After hearing the doctor"s words, the tense atmosphere started to ease up.

Xue Guangxi went to get a clean cloth and wetted it with water on the sink. He then proceeded in giving his sister a sponge bath. He rolled her jacket"s sleeves up to the elbow. He wiped her forehead, her face, her neck, and then her forearms.

He thought that he was the only one qualified that could perform the task.

In the bedside, Chen Linyun was watching him. He was envious that he could not do it for her. He also wanted to perform what Xue Guangxi was doing, but restrained himself.

Butler Lee had left the room together with the doctor. He was sending the doctor off. The both of them discussed some more then they both left.

"Teacher Chen, thank you." Guangxi said when he was done with his ch.o.r.e.

"For what, Guangxi?"

"I knew back then when I was kidnapped, you and Senior Wenbin helped looked for me. Now, you"re looking after my sister too."

"So, thank you."

"I couldn"t do much for my family. My sister sure is suffering a lot." Guangxi was distressed.

"I caused too much trouble for my family."

"Hey, Guangxi. It"s not your fault. It"s those people"s faults. You were just a victim here. Now that you are onboard in your company, you can slowly extend your support."

"En. I might need a lot of your help too."

"No worries. I"ll help you if it"s within my capabilities." Chen Linyun tapped the boy"s shoulder.

"Teacher Chen..."

"Do you like my sister?"

Chen Linyun was taken aback by the question. "I do like her." He answered honestly.

"Do you… Do you love her?" Xue Guangxi was embarra.s.sed by the question.

"In fact, I do love her." Chen Linyun answered.

Guangxi sighed.

"If it"s you she"s going to be with, I wouldn"t have to worry anymore. I personally wish that things will get well between the two of you." He certainly knew about her sister"s betrothal.

"I"ve learned the hard way that this world isn"t safe at all – that not all people could be trusted. I worry about my family now, more than ever, especially my sister."

"She"s the only sibling I have left…" He added in his mind.

"I trust you Teacher Chen. I entrust my sister to you as well."

Chen Linyun was deeply moved by Guangxi"s sudden outpour of emotions and trust. "En."


Xue Jinxu slept for two whole days. In those two days, Guangxi had been hands-on with company. He had taken some of the COO"s lighter responsibilities as well. For matters which needed decision-making, he had been consulting with Chairman Xue who was abroad. So far, everything was starting to normalize.

On the third day, around ten in the morning, Xue Jinxu woke up. She scowled while still keeping her eyes closed. She was annoyed that she woke up, and tried to go back to sleep. She couldn"t sleep anymore.

"I don"t want to wake up…"

"I don"t want to get up…"

"I don"t want to go to work…"

It was on loop.

"I don"t want to wake up…"

"I don"t want to get up…"

"I don"t want to go to work…"

She still kept her eyes closed. She turned to lie on her left side and curled into a ball. She let out a grunt. She finally opened her eyes.

Across her bed was a couch. The moment she opened her eyes, she saw a slender figure sprawled across the couch. It was Chen Linyun. He was watching her. Their eyes locked into each other.

They were lying side by side each other, although there was a vast s.p.a.ce between them.

"How are you feeling?" Chen Linyun asked tenderly, worriedly.

"I"m fine. Come here." Xue Jinxu ordered. The moment she opened her eyes, she readily ordered people around. She seemed really fine now.

She tapped the s.p.a.ce beside her. "Lie down here."

Chen Linyun gulped. But he followed anyway. He lied on his right side, extended his right arm for her head to rest on. She made it her pillow.

Xue Jinxu maintained her fetal position, almost into a ball. Her head was the closest to Chen Linyun, while Chen Linyun was lying stiffly on his side, he was like a lifeless rod.

The lady was not satisfied with their closeness. She buried her head on his chest and inserted her right arm on to the s.p.a.ce between his left arm and waist. She was hugging him. She grabbed his clothes on his backside near the hem.

"Warm. So warm. My safety blanket is so warm."

She started rubbing her face and her nose alternately on his chest, her eyes closed. It was ticklish.

Chen Linyun could not help it but clench both of his hands into a tight ball.

"Xue Jinxu, stop."

She did not listen. She continued what she was doing. It was really comfortable for her.

"Aren"t you hungry? I made abalone porridge. I"ll get some for you." He suggested.

"Later. I"ll eat later. Stay here with me please."

"I"m afraid I can"t anymore." Chen Linyun confessed.

She knitted her brows, irritated. She also stopped rubbing her face, but still kept it on his chest. "Why?"

"M-my body.." Chen Linyun did not know how to proceed. "Do I really need to tell her?" His face was red, his body, too stiff. He"s getting crazy.


"M-my body… reacts violently t-to… to your touch."

There, he said it.

The lady"s eyes widened upon realizing what he meant. She jolted backwards so suddenly. The abrupt movement made her feel a bit dizzy. She even almost fell over the other end of the bed. Had Chen Linyun not grabbed her wrist in time, she would have really fallen over the edge of the bed.

She shook her wrist so hard to escape from his grasp, and pointed her index finger onto him, as if blaming him for what had just transpired.

"You… You... You…" She could not finish, because she did not even know what to say.

"I want to eat the abalone porridge now. I"m so hungry! I want it boiling hot! Please heat it first. Thank you thank you!~~"

Chen Linyun laughed at how she had reacted. "As you wish, my queen."

He extended his arm, with the intent of simply rubbing her head.

She avoided it.

He laughed again and finally stood up.

"It will take a while before I can go back. I will have to heat up the abalone porridge first. I might also need to take a cold shower for a long while". He gave her a side-glance.

She blushed. "Go now! Take your time!"

She buried her red, red face on the pillow.

He laughed gently again and left the room.

She heard the front door of her apartment open and close again.

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