Chen Linyun freed his right hand from gripping the tub"s edge to support Xue Jinxu"s head. He placed his hand just above her nape. His kisses became more urgent, so much deeper, and richer. He was becoming greedy. He was wanting more of his woman. He was sucking, and biting her skin ever so gently. He continued leaning forward. They were both kneeling now, leaning towards the tub"s wall.


They fell.

They went out of the tub together, over the edge. They lied on their side and back. Xue Jinxu"s wet back had slid against the tub"s edge causing their fall. Xue Jinxu had taken more damage on the fall. The tub"s edge scratched against her back"s skin. She landed on her back, around her right shoulder, Chen Linyun falling over on her too. It was fortunate that Chen Linyun"s hand was supporting her head. It did not hit the floor.

"Jinxu… are you okay?"

Truth betold, she was hurt, and shocked. She did not know what had happened. Her thought process lagged. All she knew was that pain shot through her back. She ignored it and laughed out loud, once she realized what had happened. "Haha! I"m fine."

She adjusted her stance. She was on all fours now, ready to pounce on Chen Linyun who was still lying on the floor. "Shall we?" Implying if they should continue where they left off.

Chen Linyun sat up, gave her a peck on the lips, then he stood up. He grabbed Xue Jinxu"s hand and led her to stand up. "Let me see your back. Where were you hurt?" He inspected the area where there was abnormal redness. The good thing was there was no when her skin slid down against the edge. He ma.s.saged that area.

She was blus.h.i.+ng hard, realizing that they were not wearing anything, and there were no rose petals or the water to somewhat partially cover. On top of that, Chen Linyun was inspecting her back closely, and ma.s.saging the part that was hurt. She buried her face on her palms. She was embarra.s.sed by her own nudity.

After a while, Chen Linyun stopped ma.s.saging her back. She did not feel his presence at all, but still she kept her face on her palms. He seemed to have left her side. Suddenly she felt a towel draped over her head.

"What? What are you doing?" Chen Linyun was in fact wiping her dry from head to foot. He already dried himself before her. During this whole procedure, Xue Jinxu was beautifully frozen at her spot like an ice queen. The only movement from her came from her eyelashes which could not stop quivering. Her gaze was lowered on the floor.

In her mind she wanted to tell him, "I can do it, I can dry myself." But nothing came out.

Inside her, she could not measure the turbulence that her heart was causing. There were b.u.t.terflies in her stomach too. It felt as if her insides had come alive and had been rebelling against her. But externally, she remained unmoving, planted st.u.r.dily at her spot on the ground, like a century-old tree on a vast meadow, like an exquisite marble statue of a G.o.ddess.

He went to fetch her robe that was hanging on the wall. He made her wear the robe. He"s already wearing his. Then they went to the dresser. He proceeded in drying her hair with the blowdrier.

"You might catch a cold." He explained his actions.

Once done with drying her hair, he carried her to the bed and laid her down.

Xue Jinxu tucked herself under the blanket and waited patiently. Her cheeks were still flushed red. It was lovely.

This time, the husband asked, "Shall we?" The wife nodded coyly. Her gaze was elsewhere again, her cheeks were of a lovely blush. She very slowly looked at him bashfully. She kept her gaze at him.

Chen Linyun also tucked himself under the covers. His face was tomato-red. All his muscles were tensed up. He was clenching his fists. The veins on his arms, bulging. Another part of his body was bulging too.

For a while, he did not do anything. They kept their gazes locked. He was gaging up the situation tentatively. The lady was allowing him to take the lead.

Then he undid her robe, and threw it on the floor. He undid his as well. Slowly, ever so slowly, without tearing his gaze from her stare, he inched himself forward. He captured her lips, he closed their gap, and soon after, he entered her. There was too much resistance. It"s as if it"s almost impenetrable. The lady closed her eyes, and clutched the bedsheets with her clenched fists. Her jaws were clenched as well, trying not to make any sound. Still, some gasps escaped. It"s going to be a long night.

In all honesty, Xue Jinxu was only acting tough. She was so nervous that she would probably have fainted, but she didn"t because it did not come with her personality. She wanted it to be over with as soon as possible, because she did not want to be trapped with the unknown. After all, she chose to get married to this man, Chen Linyun. She"s willing to do everything, to give everything to this man, her husband. "My husband." She thought with so much owners.h.i.+p.

He, on the other hand, had been controlling himself all along, whenever they were in close proximity together. Finally, he could fall prey to his own manly desires. Finally he did not have to control anymore. Finally, she would be his in every aspect thinkable. "My wife." His heart swells with manly pride. His woman, his dream, his goal had now become his wife. What a great achievement it was for him.

Xue Jinxu, the woman who most of the time acted tough like a lioness, had been such a scaredy little drenched kitten for several times tonight in front of her man, Chen Linyun. She, who was unconquerable, who was the commanding general of her own empire, had willingly surrendered to this gentleman, Chen Linyun. She submitted lovingly to this man whose persistence was too commendable.

They started their pa.s.sion in the tub. What they could not finish, they continued on their bed. They tossed and turned, their bodies and minds were intertwined. They explored each other, learned about one another, shared this special moment together.

Soon their dance, their rally had come to an end, conquering each other, both emerging triumphant. It took hours and hours, but still, they finished.

They snuggled closely with each other, both exhausted but satisfied. The wife was rubbing her nose on her husband"s chest the way she used to. Chen Linyun kissed her head.

Such was how they consummated their love on their wedding night.

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