Xue Mingli and Zhao Feiyan"s countenances were lifted in understanding of what was going on. So, this child is Liu Huojin"s son!

There was a clear shock in Elder Liu"s face. "How can you be sure?"

"We already subjected the child into a DNA test. It matched with your son"s DNA profile from the health care services. You can do another test with your own sample to verify."

After a while the door opened. Liu Huojin entered the function room, followed by Chen Linyun behind. "Father!" His face was as white as a sheet of paper. His eyes turned to the little boy beside his father. His countenance changed from white to green to purple. He felt like throwing up!

He turned to Chen Linyun. "You! You said…" He trailed off.

Chen Linyun stopped him. "I had kept my end of the bargain. This is outside of our agreement." Then he turned to Father Xue, Xue Mingli. "Sir, this is COO Liu Huojin"s resignation letter."

Liu Huojin extended his hand as if to grab the letter back. Father Xue took it safely into his hands before Liu Huojin could s.n.a.t.c.h it away. His forehead could not stop from sweating.

"I take it back! I take it back!" Liu Huojin shouted.

"Mr Liu, you know very well the consequence if you take it back." Chen Linyun stared down at him, reminding him of the unpublished articles.

Liu Huojin stopped shouting and pursed his lips. This is definitely the better option.

Apparently, he had chosen the second option. It meant that he had chosen to comply with Chen Linyun"s two conditions.

"Huojin, what commotion is this?! And who is this child?! Is he your son, my grandson? How can you neglect your own blood? You, I"ve raised you even if… inspite of… How can you not take care of your own son! How can you look after and manage your own company if you cannot look after your own people!" Elder Liu scolded his son out of his wrath. He took the child"s hand, and led the way out. "I"ll raise this child up. And you, forget about the inheritance. I don"t want to see your face again."

"Father! Father! Wait!" Liu Huojin went after them. Without the Liu family behind him, he would be nothing.

When peace returned inside the function room, Xue Jinxu spoke. "Is it easier for you now to choose among my proposals? The COO position is officially vacant again." She smiled slightly.

Chen Linyun seated himself beside Xue Jinxu. He was in an awkward situation, seated in front of his in-laws who still had not accepted fully his marriage with Xue Jinxu, except for Mother Xue who already had relayed her blessings to them.

He decided to keep quiet.

Father Xue cleared his throat. *Ehem* *Ehem* "Princess, I didn"t know that your husband is blackbellied [1]."

Inside his head, Chen Linyun was panicking. "Do I look bad in front of my in-laws? Are they scolding Jinxu?"

"Good job, son." Father Xue exclaimed.


"Did I hear it right?" Chen Linyun"s back tensed. His eyes widened in shock.

"S-Sir?" Chen Linyun wanted to clarify.

Father Xue cleared his throat again. "Call me Father. Your name is Chen Linyun, right?" He was looking at Chen Linyun straight in the eye.

"Y-yes Sir! I mean, F-father!" Chen Linyun was nervous, ecstatic and what not. He was staggering and stuttering.

Zhao Feiyan and Xue Jinxu"s mouths gaped open. They turned into statues, unmoving.

Indeed!!!! Father Xue had given his blessings.

"Thank you, S-s.. Father!" He stood up and gave a ninty degrees bow, three times.

"Thank you, Mother!" He bowed to Zhao Feiyan at ninty degrees, again for three consecutive times.

Xue Jinxu already recovered. He stood up towards her father. She stood behind him then hugged him. "Oh, Father! Thank you! I love you! I love you!" She showered her father with kisses on the cheeks. Father Xue"s cheeks turned pink. He was touched by his only daughter"s show of affection, at the same time he was embarra.s.sed.

"That"s fine. That"s fine, Princess! Take your seat, come on!" Father Xue tried to coax Xue Jinxu. "We still have an unresolved issue at hand."

"You know, Chen Linyun, Xu-er, we have seen your accomplishments in the news. We are proud of what you have attained, as our son-in-law. If your goal is to prove yourself to us, you have succeeded. But we cannot answer in behalf of your grandfather, Xu-er. Just continue what you are doing, and keep your harmonious relations.h.i.+p intact. Hopefully your grandfather…"

He sighed. "He"ll come to see it for himself."

The rest of the family members sighed as well.

"Now back to the issue at hand." Father Xue reminded them of the vacant COO position. "I preferentially choose you, Xu-er, to fill up the position. However, your grandfather…" He sighed again. "He"s being too difficult! It"s affecting the company!" He was frustrated.

"Just to prevent from a similar situation to arise, I"ll eliminate the second option. I will not allow externally hired person to fill it up. Therefore, we are left with only Guangxi." He sighed again.

"The child is doing his best! But that"s what he is, still a child! Can he do it? He"s already burnt out as it is!"

"He has to, Father. Let"s just guide him. I"ll guide him the best I can." Xue Jinxu promised.

"I agree. Guangxi should fill up the COO position."

"Father, There"s a work around." Xue Jinxu opened up her thoughts to them. Her eyes were flickering and burning with the idea. "It can be that…Upfront, he will be the COO, but I can do the function behind the scenes. I have a lot of free time on top of my business. All I need is access to the operations."

"That way, Guangxi can observe and learn from me further while taking the burden from his shoulders. He should be able to focus on his studies."

"Mhmmm…" Father Xue pondered on her recommendation. "Sounds a good plan to me. Okay let"s do that. It"s final then. I"ll talk to him about it. You need not to worry."

The meeting of the Chen and Xue couples came to an end. It had ended in quite a good note. Chen Linyun had slashed yet again another one item in his bucket list – getting Father Xue"s approval and blessing. Only Grandfather Xue"s blessing was left.

That night they cuddled extra sweetly sharing the happiness brought about by that day"s turn of events.

"You appeared extra caring towards the kid." Chen Linyun pointed out. "Suddenly, I antic.i.p.ate the day when we have our little ones."

She blushed. Her lashes displaying its usual femininity. She had noted the plurality of the term "little ones". "How many do you want us to have?"

"As many as possible. I"m an only child. It was lonely growing up." He kissed her cheek.

She blushed even more.

He sensed her uneasiness. "How many do you want?" He squeezed her arm, and gazed attentively at her lovely blus.h.i.+ng countenance, waiting eagerly at her answer.

"How about two to three?" She said, lifting her lashes, and locking gazes with him. "But…" She trailed off.

"As the possibility of it becomes nearer and greater, I realize…I"m scared of child birth, dear." She said softly. She buried her head on his chest, ashamed of this little revelation.

"It will be okay. I"m here with you, alright? We"re not in a hurry. We"re still young anyway." He kissed her forehead, while rubbing her arm to pacify her.

"En." She nodded while in his arms. They succ.u.mbed to sleep wrapped in each other"s warm embrace, dreaming of a future with little ones running around them. They would not know when it will happen, but for now they dreamed these pleasant dreams in their sleep.

[1] cunning

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