Somewhere in the cruise s.h.i.+p The Great Adventurer, a young girl of around sixteen or seventeen years old was roaming freely in her own accord. She was of pet.i.te stature, and had a longer-than-pixie hair with purple highlights on the end. She was holding a selfie stick in one hand, and there was also a GoPro that was hung on her neck. She was Kang Sola.

Previously in her university, she had a bike accident involving the Second Young Master, Xue Guangxi. The kind mister, Butler Lee, had given her five cruise s.h.i.+p tickets as part of their apology. She was not inclined to accept, supposedly; however the kind mister had convinced her. She was ecstatic beyond compare. How would she otherwise be able to get those expensive tickets? She had gotten it for free. She"s just an ordinary student after all.

Three of the five tickets she had given out to her friends. They had thanked her several times. She became the apple of their eyes for a whole week. The two, she kept for herself. She had decided that she will take a second round of the cruise s.h.i.+p.

However, Kang Sola had requested them to take their cruise at a different schedule, since she wanted to make the most out of this experience. She wanted to make a doc.u.mentary, or a video out of it, featuring the cruise s.h.i.+p and the whole experience, since she"s also a vlogger [1].

That explained the stick with attached camera and the GoPro on her neck. She had been exploring every nook and cranny of the s.h.i.+p. She was even able to sneakily go to places that were usually off-limits to guests. She was persistent, and tiny, that she could be unnoticeable if she wanted to.

Of course, she had asked Butler Lee"s permission first, before she proceeded with her videos. Butler Lee, rather, the Second Young Master agreed to her request. However, she did not know that it was Xue Guangxi who gave the clearance.

Moreover, Xue Guangxi did not know that the vlogger was none other than Kang Sola. Butler Lee had only said that a certain vlogger would want to feature their cruise s.h.i.+p. As the Marketing Director, Xue Guangxi agreed because it"s free publicity on their part. After all, he"s confident with their cruise s.h.i.+ps.

Experience-wise, she was doc.u.menting her own journey with her perspective on the line. At an instance she was comparing the different cuisines in the buffet, the done-ness of the steak, the live music playing, and the aura the other guests exude.

One night, a couple got engaged under the moonlight – wherein the guy proposed to his now-fiancé. She was able to get a coverage of the wonderful proposal, although she decided not to post conspicuous details that would be against the couple"s privacy. She interviewed them instead, and congratulated them in turn.

She also made a post about her cabin, and made an exclusive tour around it featuring her bed, her own bathroom, and the balcony accessible to her cabin, and the view that it bestowed her at certain times of day – at sunrise, sunset and in the evening under the stars, in the middle of the sea"s darkness. She was talking to her camera once in a while, expressing herself – her own opinions and how she was taking the whole trip.

Several times in her mind she was thanking Butler Lee, and even pondering on whether or not she should let go of her resentment towards Xue Guangxi, and if she should go and thank them both after this trip. After all, she got this expensive and well-enjoyed cruise s.h.i.+p experience from them for free!

Once in a while they disembark to other ports, for some land trip with tour guides. They went to Shanghai, and to selected areas in j.a.pan and Korea. She went for experience. She met lots of people including a newly-wed couple Chen Linyun and Xue Jinxu, although they only exchanged no more than pleasantries.

In actuality, the guests would have b.u.mped with each other for a time or two because the cruise s.h.i.+p was small, and there were only a few of them – around fifty for an estimate. With ratio of one server to each guest, the servers where also around fifty, and the crew and behind-the-scene personnel would be around fifty also. In totality, there were only around a hundred and fifty people on board The Great Adventurer.

Kang Sola was the type of vlogger that uploads a video daily. Since the cruise is sixteen days long, she posted at the very least, sixteen videos altogether. She was still planning to make one video that will sum it all.

Her number of followers was pretty decent already, but once she posted her fourth to fifth videos of the cruise, the number climbed up quite dramatically. People were also interested about the cruise.

This change also increased her motivation to improve the quality and content of her videos. She wanted the people outside to join her with her experiences.

She had collected myriads of videos for this particular trip, after all, sixteen days was not that short of a trip. The truth was that she had not seen all of the videos, she merely looked for what she needed. She would have sorted the others for her final video summarizing the cruise.

At this point, because her vlogs were a success, she had decided to completely forget her feud with Xue Guangxi. In all honesty, she pondered that perhaps she overreacted a bit because she was physically hurt, annoyed by his foolishness and behavior, and mostly out of shock.

The success of her videos, and her as a vlogger for this cruise could really be attributed not solely to her skills, but to the quality of her video"s contents – which she heavily owed to Xue s.h.i.+pping and Xue Guangxi. The resentment was all gone, and in its place there was even grat.i.tude and sense of indebtedness.

Of course, Butler Lee and Xue Guangxi had no idea of her change of stance, nor had it any effect on them right now if they knew.

[1] vlogger is the creator of a video blog is an entry in the internet in the form of video wherein subscribers or followers tend to support by watching the entries or, in some cases thru monetary means i.e patreon

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