In Beijing, vague news and gossip started to scatter one random day about an heir who had a reputation of a womanizer. It started as a blind item, and soon most elites and socialites had heard the story.

"I"ve heard all the girls in his school fall in line, and queue just to be his girlfriend."

"Oh, so he"s still young, huh? Still in school, eh?"

"He started young! Probably he really wants to collect girlfriends!"

"So who is he? Do you know?"

"There"s another story that"s circulating, three girls left school because of him!"

"Oh, why? Did he somewhat do something to the poor girls?"

"Oh, what! That"s, that"s wild! And they are in school yet! They haven"t finished school right?"

"Children nowadays are frightening! Correction! Children from rich families are frightening!"

"Perhaps that"s what you get from a powerful spoiled heir!"

"Even if we don"t have a name yet, it"s easy to list down all that are in school yet, and heirs that fit that description!"

"That"s right! That"s right!"

"How despicable, that young elite. Perhaps he"s arrogant and self-centered, never caring about the poor girls" heart. They"re just collections to him."

"Whoever he is, he"s not suited for any arranged marriage. I guess whoever he"s married to in the future would suffer!"

Of course, people being the gossip-lover that they were, tried every means in finding out who the subject of the rumors was.

Although Xue Jinxu and Teng Man Rui weren"t active in partic.i.p.ating in social gatherings, the gossips still reached their ears. The rumors seemed to have been circulating before they returned from their vacation from the beach. And apparently, they could somehow guess or rather, they had an idea, and an inclination of who the talks were about.

Xue Jinxu immediately called Butler Lee.

"Butler Lee, do you know about the gossips? I have a forboding that they were talking about Guangxi."

"Indeed, Big Miss. It is indeed the Second Young Master who is the talk of everyone." Butler Lee confirmed.

Xue Jinxu frowned upon hearing this. "Why? Where"s Guangxi right now?"

"Uhm, that"s… that"s actually the problem. He"s gone missing." Butler Lee reported.

"What?!" Xue Jinxu sprung up to her feet, from being seated comfortably before. "What do you mean missing? Isn"t he at the flat? Is he kidnapped? We dropped him off the morning of the other day at his flat!" She said, distressed and panicking.

At the moment she was still at her apartment together with Teng Man Rui.

When she heard her friend"s outbursts, Teng Man Rui rushed to her side. "What"s wrong, Jinxu?" She asked out of concern, her lovely face laced with horizontal lines at the forehead.

"Guangxi." Xue Jinxu told Teng Man Rui, amidst still being in the phone with Butler Lee.

"We"ve just discovered a few minutes ago that he used his credit card to buy a ticket to Indonesia, and to rent a place there. Most probably he"s still there."

"What is he doing in Indonesia?!" Xue Jinxu blurted out.

"Most probably he visited his friend, Miss Kang Sola." Butler Lee deduced. "Just recently he availed of the services of a person finding company. He did it on his own, though, and did not ask for my a.s.sistance. But we still found out about it."

"En. What are the rumors about? Who"s behind this? Why are they after Guangxi?"

"We are still looking into it, Big Miss. The angle we are considering is that they are attacking the credibility of the Second Young Master. They knew he"s almost come of age."

"He"s turning eighteen in a few more months, though! Who"s behind this? Butler Lee, if you find out, please do let me know too." She requested, full of worry for her little brother.

"So he hasn"t learned about the rumors yet?"

"I would bet on that, Miss."

"That"s good then. Can we clarify the rumors before he gets back?"

"We will try our best efforts, Big Miss. We have to divert the attention of the crowd. But it"s the socialites that were mainly talking about it. There should be a much bigger piece of news to divert their attention."

"We"ll find a way."

In the background, Xue Jinxu could hear the loud booming voice of her Father. "WHERE"S THAT RASCAL, THAT PUNK?!!!" He exclaimed.

"Butler, is that Father?" Xue Jinxu inquired.

"Aahh, yes, yes, Big Miss. I need to go now. Apologies, I will let you know of the development. Master is furious. I"ll call again, Miss." He said hurriedly.

"Wait, Butler Lee…" But there was only the *toot* *toot* dial tone left from the other line.

"Why is Father too angry about the rumors? Maybe it"s more than just the rumors." Her eyes, full of concern, flickered.

"What happened to Guangxi?" Teng Man Rui asked.

"His credibility, his reputation is being attacked. Indeed, he"s the topic of the rumors. But he"s not in Beijing right now. I would think that"s good, but Father… He was furious… Apparently, he didn"t seek permission first and just did what he felt like doing. He"s wrong in that sense." She sighed.

"Things will get better for Guangxi…" Teng Man Rui tried to be optimistic.

"I hope so. But I guess it doesn"t end there yet. I have a feeling there"s more. I will be going to the Xue Mansion, Man Rui. Will you be alright here?" Xue Jinxu asked.

"Yeah, of course. Do what you need to do. I will tend to the house. I"ll be fine here." The good friend answered.

"Alright, Man Rui. Hopefully, I"ll be back for dinner tonight." It was only around two in the afternoon.

"I"ll call Chen Linyun too, and let him know." She added. "Though, he won"t be able to accompany me anyway." She sighed again. It"s one of the times when she would want to rely on a husband. "I"ll just go to him later."

After calling her husband to notify, she changed clothes, grabbed her keys and went out of the apartment complex in her car towards the Xue Mansion.

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