In Greek mythology, there was a woman named Helen who was deemed the most beautiful across the land. Being the most beautiful, he was coveted by kings and princes and all the men fought for her hand in marriage. The victorious suitor was the King of Sparta, Menelaus. At one time she was Helen of Sparta, and at one time she was Helen of Troy. Due to her beauty she was abducted by Paris, the prince of Troy. The most beautiful woman in the world at the time, Helen, was the face that launched a thousand s.h.i.+ps. That face of hers made men wage with each other to war and made their wives weep at home while waiting for their husbands" return. Hers was the face that made the nations clash swords and expend wealth to support troops and weaponry to best their opponent. All for the sake of this woman, Helen.

Back in modern times, in Beijing. There was a G.o.ddess COO who was not a reason to launch a thousand s.h.i.+ps like Helen, but instead had been launching hundreds of s.h.i.+ps on her own. Unlike Helen, this G.o.ddess COO had become more than just a beautiful face. Every single day she faced her own battlefield, protecting the century-old empire that her ancestors before her had successfully defended. Each pa.s.sing day this beauty had been a warrior general, commanding her own troops, leading her own people to battle and emerging victorious at that. She"s the leader of her game – a woman.

This G.o.ddess COO is none other than Xue Jinxu.

She was well-known in the s.h.i.+pping industry. It did not matter if she"s a woman because she"s at par, and at certain times definitely more than the typical male. The s.h.i.+pping industry was an industry led heavily by males, but she was able to dominate it. Such was a woman.

After leaving University X in Country D, she returned to Beijing and entered Xue s.h.i.+pping as a management trainee. She also s.h.i.+fted into a local university and took up Business Management. She was first a.s.signed in the Finance department where after two years she was able to become the Department Head first, and finally the Chief Finance Officer (CFO). She had a difficult time juggling her studies and work but she was able to do it. She treated it as if she was taking her interns.h.i.+p program during a regular semester. In a way, her work complements her studies and vice versa. She both had theoretical and practical insights and it really helped her a lot.

Currently she left the Finance Department and had a.s.sumed the position of the Chief Operating Officer (COO). She now handles the frontline of their business and the daily Operations. Under her supervision includes the utilization and maintenance of the s.h.i.+ps, and making sure that their commitments are being upheld honorably, and that their company gets their fair share of benefits in every contract with their clients.

She handles the operations of all the fleets under the Xue s.h.i.+pping. There were chemical marine tankers which were hired by chemical manufacturers and petroleum refineries and traders to transport their liquid products. There were also pa.s.senger s.h.i.+ps and cruise s.h.i.+ps. There were also s.h.i.+ps which transport hazardous goods.

This new a.s.signment was rather very challenging for her and was taking all her time. Under her, there were issues of additional costs incurred in the form of demurrage and additional fuel consumption [1] whenever a s.h.i.+p overstays in one location. There were also issues on insurance coverage and safety during unexpected and unfavorable emergency situations such as weather disturbances, earthquake, fire, and in cases of crossing other nation"s territory, when there are threats of pirate attacks or terrorism. They were managing s.h.i.+ps, but they were also expected to manage contingencies vis-à-vis their clients" expectations while minimizing losses to their company.

It was really too much for her. At this point she only turned twenty three years of age. A young full-grown beautiful woman her age would have a different itinerary each day than her. While she"s tied up in the company"s meeting room which dragged long hours, other socialite girls would be in coffee shops or spa, or mall with their friends. While she had trips downtown in the Southern ports to check the latest update of her s.h.i.+ps" drydock [1] schedule, other girls would have trips with their friends or boyfriend at the beach in their swimsuits taking up a tan or playing beach volleyball, even just lying down under an umbrella while taking a sip from their fruit juice.

To top it all, she"s a woman in this industry. While being the young management leader that she was, she needed to work with both men and women – mostly men – which held more seniority than her in terms of age and experience. She"s the leader, but she knew within herself that these comrades she worked with had much more to offer than her. She was grateful, of course, but it was also a warning for her. If they sense that she did not know what she"s doing, she might be taken advantage of. Some of her employees had been working in the industry for so many years already, and some of them were of the same age as her parents.

Good thing Butler Lee was always by her side, guiding her. If she"s in a difficult position, Butler Lee would know his cue and save the situation. Butler Lee had always been there since she was young. She personally considered him as her second guardian, after her family"s elders. Of course, Father Xue still held the position of the Chairman, and her older brother held the position of the President.

Xue Jinxu and Xue Minhe were the Big Miss and Young Master of the Xue household. They were twins. The position of the President was being held by her twin brother Xue Minhe. However, it was a pseudo position only kept to maintain balance and ward off threatening forces in the company, and in the whole industry.

In reality, her twin brother Xue Minhe had already pa.s.sed away five years ago. It was this very reason why she had to rush home and a.s.sume the responsibilities. His pa.s.sing was kept under covers and not one external soul was notified about it. The family just made it appear that he was abroad for his studies.

At some instances such as socialite gatherings or company board meetings where his presence was required, a certain person appeared to be him. It was Xue Jinxu. They were, after all, twins. Her brother pa.s.sed away even before he was introduced to the general public. Only those inside the company had seen him visiting when he was young. Therefore in these rare instances, Xue Jinxu had always played the role of her brother, donning male clothes, usually business suit. Those instances were rather rare, and each time, "his" appearance was rather short.

However, the appearance of her "brother" helped in the business. The stakeholders somewhat felt secured that a competent young heir was leading the company. It also gave a psychological effect that Xue s.h.i.+pping is not to be trifled with.

This observation hurts the pride of the Big Miss but she could only take it in.

[1] s.h.i.+pping terms

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