered by the misty rain. Its headlights were turned on – its only source of illumination of the environment. Inside, two pa.s.sengers were onboard – Han Fengyu and Kang Sola.

They weren"t speaking and were merely observing the ceremony from afar.

Kang Sola kept him at bay. She thought that her presence would refrain him from doing anything out of the ordinary.

Perhaps it worked. Perhaps it was solely due to the man"s respect for the dead. After all, it was his own child he"s sending off that day.

Xue Minhe knew his presence, though. He had his security team dispersed in various areas near and far from where they were who kept on watching the BMW car"s movement and activity. However, he did not let Teng Man Rui know.

At the Xue Mansion, after the ceremony had pa.s.sed, the Xue"s and Teng"s convened for a short while. Eventually, the Teng"s left accordingly, sharing their daughter"s grief.

While Teng Man Rui was at the balcony taking a breath of fresh air, Xue Jinxu surprisingly joined her.

As both ladies stared on the horizon, Xue Jinxu broke the silence first, "I thought that when that man finally experienced all the pain I suffered from losing a child, I would feel happy. But you know what? I"m not. I found myself grieving too." She almost choked on her words. She hovered one hand on her lips.

"Out of all the people present here today, I am the only one who completely understands what you are going through, Man Rui. And seeing you go through it feels like I"m experiencing all the pain all over again."

"It must have been much more difficult for you because you"ve met her, and you"ve carried her in your arms."

"I just realized that you are much more important to me than whatever impact that man could ever have on me."

"I"m sorry if I had been bad to you all this time."

She placed one comforting hand on Teng Man Rui"s which was resting on the railing of the balcony. Xue Jinxu left afterward. 

Teng Man Rui bit her lips as she traced her disappearing silhouette with her eyes.

Xue Minhe and Teng Man Rui retired to their room when all their guests left. With a heavy heart, Teng Man Rui busied herself by taking all of the baby"s things away.

"Take a rest first. You can attend to it tomorrow. It"s late. You have not been getting sufficient rest. I"m afraid you might collapse."

"Then, better if that will happen. I don"t mind if I follow my little DXia shortly after."

"Don"t say that, Man Rui." Xue Minhe seated himself beside Teng Man Rui on the edge of the bed. "I"m sorry I brought it upon yourself. I had gone too far, haven"t I?" 

He held her hands in his and rubbed it gently.

Teng Man Rui turned her head and faced him. Their eyes met. "I decided to do this with you. Why are you blaming yourself? Don"t. You"re not helping." 

"He went after you several years ago because of me. It"s only right that I help you get your justice and revenge after you"ve lost your life because of him… and because of me..."

Xue Minhe exhaled sharply. "There are other ways. Man Rui, I have been thinking about it for a while. How about… we end our scheme?"

"I"ll set you free."

Teng Man Rui retrieved her hands. "I"m not doing what I"m doing for you alone. I"m doing it for my selfish intentions too. The freedom that you"ll give me will eventually be taken away by others – him."

Xue Minhe pondered broodingly. "I"ll make sure he would not be able to get near you again or bother you. I"ll make sure of it. It"s high time to correct all the mistakes of the past and end it here."

"Be happy, Man Rui. Be well. Do it for our little DXia. I cannot see you cry another tear because of that man, or endure another tormenting second being with me, as my wife."

"I love you like a younger sister."

Teng Man Rui chuckled lightly. She gave his lean cheek a light peck. "Same here, Minhe-ge. I love you like you"re one of my older brothers. Even if we"re of the same age."

She gave him a bear hug and burst into tears.


 In the middle of the night, Xue Minhe dialed in a number on his smartphone.

"Bai An." The voice from the other line greeted.

"Do as you wish. He"s yours." Xue Minhe retorted curtly.

"Roger that."

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