When he reached his office, Butler Lee asked him, "Sir, why didn"t you tell them that you own Shuilong Trading?"

"Hmmm.." Chen Linyun ma.s.saged his chin broodingly while sitting on his magnificent chair behind his mahogany desk. "Well, I think it"s not fair if I disclose it. I don"t think it has that much of a significance either. I am here to represent Xue s.h.i.+pping. I shouldn"t mix up my other businesses with this company. There should be a fine line. I mean I"m wearing different hats – as Xue s.h.i.+pping"s OIC and the owner of Shuilong Trading and the Chen Holdings, but for now, I"m the OIC. If my other persona is publicized, those executives might abuse it. They can claim for Chen Holdings to be an automatic offtaker from Xue s.h.i.+pping. It won"t work that way, even if I"m affiliated by marriage."

"I see." Butler Lee was developing a profound admiration for this young man in front of him. Other people would most probably aim for a merger once their families combine by marriage. However, Chen Linyun thought otherwise. He wanted to help, while still maintaining his own source of living intact and independent from the wife"s family"s source of wealth. It was reasonable because it might become problematic in the long run.

"There are other people, too, with dirty intriguing thoughts who might make a fuss over me being the owner of Shuilong Trading. As you know, Shuilong Trading and Zhu s.h.i.+pping Lines agreed with a partners.h.i.+p first. They might take it as an attack into my integrity – not being loyal and all. But for me, it"s all business, guided strictly with principles both personal and legal by nature."

"Disclosing it has advantages, but it also has disadvantages. I guess the disadvantages outweigh the advantages…"

Chen Linyun was thinking out loud. His eyes stared blankly at a distance, not really looking at the real world because he was seeing differently inside his head – various perspectives and projection, outlooks, societal biases, pro"s and con"s, calculated risks, safety issues, and the likes.

"Well, Sir, you"ve certainly thought it through."

The OIC laughed lightly while standing up. "I don"t want to disappoint the wife. You know the situation, right, Butler Lee? I mean, my bet with her grandfather?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Can I count on you, Butler Lee?" Chen Linyun probed solemnly.

"Most definitely, Sir. I support you and Big Miss. I hope you win the bet with the Old Master."

"I hope so too. Let"s go." They started off for the airport.

His flight was scheduled at noon. He was expected to arrive at half past two in the afternoon. Straight from the airport, their itinerary was to visit the s.h.i.+pyards in Shanghai, and to pay the port of Shanghai a visit, basically to introduce the new OIC. Business is always better when there"s a good relations.h.i.+p between the parties involved.

Upon arrival, he called the wife. "I"ve arrived safely in Shanghai."

From the other end of the line came the m.u.f.fled voice of a lady. "Are you in your hotel yet?"

"Nope, still at the airport. We"ve just landed."

"Oh, alright. Take care of yourself there! Drink plenty of water and juice. Don"t get dehydrated!" The wife worriedly urged.

"Yeah, you too. Are you enjoying your time there?" He said while walking out of the airport.

"Y-E-S!!! Tremendously, dear!!!"

He laughed gently. "You better be. I miss you. I love you. Please be safe, mmhm?

"I love you too, honey! Same, be safe! See you tomorrow! I love you. Mwah, mwah, mwah!!!" Xue Jinxu answered affectionately with a hint of mirth in her voice. Apparently, she was in an extremely jovial mood.

"Okay, Bye." Chen Linyun hung up, but at the end of the call, he couldn"t help but feel as if he"s floating on clouds. How could a mere phone call transcend expectations? He was smiling stupidly in the car. At this point, they were on their way to the s.h.i.+pyards. Butler Lee might have noticed and might have heard the conversation earlier, but he kept a straight face. It was so professional of Butler Lee.

The rest of the afternoon flew past in a flash. Together with Butler Lee and the Xue s.h.i.+pping"s staff and crew, Chen Linyun personally inspected the s.h.i.+ps on repair, off-hire or drydock. He toured from the deck down to the engine rooms. The crew and staff accommodated the OIC and readily answered his questions each time. He had lots of questions, but it"s quite understandable. He"s also taking this opportunity to learn more about the s.h.i.+ps and the business.

After the inspection of around five s.h.i.+ps, he was exhausted from all the walking and from the heat. At this point, he could understand the missus" nagging to drink plenty of fluids. It was hot down in the engine room!

At night, they retired into their hotel accommodations to rest and recharge for a bit before going out again for a dinner meeting with the officers from the port of Shanghai. It was a simple introductory dinner without any monkey business whatsoever. It was only to ensure that there are no ill-feelings between the two parties and to promote a better working relations.h.i.+p moving forward. It"s a practice whenever there"s new in the position.

However, an exception would be Xue Guangxi. They had not introduced him yet to the outside world when he became COO.

Objectives met, Butler Lee and Chen Linyun retired to their hotel for the night. Rather tired and exhausted, he freshened himself with a cool shower, while thinking of the wife nonstop. He intended to call her again after his shower.

While he was at the bathroom, his room"s landline phone kept on ringing. He wasn"t able to hear it inside. When he came out of the bathroom, both the room"s phone and his mobile phone kept on ringing.

After a few more seconds, urgent knocks were heard at the door. "Sir!" *knock* *knock* *knock*

"Sir, there"s an emergency!"

It was chaotic. There was banging on the door while the two phones kept on ringing, and Butler Lee"s voice was flooded in between rings.

Immediately, Chen Linyun"s senses heightened up. He could feel a foreboding.

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