At Apartment 201.

Chen Linyun answered the door. She rushed in. She was still emotionally unstable.

"Where"s Wenbin? She asked, while finding her place to sit at the living room.

"He"s having some fun outside. How"s… how"s your… your engagement dinner?" He asked nervously. He was actually fidgeting the whole afternoon.

Xue Jinxu closed her eyes and ma.s.saged her temples. "I just came back from the dinner. The man was despicable, purely evil. I will never marry that man!" She was shaking her head so hard, and rolling her eyes too.

Then she smiled. "Hey, I have an idea. Let"s go camping tonight."

Chen Linyun was taken by surprise. "It"s already almost nine in the evening! What are you up to? And, it"s going to be winter soon. You have just recuperated recently." He rebelled against this woman"s unreasonable wish.

"It"s still autumn. Let"s go! It will be fun, it would be… just the two of us." She whispered the last part in his ear playfully. His face flushed.

"I"ll meet you at the parking in fifteen minutes. Pack warm clothes. s.n.a.t.c.h whatever food you can s.n.a.t.c.h. Bring a tent. Or we can sleep in the car." She instructed while sauntering towards the door. "It"s our fourth meal together."

"You mean we"re going.. NOW? Tonight?"

"Yeah. Let"s go." With that she left Apartment 201.

She reminded him of their pact of five meals. She had not counted the other mundane meals but had planned for a picnic and a camping. The camping will be the "fourth meal".

As far as he remembered it, it was he who requested and negotiated for the five meals, supposedly with his own terms. How come it became the opposite now? It seemed that she was the originator of this whole five-meal agreement and he was to compel to her.

As always, he dotingly agreed. After fifteen minutes they gathered again in the parking lot. Both of them were covered completely in warm clothes.

Then she tossed her keys to him, motioning him to drive. He took the driver"s seat; she sat herself in the pa.s.senger"s seat. Their bags full of clothes and snacks were on the backseat.

Once on the road, he asked, "Where to?"

She entered an address in the navigation system. "Just follow it. I"ll sleep for a while, alright? Wake me up when we arrive."

The whole trip took a good one hour.

"We"re here." Chen Linyun tapped the sleeping beauty beside him. He also unbuckled his seatbelt.

"That was fast." She unbuckled her seatbelt too.

It was now around ten in the evening. They were at a valley overlooking the city. It was a famous spot for camping. Because of the season, and it"s already late, no one was there besides them. It was dark in their surrounding but in front, the thousands of lights from the city sparkled like stars below them. It was a magnificent, breathtaking sight.

They proceeded to pitch their tent. It was a small tent which could cater up to four people. The wind was howling but they were both bundled up so they were still relatively warm. They had laid a mat on the ground just outside their tent, and had scattered the snacks that they brought, mostly chips.

The two of them, especially Xue Jinxu was very enthusiastic about this camping. She even arranged the bonfire herself. There were remnants of wood and facility in the camping site, ready for use for the visiting campers so it was user-friendly. She had also brought a match. Without any delay they had produced fire.

They sat on stools around the bonfire. He took some extra blankets he brought and covered her with it. He wrapped his arm around her.

"What are you thinking?" He asked her. He kissed her head.

"Nothing." She said. She was focused on grilling her marshmallows on stick in the bonfire.

"What are you really up to? Why did you suddenly think about the camping and dragged me here?

"Well.." She withdrew her marshmallow, from the bonfire. She stared straight to his eyes. "Darling, can"t you see? We"re eloping."

His eyes widened in shock, and stood up. He covered his mouth with his hand. He looked at the lady who stayed seated on the stool beside him, her face with a calm expression.

"What? You"re against it? You want to go back now? If you go back, I won"t go with you. I"ll stay here."

Chen Linyun returned to being seated. He ma.s.saged his temples.

"Can"t you discuss with me first? How can you decide on your own?" Chen Linyun asked her with great incredulity.

Xue Jinxu rested her head on his shoulder and rubbed her face on it. "Are you mad? Please don"t be mad."

He did not respond. In his mind he thought, "How can I be mad with you?"

"If I did discuss it first with you, I know very well that the probability of you agreeing to it is quite small – in fact, it was very slim to none. How can I possibly bet on that?"

"Why did you consider that option? Are you really serious? are we, are we really eloping?" He bombarded her with questions.

"Didn"t you say you love me? Is it on the surface only?" She returned questions to him.

"Of course, it"s deeper than that. But…" Chen Linyun hesitated. He remembered what Mo Wenbin had said earlier, "That"s abduction.. They will put you into jail."

More than just a few times, Chen Linyun had been pondering whether or not Xue Jinxu was simply toying with him. However, he could not make himself believe that it was indeed the case.

"Tell me more about yourself. About your family." Xue Jinxu requested sweetly. She was still rubbing her face on his shoulder.

*Ehem* *Ehem* He cleared his throat. She was rubbing her face on him.

"I was born in Beijing but I had been raised in Country D since I was little. Then I went back to Beijing after I finished my studies for work. I had been raised singlehandedly by my mother in Country D. She"s still there. I haven"t visited her since I left."

"Where"s your father?"

"He"s lives in Beijing. My parents had a fall out when I was young. They resorted into divorce. My father"s family and ancestral house is located in the northern part of Beijing."

"I see." Xue Jinxu said while taking in all the information he shared about his family.

"My father"s side is related to the government." Chen Linyun shared more.

"Chen Linyun, what would your family say if you get married?" Xue Jinxu inquired.

"Xue Jinxu! What are you pointing at?" Chen Linyun was getting crazy. He was now seriously considering that this lady might only be toying with him, playing with his heart.

"Chen Linyun, let"s get married. Marry me."

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