Teng Man Rui was busy tending to the sick that she got too oblivious to the intense stare that the man lying in bed, her patient, had been giving her this whole time.

She picked up the wet towel and proceeded in gently wiping both his cheeks with it. The man continued to gaze at her intensely.

"Man Rui…"

"Mhmm? How are you feeling?" She asked innocently, worriedly.

"Hot. Too hot. Burning." He answered staggered, his breathing was getting heavier. His intense gaze never leaving her face.

"Oh, you"re starting to sweat – Hey!"

The man pulled her wrist sideways. She fell on his heaving chest. "Fan Hai!"

He enveloped her into his warm embrace. Their position was awkward. She was lying on top of him, his head on her neck. She could sense that tingling feeling on her neck from where his breath warmed.

Eyes opened wide, she started to struggle free. It was futile.

With one swift move, the man maneuvered such that Teng Man Rui was pinned down on the bed instead. Getting weak herself, and with the understanding of what might happen, she begged. "Fengyu, please let go. I"m scared." A soft little whimper escaped her throat. Her lashes flickered beautifully, but that movement meant negatively.

The man inched closer.

He sealed their mouths together. He was rather slow as if trying to ease up the fear from the lady below him. It was as if through his slow and sensual kiss, he was trying to hush her fears and make her comfortable with him. He landed his right palm on her blus.h.i.+ng cheek and used his tongue to pry her mouth open. The lady started to quiver.

He stopped, and whispered, "Man Rui, there"s nothing to be scared about, my queen."

He stroked her face, gently caressing it in an attempt to calm her down.

But instead, she started crying.

The man"s hand that was caressing her face got busy in wiping her tears. "Don"t cry, my queen."

He kissed both her cheeks. "I"ll stop right here. Just promise to stay with me tonight."

"I can"t, I"m too scared. *sob*" Her tears continued to flow.

"Don"t you love me anymore, Man Rui?" Still wrapping her in his tight possessive hug with one arm, and with the other hand, wiping her cheeks, he asked her tenderly. Perhaps it was the fever, but his voice sounded uncertain and even feeble.

"I-I do."

s.h.i.+ Fan Hai was encouraged by the lady"s words of confirmation. He intertwined both his hands with hers, and put it on top of her head. Without cutting off their locked gazes, and with an intensity that could melt a person"s heart, he kissed her again, picking up from where he left off earlier. He pried her mouth open with his tongue. Using his teeth, he nibbled at her lower lip gently, teasingly, sucking and licking with his tongue at the same time.

The lady"s breath quickened its pace. Heaving, she could hear her heartbeat drum louder, and faster.

There was no doubt that this man still has her heart on his palms.


She turned her head to the left, avoiding his kisses.

"What"s wrong, my dear? You love me, and I love you." He kissed her tear-stricken face.

"This is wrong, Fan Hai."

"It"s not as if it"s our first time doing it."

The lady gasped and pursed her lips. Her eyes narrowed as well.

"The first time was not supposed to happen. Knowing it, there shouldn"t be a second." She tugged her hands loose. Understanding her body language, the man released her hands from his grasp.

Then the lady pushed him away and seated upright.

"We"re not even married yet. We shouldn"t be doing it. You don"t care about my reputation, do you?"

"We"re not even a couple anymore."

"This is wrong. This is bad."

"I"m only here to look after you."

"You seem fine already. I"ll go now."

She was spouting such blabberings non-stop out of nervousness and shame.

When she finally stood up, s.h.i.+ Fan Hai stood up as well, bent low and fetched her from the ground.

"Hey! s.h.i.+ Fan Hai! Let me down! Let me go!"

"I"m so stupid to go with you tonight!"

"You!" The lady kept on struggling his arms.

He went straight towards the bathroom, under the shower head, and switched it on.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Stop it!" Drenched, she tried to reach for the shower"s k.n.o.b to turn the water off. Both of them were soaking wet.

Teng Man Rui clothes clung to her skin, revealing her luscious delicate curves even more.

The man"s eyes wandered l.u.s.tfully at her bosom. He pinned her onto the wall. "What am I doing? Was.h.i.+ng off such nonsense from your head."

He added, his stare as intense as before. "We belong together, Man Rui. Can"t you see?"

"You not only have the fever. You"re sick in the head, too! We should have gone to the hospital for a visit!"

Ignoring her, he started unb.u.t.toning her blouse. He could not take getting such a preview of her bosom under her wet clothes, tempting him, without seeing the real thing.

The lady panicked even more. "Stop, stop!"

s.h.i.+ Fan Hai went for her ivory neck down. His traces left hickeys as if marking his territory.

Before he could reach her bosoms, a loud crisp sound resonated in the air.

Teng Man Rui slapped s.h.i.+ Fan Hai hard on the face. The man"s eyes widened and stopped all his actions altogether.

The lady took this opportunity to escape.

She went straight out of the bathroom, out of the bedroom, and eventually, out of the house. The man did not bother to follow her.

"Help, help!" She cried out meekly. Soon after the bodyguards that were hiding in the shadows – the same ones that Zhu Li Qiang a.s.signed to her approached her. Seeing her wet, with her upper body almost revealing what should have been covered otherwise, one of the guards lent his coat and draped it across her shoulders.

"Do you want us to go inside and avenge you, Miss?"

"No, let"s just leave this place."


"Please don"t tell Zhu Li Qiang about tonight."

The guards looked at each other before saying, "Afraid he already knows, Miss. We were instructed to report your whereabouts."

"Is that so? It"s fine. I"ll talk to him about it. Thank you."

She was led towards the bodyguards" car and was sent home safely. While inside the car, she requested, "Can someone come back to that house and send the inhabitant to the hospital? I"m sorry, he"s sick. He needs immediate attention. I"ll be the one to explain to Zhu Li Qiang."

The head bodyguard made a call to Zhu Li Qiang to seek for direction, and apparently, he was given clearance to proceed. "It has been arranged, Miss."

"Thank you." The lady said, full of guilt and shame for her request.

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