Teng Man Rui was out on a shopping task one bright sunny day. She went to the neighboring mall, their compet.i.tor, because she did not want to be tracked by her brothers. She"s also trying to see what their compet.i.tors have. She"s in fact looking for a gift for her mother.

She was supposed to meet Xue Jinxu. She informed her of her whereabouts and roamed around on her own.

She entered the department store, around the men"s section. A posh dress s.h.i.+rt that was hung on the wall caught her attention. She quickly thought that the s.h.i.+rts suits well with s.h.i.+ Fan Hai. She went toward it enthusiastically.

She was already too near it when she abruptly stopped and turned around. There was a familiar man just a few steps from her.

"It was Zhu Li Qiang." She turned around again to take a good look. He was gone. She turned her head towards the left and the right, but he wasn"t there anymore. "Was I seeing things… or people?"

While thinking whether she saw things, somebody poked her shoulder. Once, twice. She turned around. There he was – Zhu Li Qiang – standing in front of her. She wasn"t seeing things, rather, people, after all.

She winced at how he looked. His face was still swollen from the beatings he received. There were patches of bluish-yellow shade and some bruises too. She would have wanted to caress his face out of worry but she stopped herself. Instead she clenched her fists in restraint.

"Zhu Li Qiang." She greeted, eyes squinted at the sight of him.

"Teng Man Rui." He returned the greeting. "My angel." He added in his mind. He"s full of veneration. His eyes flickered with it.

"How are you? I knew what happened. Are you alright? I"m sorry." Teng Man Rui voiced out her concern non-stop.

The man"s heart fluttered in heaven. He was ecstatic. "Getting beaten is definitely worth it if it will make her worry about me. She"s looking at me with this deep concern. I can"t believe this."

Teng Man Rui was still clenching her fists. "I better leave now. We have to stay as far away from each other or else he"ll get you beaten again, or worse."

"I don"t care, Man Rui. I"m prepared of the consequences." He said solemnly.

Teng Man Rui was nearing an outburst. "You don"t know what you are saying! You don"t know him! Fear for your life!"

"That"s it. Goodbye. Take care." With that she sauntered away.

As usual the man tried to catch up and he successfully was able to. Soon enough they were walking side by side. "If it means that I will be closer to you, I"m prepared to face the consequences."

"Haven"t we talked about it? Stop your pursuit!"

"You may interpret it the way you want. But even friends can be close to each other. I know I"m right. You said so yourself, you will give me at least friends.h.i.+p. I"m highly counting on that."

"Not if your safety is at risk." Teng Man Rui retorted.

Zhu Li Qiang"s heart was tickled by her words. "Say it again."

"What? Weirdo." Teng Man Rui said, annoyed.

"You said you wouldn"t push us being close even as friends if it will put my safety at risk." Zhu Li Qiang was smiling brightly. "Didn"t you?"

Teng Man Rui felt hot in her cheeks. She was flushed. Most probably it was due to embarra.s.sment and nothing else. Her statements always came out wrong whenever she"s with Zhu Li Qiang. Was that just a coincidence or an honest mistake by her tongue? Elegant Teng Man Rui was not used to committing bloopers.

"Did you just admit that you care about me?" The man pressed.

"Zhu Li Qiang!" She got a lot fl.u.s.tered, and redder, but she will never admit it.

"I don"t want my devil of a boyfriend to misunderstand again, and beat you again without any valid reason. I"m trying to minimize and eliminate any potential misunderstanding, ruckus, or any commotion that might arise from this encounter!"

"It"s for the both of you!"

"Calm down, Man Rui." Zhu Li Qiang extended his hands but never really touching her. He"s getting worried about her himself. She"s getting really angry.

"It"s so frustrating to be in the middle of you two, enjoying such tug-of-war. I"m not an object to be won nor a possession to be kept within perimeters! I have a say on this!"

"Ugh!" She scoffed and walked away. She was immensely irritated.

Zhu Li Qiang stood planted on the ground. He was unsmiling while his eyes followed her silhouette which fades away onto the distance. She seemed to care about him, but she cared about her boyfriend too. "Just how much does she care about me, and how much does she care about him, I wonder? Will there come a time when she will choose me over him?"

Teng Man Rui continued walking in hurried steps. She settled in a coffee shop, ordered oreo cheesecake and macha green tea to vent off all the remaining steam in her. She texted Xue Jinxu her whereabouts.

She was extremely fl.u.s.tered with the two men who were trying to win her favor. In the end, both efforts resulted otherwise. Both of them simply failed to listen to her. n.o.body listened to her. It was exasperating to the highest level.

"How can they not do the simplest thing?"

"Are they savages so ready to brutally resort into force? I certainly wouldn"t want to be the reason behind such absurdity. Ugh. So unnerving."

Once the order was served she quickly dug into it with her fork. Soon enough nothing was left out of her oreo cheesecake. She ordered another serving. It was her favorite.

"Hey, did I keep you waiting too long? I"m sorry, I was caught up with something in my shop." Xue Jinxu said while slumping onto the empty seat across her.

"Nah, I didn"t even get bored. Not the very least, no." She was shaking her head pa.s.sionately.

Xue Jinxu tilted her head slightly. "Did something happen? You"re quite fl.u.s.tered."

She exhaled deeply. "Nothing that could be quite interesting. Do you want oreo cheesecake?" She smiled while offering her second serving. She took a sip from her matcha green tea afterwards. Xue Jinxu willingly took a sc.r.a.pe with her fork out of the cheesecake. She ordered a caramel macchiato for herself.

After eating they went on with their original goal and ransacked each stall in their best efforts to find the best and perfect gift for Teng Man Rui"s mother. In the end, they chose a highly ornate set of jewelry with amethyst as the main stone. Her mother would love it for sure.

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