A black car parked in front of the museum.

A lady in light pink trench coat and white heels disembarked from the car. She was smiling and while staring at the building in front of her, she was slowly removing her shades from her face. She bit the tip of the shades" stem for a while then placed her sungla.s.ses on top of her head like a headband.

"It"s good to be back." She grinned and breathed in the familiar air around her.

She took a flight of stairs towards the building"s entrance.

Xue Jinxu was in Country D.

She was there to visit her best friend, Teng Man Rui"s art exhibit. Nowadays, she could take a few days off from work since Guangxi was already on board in the company. It was really a great help on her part, and her workload somehow appeared lighter.

Her phone rang. "h.e.l.lo. Have you arrived?"

"Yes, Linyun. I"m here at the venue. How about you?" It seemed that Chen Linyun was checking on her.

"I"ve also arrived in Hubei. I will be staying here for a few days. Alright, enjoy your vacation. Take care of yourself."

"Take care of yourself too. Bye." She hung up. Her smile grew bigger and warmer. She even let out a giggle.

Although Chen Linyun was physically away, he never let a day pa.s.s without them catching up with each other. They were even so much closer now that they were physically apart than when they were still living in the same apartment complex.

Truly, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

It had been six months since their camping escapade. Winter had pa.s.sed, and currently it"s the middle of spring. Flowering buds were sprouting everywhere with a promise of a new chapter. With spring came the vibrant color and life that was wiped away during winter. It was rejuvenating.

Xue Jinxu entered the hall. She met a few people from the elite circle.

The moment she entered, she heard gasps from the people around. Not long after, a tall young bachelor approached her and gave him a gla.s.s of refreshments. "For you, Miss Xue. Sparkling juice." He beamed and engaged in small talk, in which she responded courteously, however only within the acceptable standards of society.

For some reason, rumors spread about her outburst from her engagement dinner. She did not know why and how, because it was supposed to be between the s.h.i.+ and the Xue Families only, but word got out about it. People knew that she was against the betrothal.

And so, eligible bachelors here and there had been sprouting like mushrooms all around her, trying their luck probably for the last time before she finally tied the knot. Others were brazen enough to approach her upfront, while others sent gifts of various material things to the Xue Old Mansion and to her office. Just like before, she rejected them all.

In these past months she had refrained in visiting the old mansion at her mother"s request. Because every time she did, she was in for a surprise meeting with some eligible heir. It turned out that her mother was still searching other options on the sidelines, after her improper behavior at her engagement dinner. She was immensely annoyed.

And of course, she could only be courteous because she could not tell them that she"s already not available for any romantic pursuit. That, she had already chosen one fine, lucky man – Chen Linyun.

However, this man which also pursued her by his own means, had rejected her marriage proposal, so very unfortunately for her. And because of his manly ego and pride, he had been out on his own to redeem himself from the depths of the earth where he thought he had fallen due to unemployment. She could only respect his decision, and wait for his return quietly, and loyally.

In Greek Mythology there was a beautiful queen Penelope, which after nights and nights of weeping, did not once doubt the return of her husband from the war of Troy. It had been more than ten years, and her son who was just a baby when her husband left for war, had already reached his teenage years. All the suitors from surrounding lands came for her hand in marriage, but she rejected saying that she was still on a weaving project which she had vowed to finish. Off she wove in the daylight, but during nighttime she unraveled the day"s work, prolonging and dragging the suitors" wait until they could not delay anymore.

Such was the case with Xue Jinxu. She had promised Chen Linyun to delay her betrothal the longer it was possible. He estimated the completion of his start-up business for a good one to two years. One to two years! But the lady obliged, thinking that it was now her turn to wait. Her man had waited for her for five whole years without a.s.surance that they will meet again. And so, she too, will wait patiently for his return, holding the fort against her own betrothal.

She"s the modern day Penelope.

Back to the gathering, Teng Man Rui spotted her friend still speaking to the fine gentleman from earlier – the one who offered Jinxu the drink. Man Rui approached them. "Hey, Jinxu. I"m glad you can come today." They exchanged pleasantries and finally excused themselves from the company of the gentleman.

"Thank you for saving me. Hehehe." Xue Jinxu jokingly said. "They all keep on coming!" She was referring to the "suitors".

"Well, I can"t blame them. You"re a good catch." She gently laughed. "Feel free to look around my exhibit. Give comments, I"ll appreciate it." She smiled.

"Okay, I will." Xue Jinxu tapped her friend"s arm. "This is the first time I"m able to attend your event. Sorry for that. Congratulations."

"Thanks. It"s okay. What"s important is that you"re here now. I"m glad that you have the time." She smiled. "I have some free time later, let"s go shopping together.~" Teng Man Rui offered.

"Alright." Xue Jinxu agreed.

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