He went towards the Four Seasons Hotel. It was already a little over half past six when he arrived. His hands were so sweaty from nervousness. His heart was a mess. His mind was even more of a mess. Hundreds of thoughts filled his mind at the same time. It was mind-boggling.

He looked at his watch. It had struck seven in the evening.

He sent an invite earlier that day, together with a huge bunch of red roses It read, "First meal at Four Seasons Hotel. 7pm tonight. My treat."

He was currently standing at the vestibule of the Four Seasons Hotel, near the entrance.

He had been standing for a good few minutes. When the hands in his watch had struck seven in the evening, he almost could hear as well the shattering sound of his heart. It was as if his world crumbled down on him and had betrayed him. He was already downcast.

Prepared to leave through the same entrance and exit of the hotel, he stopped in his tracks. He found himself face-to-face with her.

"Xue Jinxu!" He gasped.

"Why are you standing here? Preparing to leave already? Sorry I was late. The meeting dragged on. Shall we?" She gave a polite smile.

She glanced at him and went ahead inside without waiting for his response. She had always been direct and was considered a woman of action. Understandably so, since her time is precious.

Once seated she also ordered for the both of them.

"Was the food I ordered fine with you? You can add more if you want." She"s leading this "date".

"No, everything you ordered is good. Y-yeah if you want to try out other food just order. It"s on me."

She smiled at him. "No, it"s on me. It"s fine. This is a grat.i.tude dinner after all."

"Chen Linyun, look. I hope I don"t sound insincere. I really appreciate your help back then. I really do. But things weren"t the same as when we first met."

"I will honor our deal of five dinner treats, but may I request for it to stop there? No more no less."

Chen Linyun was speechless. She was too straightforward. The food they ordered had not even arrived yet. But here she was, trying to shrug off whatever romantic ambiance or gesture that he could even plan or start doing."

She was apparently aiming to put an end to Chen Linyun"s romantic pursuit right then and there. She seemed used to it, though, as if she had done this rejection rite number of times before.

"The flowers you sent… They were beautiful. I appreciate them. However, I"m not into flowers or any of those things. Those do not have any significant use other than ornament. You also bought a lot."

"You shouldn"t have done it. Please don"t do anything like that in the future."

Chen Linyun clutched his heart. It was writhing in pain. He could not breathe. He took a sip from his tea.

"I understand your sentiments Xue Jinxu. I have a proposal for you."

Xue Jinxu"s brows raised. "Okay, let"s hear it."

"I will respect your wishes. I will not do anything reckless or outrageous in my pursuit towards you. However, during these five dinner dates, may I also request that we will not talk about it, rather let"s use the time to know each other and become good friends, or catch up on the five years that we had not seen each other? During the dinner, both of us are not allowed to bring up my pursuit or any hints of acceptance or rejection from your end."

"It seems fair." She agreed. She"s not entirely against having genuine friends.h.i.+p with him. From experience, she roughly learned how to read people"s character. He did not seem like a bad guy. On the contrary, he looked like a very docile person.

"Please do note that my feelings for you will not change whether you accept it or not. I really like you Xue Jinxu."

The Big Miss was utterly speechless. She was hot in the face. Her cheeks flushed bright red. "He said we were not allowed to discuss it during the dinner, yet he"s the one who brought it up."

"You"re breaking your own rule."

"That"s the last time. I"m just making myself clear once and for all."

She could not argue anymore.

Finally, the food they ordered already came. With the company of good food and relaxed ambiance of the restaurant, the tense atmosphere between them started to subside. They were gaining equal footing. They started to discuss random topics until they realized that the time has dragged out and been long gone. It was already half past nine.

They were both smiling at the entrance of the Four Seasons Hotel.

"I enjoyed tremendously tonight. It"s great to catch up with you." Xue Jinxu said smiling. Her candid sweet smile from the first time they met was back on her face. Her usual cold demeanor had been totally brought down. It was only the aura of an innocent genuine young lady which remained in her physique.

"I"m glad that you enjoyed tonight. Likewise. There are plenty of chances still. We can continue our discussions some other time.

A car stopped in front of them and from the driver seat, Butler Lee appeared.

"Good night Chen Linyun." She smiled.

"Good night. Xue Jinxu."

His woman was really sweet – if she decided to abandon her "business" façade. She even emitted the aura of a fragile woman who deserved unparalleled pampering and doting on. He promised to dote on her.

"Alright. Change of game plan." Though she"s straightforward herself, she did not want to be attacked head-on with his pursuit, or else there will only be one ending – outright rejection. He winced. That was what Chen Linyun was thinking.

"I"ll have a gentle turn around the bends."

"I still won"t stop until she"s mine, and she consents to it."

"What a wonderful night it is tonight!" He inhaled the refres.h.i.+ng scent of the evening wind.

He headed towards the bas.e.m.e.nt parking lot where he left his car and started towards the direction of his flat while humming an unfamiliar tune.

"Perhaps I should have asked to send her home. But Butler Lee is always there, I didn"t even have the chance to ask. Where could she possibly live…." He wondered.

"I"ll have plenty of chances to know in the future."

It was an autumn evening yet again. The first time they met was late autumn too.

It had always been his favorite season. Now it seemed it carries more significance. Anything that he shared with her would bring a more special significance to him.

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