The broken-hearted partic.i.p.ant stood up and left the group, "I"ll go for a walk."

"Alright, but don"t go too far. If you go straight eastward, you"ll find an opening to a stream, and farther northward along it is a hot spring." Their guide told him. "Be back within an hour, or we"ll start searching for you. Please bring your phone with you."

"Roger that." The broken-hearted partic.i.p.ant acknowledged the instructions.

He followed the instructions of the guide. Soon after he found the stream. The sound of running water soothed his troubled heart. He walked northward slowly towards the hot spring.

Once in a while he glanced up at the stars above and at the huge full moon. The stars and moon shone brightly against the deep, dark night sky.

"It would have been a perfect night to share with a lovely lady." He sighed.

There was an image of one particular lady that appeared in his mind.

"Xue Jinxu. He sighed again.

The lady told him herself that she"s already married. He thought that if he could only wait patiently, he would be able to get his chance, his turn.

"It"s not going to happen. So forget about her." He talked to himself in his mind.

He continued with his saunter quite dejectedly and slowly. He savoured the calmness of the night.

He stopped his reverie when he found himself at the end of the stream. In front of him were hundreds of pools fuming with hot steam. He had reached the hot spring. He marveled at the sight in awe. It was too picturesque that it would probably pa.s.s as a real-life 4-D painting, only a thousand times better. It was breathtaking.

He moved his line of sight to the farther side of the hot spring. The area was vast and extended far across. Afterwards, he found his feet walking towards the hotsprings, to better take in his surroundings. For sure, he would not be able to go back to this place in the near future.

"Might as well savour all of it. Save it in my memory."

"It"s so enchanting."

The night was silent except for the hissing of the waster from the stream, and the murmuring of the froth and bubbles of the natural pool.

And then, a soft humming of a female voice was heard. "What"s that?"

Everything was magical. He found himself in the middle of this out-of-this-world, another-world-ish realm. "Am I still on earth, is it still earth? Or is this heaven already? I was just sauntering earlier. Am I dreaming?"

He walked nearer the source of the enchanting voice. And there, in the middle of one pool, he saw a mesmerizing sight anyone could not fathom to behold – the owner of the enchanting soft, alluring voice was an angel who descended from the heavens to take a little rest and pamper herself in a bath in the hot springs. Her body was completely submerged in the water, with only her shoulder up to her head showing. Her slick black hair was tied at the back in a low ponytail. Once in a while her limbs went out of the water and gracefully danced in the wind, playing with the water with her frail hands. Another moment, and she giggled softly and sweetly as the water droplets fell from her hand.

However, he could not discern her face. The rising steam of the hot springs covered her face in a blur. Despite the fog, he could tell that she"s a beauty. Her facial features were soft and seemed perfectly proportional. Too bad he could not see clearly. But, it"s fine. He could not be asking more than what he already had laid eyes on.

He took a step nearer the mesmerizing creature. At this point he was completely enthralled. Unfortunately in his step he had kicked some rocks, and it started rolling. It made some sound which disturbed the peace of the night.

The angelic creature"s head turned towards his direction – the direction of the stones rolling.

"Who"s there?" A clear high-pitched sweet voice dominated the air. It was soft, but clear and audible.

The man turned around and tried to think of his next course of action. He wanted to get to know the lady, but it"s inappropriate for him to come any closer, since she"s taking a bath. She might even take him for a pervert.

He took his chance and turned around, trying to return his attention to her. However when he took a look, the lady was gone.

His eyes widened in surprise. She was gone. The lovely beautiful enchantress, the angel, the fairy, disappeared completely at a threat of being exposed.

He stood there planted st.u.r.dily on his feet, not leaving with his eyes the specific spot where she had been.

"I shouldn"t have turned around."

"I shouldn"t have made a sound. It should have been more careful."

"I disturbed her."

"Will the heavens forgive my insolence?"

"I have never seen anything like her."

"I may not see her again."

His thoughts came in sporadically. He stood still, not wanting to do anything more, however wanting to go back to the few minutes ago when the lovely creature was still in the hot springs.

"This place is sacred."

"I shouldn"t have come here."

"Will the G.o.ds punish me?"

He stayed rooted to the ground for a good good while. He did not notice, that the group which he had left early on had been trying to contact him through his phone. Yes, he had brought his phone with him, but it was on silent mode, because he did not want to be disturbed.

He had probably been away for over an hour. Most probably the group had been searching for him already.

But, he was oblivious.

In this place where he was, it was timeless.

He stayed there, still standing at his spot, enthralled, enchanted, and mesmerized like a fool.

A few minutes more, and his group had found him in the same state – engulfed in stupor.

"What happened to him?" They were asking each other.

"Hey buddy, are you alright? You seemed to have seen a ghost. Did you see one?" One of the backpackers asked him, jokingly.

Finally, he moved. He turned his head towards the inquisitor. "No, but I"ve seen a tennyo."

The group looked at each other in confusion. "A tennyo, like in the stories?"

"Yes. I saw one. Right there." He pointed towards the middle of the pool.

"It"s fine if you don"t believe me. I know what I saw."

The group looked at each other once more. It couldn"t be possible. It was just a character in the legends. Most probably this guy was just playing a prank on them, if he"s still sane. That"s what they thought.

"Okay, buddy, if you say so." The first backpacker said.

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