Xue Guangxi was present in the meeting too. It was quite a reunion between the siblings. He had not seen his sister flare with anger for a long time. The matter at hand was grim, unfortunately the COO had witnessed the incident herself.

"Butler Lee…" He called to the man beside him. "I"d like to have a copy of all the guests, crew and personnel that were onboard that specific voyage of The Great Adventurer."

"Will do, Second Young Master. I"ll give it to you after the meeting." Butler Lee retorted.

While they were still having their meeting, the security team entered and informed them that there were protesters outside the company. When leaving the company premises, they advised to take the backside exit instead.

Xue Jinxu glanced at the PR Head. He nodded knowingly. The protesters should be handled urgently but with utmost care. Director Xiao Ye made a phone call discreetly. He covered his moth with one of his hands while making orders over the phone.

Soon after the security left. The executives proceeded with the meeting.

"Is there anyone here from Human Resources?" Xue Jinxu asked.

Somebody raised her hand.

"Good. Miss, please take care of the survivors, conduct futher clinical tests on them, make them undergo stress and post-trauma debriefing, and please give them a month of vacation leave. On top of that, give them complementary compensation."

The lady from the Human Resources slightly nodded her head as acknowledgement of the order.

"Director Xiao Ye…" Xue Jinxu turned her attention to the PR Head again. "Proceed with your earlier proposal of the press release. Make it appear that the Captain worked solely on his own. Post his pictures in the news and use the netizens" sentiments. Put a reward above his head. Make him a fugitive."

"Meeting adjourned. Contact me soonest for updates."

At the COO room, Butler Lee and Xue Guangxi were called over.

She clenched her fist. "Butler Lee, I want him to be seized as soon as possible. Relay that to the police – and I want him alive. There"s someone bigger behind him for sure. "

Guangxi was alarmed. "Who could it be sister? Do you have any suspects in mind?"

"I can only think of one. s.h.i.+ Fan Hai that guy. The one I was betrothed to."

Xue Guangxi flinched. "What made you think that?" He narrowed his eyes. If it"s the truth, then it could only be serious. His family"s safety is at stake.

"He"s the one behind the MT Dragon Heart incident, Guangxi." She slowly revealed the truth. "The guy admitted it himself. However at the time I was not able to get evidence. We"ll have our chance soon. Just wait and see."

Guangxi"s emotions intensified. He had been at the shorter end of the stick during the MT Dragon Heart incident. It was the time of his abduction. Had he not been saved on time, he might have been long dead. It was also the time when his first love betrayed him and left without reason. Now he knew why, and he knew who the instigator is.

So it"s the one his sister was supposed to marry. Now he also understood why his sister had agreed to a hurried secret marriage, and had been too against the betrothal. The guy was evil, extremely evil. If his sister had indeed married this b.a.s.t.a.r.d, that would be the end of their family.

"I will avenge our family, Xu-jie." There was darkness in his eyes.

"Guangxi, NO." Xue Jinxu sternly ordered him. "I forbid you to do anything. The guy is too much for you to handle. It will only damage you further. Don"t listen to your folly. Alright?"

"Be patient. His time will come. Save your efforts for later."

Speaking of the devil, her phone rang. The caller was non other than s.h.i.+ Fan Hai.

"Little sweetheart… How have you been?" Said the low eerie voice from the other end of the line.

Xue Jinxu set the call into loud speaker mode, then she exchanged glances with Butler Lee and Guangxi into the room. Her look had more of the "I told you so" look.

"What do you want?" Xue Jinxu said viciously.

At this time, Chen Linyun had entered the room. Xue Jinxu"s secretary Miss Yan had known the man as her lady boss" husband. She was informed of her boss" abrupt marriage with Chen Linyun. At first she was surprised, but she really did not have anything to say about the matter. To cut the story short, Chen Linyun was given access to the COO"s office anytime.

Upon entering the room, he had read the tense atmosphere and had not uttered a word. He sat on an empty chair and listened attentively with the others.

"Well, I"m just checking on you, little sweetheart. Is it wrong to check on my fiancé?" He chuckled darkly.

She kept quiet. She threw a meaningful look to Bulter Lee. Butler Lee nodded his head. Everyone in the room remained silent.

"Perchance are you the person behind the capsizing of The Great Adventurer? Did your people instruct the Captain to do such a trick?" Xue Jinxu inquisitively asked.

s.h.i.+ Fan Hai snickered. "You"re a quick learner, little sweetheart. I"m starting to like you. Too bad you"re already married. Tsk tsk tsk…"

"He knew." Her countenance paled. Her eyes widened.

"Yes, I arranged the capsizing of The Great Adventurer. You like it?" There was a pause. The guy was seemingly waiting for her response, but he got none, so he continued. "See, I made sure you weren"t onboard when it happened. How thoughtful of me, don"t you think?"

"First, you sabotaged the launch of MT Dragon Heart, and abducted my little brother Guangxi, now this! What else will you do? When will you stop?"

"I won"t stop until I get what I want." He darkly chuckled.

"Ah, yeah I remember. You recently got married haven"t you? I thought we were betrothed. I got confused about that a bit."

"The Great Adventurer was my gift. Did you like my gift?" The low male voice continued. "It"s also a warning." He added threateningly, hinting something else.

"YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.d. YOU"RE TIME WILL COME."

The man laughed heartily. "I would have been scared if I had not known that you have not done any dark deeds before. You"re as clean as an angel, little sweetheart."

Chen Linyun could not stay quiet anymore. "She doesn"t have to dirty her hands on your account. I will do it for her."

Xue Jinxu stood up towards Chen Linyun. She gently laid her palm on his chest, signalling him to stop.

"Oohh. And you are? My bride"s stealer, I reckon?" There was amus.e.m.e.nt in his tone. "Is that animosity that I"m sensing? Shouldn"t I be the one with animosity towards you? You stole my bride!"

"Has Grandfather known about your marriage? I wonder if you"ll be this brave in front of the elders."

"What"s the name, Chen Linyun? Did I get it right? Hmmm… You have to pay for taking what"s mine."

"So, have you had a clear copy of this conversation?" s.h.i.+ Fan Hai was mocking them. "You think I won"t figure out that you"re recording this? Very well. Use it as you please. If you don"t have enough material yet, just tell me so. I"d gladly lend a hand."

Her eyes narrowed slightly. "SHUT UP!" With that she hung up the phone call.

"That"s enough drama." She turned to Butler Lee, "Did you get that?"

Butler Lee nodded his head, then played the recording he had saved in his gadget.

"Don"t listen to him, he might not be even certain of what we were doing. Most probably he"s simply making a stance that we indeed recorded the conversation, which we really did."

She sighed. "That devil is really something."

"Cut out these parts. These are what we need." She instructed further. "s.h.i.+ Fan Hai that b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Let"s see whose family will fall." Xue Jinxu sneered.

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