Back in Indonesia…

The waiting was put to an end when the series of doctors came out of the ICU. All the relatives present held their breath for the doctors" verdict.

The doctors stopped their march in front of the relatives who were left in the dark for so long. They were expecting answers. All family members present held their breaths.

The main doctor started his report. "We are pleased to tell you that the patient"s intracranial pressure has dropped significantly to a safer level. We"ve checked her vitals and the results were quite pa.s.sable. She"s out of danger now. In a while she can be transferred to a private room to heal fully."

The relatives gasped individually yet at the same time. Those were gasps of relief.

"When will she gain consciousness?" Chen Linyun inquired. It was the topic he was most interested in, after knowing that she"s out of danger.

"It"s not her time yet." Chen Linyun strongly thought and thanked the heavens for their mercy.

Phew. What a fright.

A few days already pa.s.sed after Xue Jinxu was transferred into a private room. All this while, she had not gained her consciousness yet.

The family consulted the doctor of their plan to relocate the patient even prior waking up. With the doctor"s permission, she was transported through the family"s private plane back to Beijing.

And so the waiting for that climactic moment when the sleeping beauty will finally open her eyes commenced indefinitely.

She was confined at the Imperial Hospital for already three days after she had been transported from Indonesia, or two weeks after the incident, yet she still had not regained consciousness.

June had come.

All their close friends and relatives who heard about the unfortunate accident, who were not able to go to Indonesia to visit, came one by one the moment she was accepted in the Imperial Hospital.

Mo Wenbin, together with Hw.a.n.g Meilin, paid Misis Chen a visit, and wished for her fast recovery. Aunty Mo and Father Chen also went to visit the missus, and to support their kin, Chen Linyun. They were the elders who were the support system of the husband.

Even Mother Chen, Jiang Ying Yue, who was in Canada all this while, flew to Beijing to be with her son and daughter-in-law. She had not returned to China for almost over two decades. Chen Linyun was quite bewildered when his mother appeared at the hospital. Jiang Ying Yue was quite flabbergasted at the ghastly sight of her son. "Don"t forget to take care of yourself, son! You should be healthy and strong when she finally opens her eyes." The mother"s heart got the better of her.

Employees close to the former COO also came to visit her. These were her secretary, Miss Yan, the PR Director, Xiao Ye, and all the other directors under her before. Some even shed tears, and extended their sympathy to the husband, their OIC, Chen Linyun.

Thankfully, she had been transported back to Beijing, as it was more accessible to all of them who had to keep a life and a living in Beijing. Afterward, they visited Guangxi as well.

Xue Guangxi"s condition was getting better, aside from his broken leg which would stay in a cast for a month. He could have stayed at home, but he insisted on getting admitted in the Imperial hospital for two main reasons: one, to ensure that he"s close to where his sister is, and second, to start the rehabilitation process as soon as possible. The latter reason needed guidance and permission of the doctors.

Teng Man Rui also visited her friend. She stayed with her friend for almost always – going home only to change clothes and to rest for a bit.

One time, when she returned from their mansion, her parents came with her. The Teng patriarch and matriarch exchanged pleasantries to the Xue master and madame, and even reminisced about the past, when their children were still cute, adorable and small. Now, they were all grown-up except for Guangxi.

"It"s too bad that we touched base only during this incident. We should set a get-together some time, for old times" sake, when your children have recuperated. Xu"er is like a daughter to me as well. We are all praying for her fast recovery." The Teng matriarch said.

"Thank you." Zhao Feiyan squeezed Mother Teng"s hands in grat.i.tude.

"I haven"t seen Minhe. Where is he?" Mother Teng inquired while turning her head in all directions.

Zhao Feiyan grew pale. "Uhh… He"s not here." She said, not really wanting to lie.

Mother Teng replied with "Oh." She wanted to touch a topic that had been pending in her mind for a while. "Listen, Feiyan. I know it might not be a good time to discuss… But, you know… our children"s betrothal… Man Rui"s of age already. Even your daughter"s married already…"

Mother Xue felt as if a headache was coming. She squeezed Mother Teng"s hand and smiled, "Let"s discuss some other time…"

The Teng matriarch sighed and nodded in understanding.

The patriarchs discussed about business a bit more. Afterward, Teng Man Rui"s parents bid goodbye while she stayed behind.

Another guest came to visit. This time, it was Zhu Li Qiang.

When he arrived, only Teng Man Rui and Chen Linyun were by Xue Jinxu"s bedside. He greeted them both and sent his sympathy to Chen Linyun.

"Bro, I heard the news." He said while exchanging a friendly handshake with Chen Linyun – both as greeting and as support. "You"ll get over it. It"s just trial in life – a trough. Looking back, you"ll be proud to have pa.s.sed this ordeal."

"Yeah, thanks, Zhu Li Qiang."

"How is she? I heard she"s past the ciritical stage?"

"That"s what the doctors said. But she hasn"t woken up yet. Apparently her body is still too weak that her whole system is not ready yet to perform at 100%. The doctors said her body is still conditioning itself. Until it"s ready, she won"t wake up yet. It"s like a computer on standby, she"s expending energy but on the more economical energy saver option. If perchance she wakes up now, her body might collapse again because the energy to sustain a fully functional body is higher than if it"s sleeping."

Chen Linyun explained generously. He was still worried, but knowing the logic behind the still sleeping missus, he could rest his worries for a while.

In fact, although he had rarely left the wife"s side, he returned to being the hands-on OIC of Xue s.h.i.+pping, albeit he"s mostly present on Videocon. Sometimes, he took a trip to the office and stayed there for a few hours just to attend to important and crucial matters, and to make his presence known to the employees. Leaders oftentimes have to appear to impose, or better yet, defend their authority.

While the two men were talking on the couch area of the room, Teng Man rui who was seated next to the patient was silent all along.

Sensing the awkward atmosphere, Chen Linyun asked, "Did you two fight?" He didn"t mean to pry, but the significant distance emotionally between the two was overbearing.

"Man Rui. Can we take a walk?" Zhu Li Qiang inquired without answering Chen Linyun"s inquisition. Chen Linyun tapped his friend on the back to show his support.

The lady narrowed her eyes knowingly before answering, "Lead the way."

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