A few blissful days pa.s.sed since the couple left the Old Xue Mansion. They were living on their own, as Xue Guangxi had left the apartment. He got his own place near the university.

Xue Jinxu did not need to go to the office, since she had been stripped of her COO position. She stayed inside their house. It was an opportunity for her to rest and to spend some quality time with her husband. She had become a full-time housewife, only focusing on their basic needs, and on her husband.

Mo Wenbin was still affiliated with Tiankong Investments in the Finance Department. He still lived below them at Apartment 201. Sometimes the three of them shared dinner together, just like the good old times.

Xue Guangxi was doing well in his academics. He had gotten himself another tutor, but complained to their group chat that his brother-in-law was still better, and was even asking if he could still continue tutoring him. It was Xue Jinxu who declined him.

"No, your brother-in-law already has a lot on his plate. He doesn"t have time to babysit you." Xue Jinxu had interjected.

"How harsh." Xue Guangxi thought. "She simply wanted him for her own. Hmph."

However that was the truth.

Chen Linyun entered the Ministry of Intelligence and Surveillance. Although he entered through connections, he was trying to earn his peers" respect based on his capability. During the evening and on his free time, he checked the status of his business in Country D. For now, since the cycle was still on-going, he did not need to frequently visit the farms across China. He also hired a.s.sistants to do the fine-tuned monitoring for him.

At the absence of Xue Jinxu, the COO position had been vacant for sometime. The Xue Family and stakeholders had hired from the outside an interim COO to fill the position.


One mundane morning at Apartment 301.

Both their countenances were bright.

"Mhmmmm... Morning." Xue Jinxu grunted beside Chen Linyun. They were lying on their sides facing each other. She started rubbing her nose on his chest. Chen Linyun caught her in his embrace. His eyes half-closed, he attacked her with kisses on her lips, down her neck. She giggled. "Hey, it"s too early for that." She tried to pull away.

"It"s because you keep on teasing me, my wife." He grabbed her waist again, never letting her go. He continued pouring kisses all over her body.

She covered his mouth with her hand. Of course, he stopped. He opened his eyes in revolt. She lounged on top. Then she whispered, "Do you know you are so much more handsome without the gla.s.ses on?" Yes, 100% she was teasing.

The husband grabbed her waist again, and continued what he was doing ferociously. She was dead meat. She giggled at her husband"s love attack.

After their morning pa.s.sion, the lady freshened up then went towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast. "Husband, what breakfast do you want to have today? Sunny side up? Bacon?"

"Anything, my dear. I will eat anything that you prepare." He followed her to the kitchen. "Do you want me to cook?"

"No, I got this. Just wait there. Here"s your coffee." Her bright smile was enough breakfast for Chen Linyun. In fact, their morning exercise was enough for Chen Linyun. The wife did not have to cook breakfast.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." Chen Linyun said contentedly. They decided not to discuss Xue Jinxu"s family in the meantime.

Xue Jinxu left her pans for a while to give Chen Linyun a kiss. She grabbed his cheek and proceeded in locking her cherry lips with his. She could have sustained, however she needed to go back to her cooking.

In the end she ended up cooking chicken porridge with two sunny side up eggs and curved bacon as toppings forming a smiley, inspired by the breakfast in the animated film Mulan, prepared by the dragon Mushu, although her version had levelled up. It contained healthy mushrooms, spring onions, pepper and bits of crispy garlic. It was cute.

Chen Linyun"s smile could not leave his face. He was studying his bowl of porridge. "Dear, how can I eat it? I don"t want to destroy it. It"s too cute."

"You can take a picture of it, then eat it. I"ll get mad if you don"t."

"Hehehe. Alright, alright." He obeyed the wife. How could he not, she"s scary when she"s angry. He had adopted a new motto in life which goes "Happy wife, happy life".

"I"m going to eat the brows first." It was the mushrooms.

Then he poked the yolk of one of the eggs. "Oh no, his eyes, his eyes! He"s crying yellow tears now!"

Xue Jinxu laid her chopsticks and spoon forcefully on the table. Chen Linyun froze. "What did I do, is she mad? Oh no."

"Chen Linyun…" He gulped when he heard her call.

"Dear, you are so adorable. Can I take a video? Can you do it again? Mhmm? Mhmmm?" She was acting cute herself. She was coaxing him. Was she doing the baby-talk?

Chen Linyun blushed. He tried to cover his face with the back of his hand. "What for?"

She went behind him and gave him a backhug. She wrapped her arms lovingly around his neck, and rested her head on his shoulder. "For memories" sake."

Chen Linyun laid his chopsticks as well on the table. He turned around to face the wife. He cupped her check and gave her a soft kiss. "Anything for the wife."

She giggled. She gave him a peck on his cheek. "Thank you~" She ran towards their room to get her phone. Then she proceeded in capturing the video. He repeated what he did a while ago. The whole while his face was red from embarra.s.sment. Well, anything for the wife, he had said.

"How are you during daytime? Do you get bored?" He probed while he resumed eating their breakfast.

"Nah, I"m fine." She denied.

"Well, sometimes, y-yeah. Hehe. But I"ll get used to it. Don"t worry."

He sighed. "Dear, I"ve been thinking about it. Now that you have the time, why don"t you pursue what you really like – Art. I"d love to see your artworks."

There was apparent delight on her face. "Really? I can do that? Oh my, that"s a great idea." She put her hands together in deep thought. "Alright. I"ll give it a shot."

"Looking forward to it, dear." He scooped another serving of porridge that the wife made.

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