With one arm across her waist and the other, his left hand tightly gripping Xue Jinxu"s left hand, Chen Linyun guided the blind-folded lady along cobblestones and steps.
Xue Jinxu was finally released from the hospital. Before they left, Chen Linyun insisted on blindfolding the lady.
It was the twelfth of June.
The couple traversed the pathway and steps and took left and right turns until they consequently stopped. "Are we there yet?" Xue Jinxu asked, a lingering smile on her face.
Without removing the blindfold, Chen Linyun wrapped both his arms around the lady"s waist in a back hug and whispered to her ear enigmatically. "Do you know what day is today?"
Xue Jinxu let out a laugh. "The day I get discharged from the hospital?"
"That"s correct. But there"s a more accurate one." He whispered sensually on her ear. "Think harder."
"I can only think of one more special event in June. Time flies so fast. Is it already?"
"Yes, it is." He swayed them both together while he rested his chin on the wife"s shoulder.
After a while, he untied the blindfold. "Happy anniversary, love."
Xue Jinxu gasped in amazement. In front of her were rows and rows of cylindrical lanterns dimly lit with soft yellow light against a backdrop of the velvety night sky and stars above.
The lady could not help but murmur in delight. "You did this?"
"Of course. Our road towards our first anniversary isn"t that smooth nor easy. It"s an important milestone. We almost didn"t make it." His grasp around her waist tightened.
The lady turned around, locked her eyes with her husband"s and wrapped her frail arms around his neck. Chen Linyun"s hold on her waist tightened even more which made them lean on the side towards the lady. "I will always love you, Chen Linyun. I love you to the moon and back."
"I love you more."
The lady laughed softly, contentedly. "Getting compet.i.tive, are we? Let"s not do that."
"Okay, whatever you say, love. As long as you love me and I love you. And you"re here with me, and I, with you. Forever."
They were on a staring contest. Their noses were almost touching, their lips were centimeters apart. Yet, they did not close the gap.
Sometimes, the lingering sensation before the kiss is more gratifying than the kiss itself. Or maybe the major event still prevails.
There"s a hint of a teasing smile on Xue Jinxu"s lips. "Aren"t you gonna kiss me, mister?"
"Where do you want to be kissed, wifey?" He retorted playfully too.
The lady squealed a little, "You, Chen Linyun, you"re getting too confident with me, aren"t you."
"How should I act around you, then, Misis Chen?" He pulled her closer. The lady gasped but ended with a laugh.
In truth, Chen Linyun was feeling nowhere near confident. He was nervous and agitated, and oh was he not sweating profusely!
"It"s already summer. The heat is on!" He though tautly.
"I"m at your mercy. I"m your humble servant." He bantered with the lady.

She giggled. "Stop it! We"re equal. You and I."
The night wind blew past them. It was refres.h.i.+ng – neither invasive nor uncompromising.
"No, not until you answer my question first, Misis Chen."
At this point, Chen Linyun knelt on one knee. Their surroundings lit up a thousand times more – as if millions of fireflies invaded the place.
He pulled a box, opened it and presented its contents to the lady. Inside was a princess-cut diamond engagement ring.
"Again? We"re already married. Have you forgotten?" Xue Jinxu retorted almost automatically.
There was an inexplicable force that was drawing her in. It was too strong – like gravity – which she could not defy. It was pulling at her heartstrings, at her brain cells, and without noticing it, she started crying. She was taken by surprise, but as a few seconds past, the surprise was replaced by heartache – a good heartache accompanied by the surge of memories they had together the past year.
d.a.m.n. The past year had been such a rollercoaster ride indeed.
And here they were, commemorating their wedding anniversary, and even attempting a start over for their relations.h.i.+p. It"s never too late for a clean slate.
Tears continuously fell down her cheeks. She bit her lower lips to control her emotion.
"Geez, hormones!" She laughed while crying.
"What"s your answer, Misis Chen?"
"What"s the question again? Have you popped it out?"
"Right. Hehehe. Xue Jinxu, let"s get married again. This time, let"s do it right, in front of our family and friends. Let"s hold a ceremony you can be proud of and you can tell our future children and grandchildren about. Something you can boast to your friends." His face couldn"t be redder. He meant every word, but he was getting embarra.s.sed from the gesture. After all, they were at an outdoor setting, although he had reserved the place for themselves.
"What"s the question? More like imposing." She was getting playful.
Chen Linyun grinned with understanding. "Xue Jinu will you agree to marry me again, dear? After everything that we"ve been through…" He could hear his heart drumming against its walls.
Xue Jinxu held her breath. She was smiling, and intentionally prolonging the agony.
"I"m not."
"I"m not, too."
"So what"s your answer? My leg is cramping." Chen Linyun was trying to be cool because he knew that the lady will say yes anyway, but still, he was too agitated. Yet, he was having fun too.
Xue Jinxu had her share of the fun. Grinning widely, she extended her hand, her ring finger already was adorned with their wedding ring.
"I"ll agree to get married to you, Chen Linyun, over and over again. Stand up."
After proceeding in slipping the ring on her finger, he stood up as per the lady"s behest.
Finally, they pressed their lips together. The husband lifted the lady and twirled them together. Xue Jinxu let out a little shriek as she felt her skirt and her hair fly in the wind as they spin. It was as if they were shooting a scene in a movie.
Everything was picturesque.
Chen Linyun kissed her twice, thrice – countless of times. They were smiling while kissing and their hearts fluttered like crazy. They were like teenagers who knew love the first time – the innocent love that was worth protecting. It was as if they hadn"t been married before.
But what do people say, love is sweeter the second time around.
With all the pain and sorrow that they"ve experienced together and apart, with all the challenges that they surpa.s.sed, with all the lost hope that almost made them give up, a promise of tomorrow was such a wonderful gift to their matrimony, akin to a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, or to reach the finish line at the end of a painstaking race.
"Let"s go." Chen Linyun gently landed her on her feet. He intertwined their hands together.
"Where?" The lady blinked. "Are there more surprises?"
"They"re all waiting for us. Time to show-off your ring." He tugged their intertwined hands and towed the lady towards the function room.

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