"Second Young Master." The head of his security team called him.

"We noticed that a certain girl keeps on following you around. It has been quite a few days already. We took a photo of her. Please tell us if you recognize her." He handed him his phone with the photo.

The moment Xue Guangxi saw the photo, he grabbed the phone and smashed it to the floor upon reflex. With blood-shot eyes he questioned the head of security, "Where is she? Get her here. Now." He ordered.

Xue Guangxi was furious. He had an easy-going personality. However, these past months, due to fatigue, stress and the heavy responsibilities, he had been transforming into an irritable, and even scary person, especially whenever he started to question the point of living every single day, and the point of accomplis.h.i.+ng all that was in his to-do list. He became worse when people at work oppressed him, within the perimeters of his own kingdom. He knew he became a laughing stock, and people bashed him behind his back. He felt terrible.

He was in his flat near the university. The head of the security had shown him a photo of a girl. Apparently he recognized the girl.

A moment later his bodyguards dragged the girl into his flat. They did not seem to have difficulty in finding the girl. Most probably, she"s just around the area.

"Leave us." He ordered.

The security team left the flat to give them privacy.

The girl was none other than… "Su Jingjing." He said with bloodshot murderous glare. The girl in front of him cowered in fear. If she could run, she would have ran, but where else can she go in this enclosed s.p.a.ce? She"s done for. She had not realized that the Xue Guangxi at present was too different from the version she had known a year ago. And who"s fault was that?


Xue Guangxi"s temper reached a notched higher. He went on berserk mode. "What did you just call me?! Guangxi? Do you think so highly of yourself? Oh, I guess so." He was still glaring at her. If looks could kill, this girl would have died already. "Otherwise, who would dare to betray me, make a fool out of me, like you did?!"

"Second Young Master…" Su Jingjing knelt at him. And grabbed his legs. She kowtowed at him. "I"m sorry… I"m sorry… Please forgive me… there was a situation… I was threatened…" She did not know how to explain her side.

"Cut the c.r.a.p!"

"Get your filthy hands off me, tras.h.!.+" He abruptly stepped backward. The girl was flown forward.

"What could your apologies do? Did you know, I almost died! If I had not been rescued on time, I would have left this world a long time ago! You"re sorry? That"s bulls.h.i.+t!" Guangxi vented out his long pent up anger.

Su Jingjing gasped. Both her hands covered her gaping mouth. It seemed that she really did not know the extent of what had happened. Guangxi was telling the truth. If he had not been saved on time, the boat would have sailed to who knows where, without any possibility of returning alive. That was the purpose – to get rid of him.

"Don"t act like you did not know!" Xue Guangxi pinched the s.p.a.ce between his brows and closed his eyes, his head tilted upward. He walked back and forth for a bit, seemingly trying to calm himself down.

The girl was crying hysterically. "Guangxi… No, no… Second Young Master… I"m really sorry. I"m here to ask for forgiveness, to atone for my sins. I"m really sorry. I"m ready to face the consequences. I"ll do what you want me to do!"

Guangxi sneered. "What can you do to compensate?"

He grabbed her arm upward, yanking her to stand up on her toes. Guangxi was terribly rough and forceful. He used his other free hand to pinch her cheeks, cupping the chin. It was forceful, and the movement made the girl panic, her cries increased in intensity. He pushed her towards the wall. Her back b.u.mped hard on the wall and caused her severe pain. She tried to turn sideways, but Guangxi"s hand on her face held her in place. His grip was too strong that his fingers would have left its mark if he had freed his hand.

"How about you compensate with your body?" He attacked her lips forcefully, coa.r.s.ely, and intermittently he kissed her neck and cheeks too. He was too furious to think about her well-being. The hand that was gripping her cheeks had moved towards her neck, in a choking manner. Then he surged forward, attacking her, towards the direction of his bedroom. He tried to forcefully rip her blouse along the collar, then attacked her neck downwards, sucking the skin forming hickeys. The girl panicked even more. She struggled against his attacks, pus.h.i.+ng him, trying to free herself, but to naught. She wailed and wailed.

After a while, Guangxi stopped. He could not continue what he was doing. With bloodshot eyes, he stared at her tear-stained face for a long time, without any mercy. Then he threw her on the floor. He left the bedroom and sauntered his way towards the living room. He positioned himself on the couch. Elbows resting on his thighs, he covered his face with his hands, and wept silently. Even if he wanted to avenge himself by taking her body, he could not make himself do it, despite all the hatred. Simply because he was not an animal, a savage. He was not a beast. He was hurt, alright, but he was not like them – monsters.

What difference would it bring if he indeed had taken her body? Well, it will make him, the victim, into an aggressor, and she the perpetrator, will be turned into a victim. The roles would have been reversed.

He continued weeping in the living room. The girl went out of the bedroom slowly, staggering and clutching her torn up blouse.

"Is there anything true in the c.r.a.p that you showed me?" Guangxi asked, full of hurt from her betrayal.

"You destroyed me! You know that?"

She knelt at a safe distance from Guangxi. "I"m really sorry." She was still crying. Her eyes had become puffed already, but more tears came down from it, never-ending.

He opened his flat"s front door and told the body guards, "Take her away. Lock her up in a hotel room. Don"t touch her, don"t look at her. Contact Butler Lee and buy the girl new clothes. Don"t follow me. I want to be alone." Then he left with his car keys.

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