Towards the end, Xue Jinxu played the birthday song, and urged everyone to sing Aunty Mo a happy birthday. Everyone obliged. They sang merrily, with the lively accompaniment of Xue Jinxu in the piano. The maids took it as a cue, and then entered carrying Aunty"s three-tier cake with a lit candle on the second layer.

Aunty Mo was extremely happy that she was becoming sentimental and was nearing tears. At this moment, the Chen sons also joined the elders in front. Mo Wenbin wrapped his arm around his mother lovingly.

Chen Lhingyu blew the candle after making a wish. She was crying tears of joy. She said to her guests, "Honestly there"s nothing else I can wish for myself. My wish is for my son here. I wish him to settle down soon enough, with an equally talented and beautiful lady like our daughter-in-law. I"m blessed to have a family like ours, despite being a widow for several years now. I know my late husband is happy watching how things unfolded today, wherever he is." She wiped the side of her eyes with her handkerchief.

"Oh Mother, I"m still too young to settle down!" Mo Wenbin protested openly. Aunty Mo spanked him lightly. The audience laughed at their lovely banter.

After the birthday song, each guests presented their gifts to Chen Lhingyu. The guests fell in line towards the stage. Chen Lhingyu appreciatively received the gifts while thanking the gift-givers and well-whishers profusely.

The immediate family members were not exempted. Mo Wenbin brought his gift, it was an electronic foot ma.s.sager. He thought it could be handy at night when his mother is about to take some rest. The Chen couple decided on giving a porcelain tea set, with a special healthy teabags from the south. Xue Jinxu remembered that Chen Linyun came across this medicinal herbal teabags while he was on his travels and had requested her husband for it. The doting husband in turn asked his subordinate to send some. Xue Jinxu chose the tea set that would go perfectly with it. Hw.a.n.g Meilin prepared a jadeite necklace of superb quality.

The party was nearing its end. The guests returned to enjoying the night after they had presented their gifts to Chen Lhingyu. Some were talking leisurely, some were enjoying the food again, and some were drinking while admiring the view.

Most of them shared the happy lively vibe of the party – except for one.

At the left side of the courtyard where the gazebos are, sobs of a girl crying could be noticed, if one would pay close attention.

Mo Wenbin incidentally was staying there while trying to rest a bit from mingling with the guests. Even if he"s a happy and loud fellow, his energy had been drained, so he was trying to recharge for a bit.

Then, he heard the sobs. He went on to find the source of the little noise.

It was Hw.a.n.g Meilin. She was at the farthest gazebo. Mo Wenbin joined her.

"Meimei." He said trying to test the waters first.

"Wenbin-ge." *sob sob sob* "It should have been me."

"What are you talking about?" Mo Wenbin was confused.

"The daughter-in-law… Yun-ge"s wife…. It should have been me…"

Mo Wenbin"s brows arched. "Why? Are you in love with Linyun?"

"He promised me that he would marry me when we were little. I was holding on to that promise. He didn"t keep it. He doesn"t even remember the promise… or me…" More sobs came.

"You were there too, right? You"re my witness. You have to side with me, Wenbin-ge."

Mo Wenbin sighed. He thought first before he answered, picking the best way possible not to add more fuel to the fire.

"Meimei. You might be mistaken somewhere." Mo Wenbin scratched his head, not knowing how to continue.

"What do you mean, Wenbin-ge? You don"t believe me? But you were there! Can"t you remember? Have you forgotten too?" Hw.a.n.g Meilin was getting more worked up.

"Calm down, Meimei. It"s just that. Chen Linyun did not promise you anything. It"s the truth." Mo Wenbin clarified.

"What? But I remember…"

"It was I." Mo Wenbin cut her short.

Hw.a.n.g Meilin gasped. Her eyes widened in shock.

"I made you that promise when we were four or five. But it"s no more than a child"s word, a child"s play."

"During those times Linyun and I always played with swords, robots and cars. But whenever you visit, we always played house, or wedding. Guess who played the role of the husband and the wife? It"s me and you. Chen Linyun was always the priest who married us, or the chef in the restaurant where we ate, or the butler in our house. He"s never your partner in the role plays. It was always me."

"Now, I don"t know why you remembered differently. You have to sort it out within yourself. Do you really have pure feelings of love for Linyun, or are you just trapped with that promise? Are you telling me that you are holding the words of a five-year-old kid for life? Are you telling me that the four-year-old version of yourself is the same as who you have become?"

"Is gummy bears still your favorite food?"

"You have not changed at all?"

"You should not get yourself trapped in the past."

"Now that you know that it"s not Chen Linyun but me, how will your perception change? Will your preference switch to me now? Meimei, life is not that simple. There are several factors to consider."

The lady stopped crying for a while, but when she cried again, it was with more intensity. She had just learned that what she believed since childhood was wrong. How could she have accepted it so readily?

It was not Chen Linyun who promised her, rather, it was Mo Wenbin. Somewhere down the road she had been confused herself.

"If you tell me now that you like me after hearing that it was me who promised you, I would not have believed you." Mo Wenbin was not finished yet.

"Sorry, Meimei. You have to wake up from this dream now. It"s not helping you in anyway. I"m sorry to break it to you. And I"m sorry to say that I might not keep that promise. To be fair, would you want me to marry you just because I said I would when I was five? Meimei, the world is big. I suggest you go out of your comfort zone. Travel the world. Meet new people. Explore first while you"re still young. Then let"s talk again and see if you still want to claim that marriage."


"Stop crying. There"s still tomorrow. It"s not yet the end of the world." Mo Wenbin wiped her tears with his thumb then rubbed her head brusquely.

The lady sniffed and sniffed but nodded. "En."

"Let"s go back to the party. They must have been looking for us." He led them towards the house.

While walking she asked, "Wenbin-ge what is your ideal woman like?"

"Me?" He gave her a side-glance. "I like a woman who is mature… Someone who knows how to apologize sincerely and admit that she"s at fault. Someone who knows what is right from wrong, what is good and bad, and what is appropriate from not. Someone who acts her age, and not easily swayed by popular culture or other people"s advice." He raised his brows. Actually, he"s simply trying to steer Hw.a.n.g Meilin away from trouble. This girl was like a little kid who needs coaxing.

"You really haven"t changed at all. Is Gummy bears still your favorite food?" He asked her curiously.

"Of course not! It"s Beef Stroganoff!" She said proudly, with her chin tilted slightly upward.

Mo Wenbin laughed. He ruffled her hair. "You"re still the spoiled kid that I know. When will you grow up?"

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