In an alley where no sane person would want to enter nor intrude at any normal circ.u.mstance stood a man in a trench coat and a hat. Adding to the mystery that his clothing induced, were the that he wore in the middle of the night, and the face mask that made his disguise complete.

It was aroung eleven in the evening, the hour when most normal people – both young and old succ.u.mb to rest and call it a day, except, of course, those with the exemptions who had work at night, or those who went on partying at night.

The man traversed more turns in the labyrinth-like alleyway and stopped at a blue door with a slanted peephole. He knocked on the door, his knocks resembled some sort of a code.

The blue door opened.

Safely inside, he removed his hat, coat, mask and shades.

The inside of a room was scanty and almost bare, with only a table and some chairs as furniture. It looked like an abandoned warehouse for alcoholic beverage. There were myriads of empty beer bottles in cases piled up along the wall.

Inside the room, there was another stange man who was casually seated in one of the foldable chairs. He seemed to be waiting impatiently for the arrival of the stout man. Although seated, he maintained an upright and rigid posture, emitting an aura of authority.

"How have you been, Mister w.a.n.g Xi Fu? How long has it been? Almost a year, already, I reckon?"

The man who just entered laughed heartily. "Hahahaha! Yeah! How time flies!! Couldn"t be better in the past year. South America is awesome! You have to thank the boss for me! Splendid! Extremely splendid! Imagine, it"s a year of paid vacation!"

"Now that you"re back, we presume you"ll match the generous remuneration with post-facto high-quality work?"

"Of course! Of course!" The stout man who was identified as Mister w.a.n.g Xi Fu grinned haughtily and nodded enthusiastically while scratching his protruding belly. "In fact, I started already."

The other mysterious man nodded in turn, in understanding. "You were responsible for the gossips?"

"Yes." Mister w.a.n.g Xi Fu"s eyes glimmered from the acknowledgement. "How is it? It"s just petty and simple at this point. But I"m just starting."

"Is it your best?"

"I"ve barely scratched the surface. There"s so much in store. Just wait and see. Are we in a rush?"

"There"s no rush. But the boss wants a lasting effect."

"Got it."

"Well, then, just continue what you are doing. The boss shouldn"t be bothered with such whimsical objectives. You"re in charge of it."


"But…" w.a.n.g Xi Fu fidgeted in his seat.

"Spill." Said the unidentified man who appeared to have the leverage in this conversation.

"They have my niece, Su Jingjing, in custody." He ma.s.saged both hands together. "She might be a problem. What should we do?"

The lanky authoritative man in a suit sighed in annoyance. In his eyes, this stout man was similar to an annoying fly, hovering around leftover meals that other people have consumed first. In his eyes, he belonged to the lowest caste in society – the dregs.

"What do you propose that we should do? Do you want a rescue operation for your niece? Or do you want to spare your niece from further earthly sufferings and send her to the other world, for her own good…. And yours?"

The aura turned darker and chilly.

"Ahh… No specific plans yet… I"m just worried! That"s all! Hehehe!" He retorted nervously. He wasn"t comfortable with where the conversation was going.

"As I remember correctly, you insisted before you left her behind that the girl has no knowledge of your activities. Therefore she shouldn"t pose any threat to us. What are you scared of now? Does she know anything of importance?"

"ahh, none that I know of! Right, right! She doesn"t know anything! Just that, I panicked when I learned she went directly to the Xue"s once she had the chance. It"s so stupid of her to even decide to go back!"

"I cannot understand her!"

"She should have been satisfied with the quiet life she"s leading at the countryside!"

"Why return?"

w.a.n.g Xi Fu was getting worked up. As a result, his face was gleaming red.

"Enough." The unidentified man cut his ramblings short. "You"re responsible for her. Address your issue with her separately, and privately. Don"t implicate me and the boss."

"At the end of the day if she commits anything that will hamper our plans, or lead the Xue"s to us, you"re the one who will have to answer to the boss."

The unidentified man stood and stared down condescendingly at w.a.n.g Xi Fu. After completing his task, he left the room, leaving the stout man, w.a.n.g Xi Fu, behind.

w.a.n.g Xi Fu was the former Marketing Director of Xue s.h.i.+ppng – the person who betrayed the Xue Family"s trust, sabotaged the launching of their new s.h.i.+p, MT Dragon Heart, and played a big part in the Second Young Master"s abduction almost over a year ago.

At the time, he was quick to flee the country.

But now, he"s back.

If he was able to flee the country through a backdoor, he was able to cross the borders again unnoticed through it. Wherever it was, only the people with shady transactions and backgrounds would know.

w.a.n.g Xi Fu quivered angrily in the middle of the scanty room. He was red in the face with fury. Apart from rage, he was partially nervous, too. In actuality, he did not know if his niece, Su Jingjing, had something on her sleeves against him, but the fact that she somehow managed to get closer to the Xue"s and appeared to be under the the Xue"s supervision, and perhaps even garnered their trust was somehow getting into his nerves.

The girl had done her part as an accomplice, but when her part was fulfilled, she was dispatched immediately in a place where she had no acquaintance, and without any pocket money to survive.

Who knows if she wanted to take revenge to her uncle and to those who pushed her towards the edge?

"I heard her family turned their back against her too. Maybe she wants to seek revenge." He gritted his teeth while getting consumed all the more with his anger. "It"s a matter of who"s faster."

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