Kang Sola was also checking her videos from the cruise, which she had shared with the Second Young Master, Xue Guangxi.

She had been frozen for a good few minutes already. It seemed her soul had left her body. It was out of humiliation.

Out of haste, she had shared all of her videos, even the rejects. She was not able to filter them.

"What face do I still have left after all these shameful videos were out? Oh my G.o.d." She kept on staring at her laptop"s screen.

"I"m a vlogger. How can I be so careless? If it gets to the wrong hands, and my videos get leaked, that would be the end of me."

She heard her phone ring. She fetched it. "Mister." It was Butler Lee. "How may I help you?"

"Miss Kang, your help from earlier was very much appreciated. The Second Young Master would like to relay his deepest grat.i.tude to you for sharing your videos with us. Please rest a.s.sured that everything will be confidential. As a matter of fact, the Second Young Master checked the videos himself."

"Oh my G.o.d. He saw my videos already. Even the cuts."

"Did he come up with anything worth noting from my videos?" She inquired, trying to see if her unintentional sacrifice had indeed borne fruit.

"Yes, Miss Kang. He saw something that could be used as evidence against the Captain."

*Phew* She heaved a sigh of relief. "That"s good to hear. Worth it!"

"Butler Lee, may I just ask. If the Second Young Master is really sincere with his grat.i.tude, why did he not say it himself? Why need to pa.s.s the message through you? It doesn"t quite appear sincere at all."

"I mean not that I"m complaining or anything, Mister. I was just talking aloud. Please don"t mind me! Hehehe." She gave out a nervous laugh. She"s forgetting that Xue Guangxi was not like her – an ordinary person. "The Second Young Master might be busy. I haven"t thought of that possibility. I"m sorry, Mister."

Butler Lee remained silent for a long time. There was no hint if he was still at the other end of the line.

"Mister, are you still there?" Kang Sola blurted out, not really expecting a response.

"Miss Kang, I will relay your message to the Second Young Master." Butler Lee said.

"Oh my G.o.d. One mistake after another. What did I just do?"

"Mister… Hehehe… You can also consider not telling him what I just said. It"s really no more than gibberis.h.!.+" Kang Sola was trying to mend the situation.

"It will be alright, Miss Kang. The Second Young Master has the right to know."

"Of course! Of course. Hehehe." A droplet of sweat trickled down her temple. "I understand, Mister."

"Of all the people that could see my rejected videos, why him? He"s a jerk!"

"No, maybe he"s not. He looked fine today. A little gentlemanlike, even." She unknowingly blushed.

"Mister, I"d like to further help. I still have one cruise ticket left. I"m thinking of doing another feature to boost your company"s image. I"m an influencer. People trust me because I"ve already proven my credibility. It will surely help your company recover from this incident."

"I"m not in position to decide on the matter, but I will relay your suggestion, Miss Kang. In behalf of the Xue Family, thank you, Miss Kang Sola."

Their call ended.

She sighed. What a twist of fate! No sane person would want to experience calamities, and disasters. No one would ever want to be in such a wrecking situation.

She sincerely wanted to help in any way she could.

It had been just a short while from her call with Butler Lee when her phone rang again.

"I don"t get that much calls." She noticed that her phone did not recognize the number of the caller. She tilted her head but answered it anyway.

"Good evening. May I know who"s this, please?" She greeted.

"Good evening, Miss Kang Sola. This is Xue Guangxi." A low voice of a young teenage boy came through.

"!!!!" Kang Sola was speechless.

"Oh my G.o.d! He called himself! Butler Lee must have really reported what I have said earlier."

"S-Second Young Master!"

"Hey vlogger Kang Sola, you can just call me Xue Guangxi. I prefer my name better." There was a hint of a little boyish playfulness in his voice, but it was still guarded, in a way.

Kang Sola did not respond. She had not recovered yet from receiving the unexpected call.

"Anyway, I called to personally thank you, Miss Kang, for all the help. I"m sorry I sent out Butler Lee to relay my thanks. I…" Xue Guangxi trailed off. Actually his voice was shaky.

"Is that nervousness that I sense in his voice? Nah!" Kang Sola shrugged it off. "Why would he be nervous? He, of all the people?"

Xue Guangxi let out an awkward laugh. "I"m actually so nervous right now. Hahahaha!" Xue Guangxi said. "You"re like a terror professor, do you know that? Hahahaha. Please don"t get mad at the comment." He added worriedly at the end.

"Am I really like a terror professor?" Kang Sola thought. "Was I really too… snappy? Was that how he viewed me?"

"Well, as I was saying… Yeah, well… Thank you. Butler Lee also said that you were willing to feature our cruise s.h.i.+p again? I believe the ticket you have is under the same category with The Great Adventurer?" He was extremely accommodating to her idea.

"That"s boring. That type of cruise is more suited to lovebirds and old people. I"ll change your ticket to a cruise which is more fun, more fitting to our age. It has lots of on-board activities which the pa.s.sengers can indulge into. It has waterworks like pools and slides. It has a mini golf course, an obstacle course, a trampoline and Velcro room, a bar, a movie house, and even a built-in sauna. It has colorful parties at night with overflowing drinks, and sometimes it has fireworks and outrageous performances and concerts on board. It"s a playground in the middle of the sea. How"s that?" He was certainly proud of this cruise, and he"s showing it off.

"Wow! That sounds really exciting. Okay! Looking forward to it."

"Alright! I"ll join you. Just set the date. I mean, just tell us your preferred schedule."

"You"re joining me?" Kang Sola repeated. It seemed that she"s not amenable to that idea.

"Yes, why? I"ll be your host. I"ll tour you around. Is there a problem? I"ll bring Butler Lee with me." Guangxi said, sensing something off from Kang Sola. "She still does not trust me? Is it awkward to be around me?"

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