"Let"s go." Chen Linyun gently landed her on her feet. He intertwined their hands together.
"Where?" The lady blinked. "Are there more surprises?"
"They"re all waiting for us. Time to show-off your ring." He tugged their intertwined hands and towed the lady towards the function room.
The winding corridor was decorated ornately with frills intricately and elegantly woven to serve its purpose. At leisure, Xue Jinxu would want to stop by and stare at the marvelous works on the walls.
But certainly not today.
Chen Linyun seemed to be in a hurry. However, no matter how much hasty he was, he always took into consideration the wife"s well-being.
"Are you feeling dizzy, Jinxu?"
"No., I"m fine."
"Tell me if you"re feeling weird alright?"
Upon entering the hall, two poppers on their left and right worked its wonders. Confetti of various colors and sizes dances all around them.
"Congratulations on your discharge!"
"Welcome back to the outside world!"
It was Mo Wenbin and Zhu Li Qiang who operated the party poppers at each side.
"Hahaha! Thank you~ Thank you, guys, ~"
"Come on." Chen Linyun tugged the lady further down the hall.
The two men followed behind.
Two rustic doors, originally closed, were pushed open by the couple and revealed everyone that knew and were important to Xue Jinxu. The Xue Family and the Chen Family were there. Colleagues from the company were present too – Butler Leet, the directors, Miss Yan, her secretary, and of course, her best friend Teng Man Rui.
Out of nowhere, Chen Linyun was at this instant carrying a bouquet of creamy white China rose, and other varieties of buds. With a wide grin plastered to his handsome face, he pa.s.sed the bouquet to Xue Jinxu.
"Oh." Was all she could say upon receiving the bouquet.
"Is this heaven?" She laughed while wiping her misty eyes with her handkerchief on her free hand.
"Am I in heaven already?" She inhaled and exhaled slowly to calm her nerves. Then she walked one step at a time towards the center of the hall.
"Everyone"s here!" Still laughing, she got excited.
"What happening?" She turned her head to look at Chen Linyun beside her.
"Everyone who loves you is here to celebrate your recovery." He whispered in her ear.
This time the lady"s tears fell like waterfalls. She put the tips of her fingers on her lips – an attempt to control herself – but for naught anyway.
She was overwhelmed.
"I can"t imagine everyone to make time and be here today. I mean it"s not my birthday. If there"s anything special today, it"s our wedding anniversary."
"I think I"ve reached my quota."
Chen Linyun wrapped her comforting arms around her and cradled her head with his hand. "I told you, stop crying. We should be ecstatic, elated. Let"s party, mhmm?" He kissed her forehead.
"I"m happy. Seriously, these are tears of joy. I"m overwhelmed. I…"
"I cannot thank you enough guys." She said, addressing the crowd.

Everyone applauded her bravery and her successful recovery.
"They all visited you while you were still in the hospital. They prayed for your fast recovery."
"I don"t deserve this, Chen Linyun." She whispered back.
"Why not? You"ve done so much for the company. The employees look up to you both due to your hard work and also for your good looks." He winked. "You did so much good, Jinxu, despite your temper."
He poked her gently on the cheek. She pouted. It was cute.
The pout did not linger and was replaced with an almost permanent smile on her face.
One by one the guests approached her and extended well wishes for her.
The family members hugged her – Father and Mother Xue, and even Grampa Xue hugged her tight. She would always be their only princess.
Father Chen also made his way towards the couple and threw a brusque bear hug to her daughter-in-law. Aunty Chen wiped the edge of her eyes and sighed praises for the heavens for saving Xue Jinxu.
She too hugged her.
At some point, Mother Chen, Jiang Ying Yue approached her and hugged her too.
Everyone rejoiced and everyone was in the mood to party. Even Hw.a.n.g Meilin was there and tried to b.u.t.ter up to her Jinxu-Jie. Past grudges had dissipated into thin air.
Xue Jinxu"s heartfelt so big and full. "It"s so good to feel appreciated. I never thought that these people would come to me to relay their appreciation of my existence. It feels so warm, Chen Linyun…"
The husband squeezed the lady"s arm with his right hand. All this time his right arm was wrapped around the missus for protection.
"Is this your idea?" Xue Jinxu asked tenderly.
"Uhm, you can say that." He scratched his head while his face instantaneously turned red. "But all of us contributed an idea or two."
The lady pursed her lips, trying to at least temper her grin. Deep down inside she was giggling. "It feels so good to be loved by you, Chen Linyun." She thought while stealing glances at him.
While eating their dinner, he inquired, "Won"t we announce our second engagement?"
Xue Jinxu stopped cutting her meat and suspended her utensils in midair. "Chen Linyun, are you sure? Grampa is here too. You know…"
She was hesitant and it was understandable. Grampa Xue had always been against their marriage.
"It"s fine. He"d approve of it."
The lady tilted her head questioningly.
"Just trust me." Chen Linyun"s lips curved upward enigmatically.
"Another surprise, huh?"
She tagged along. The husband called the attention of the audience. Without further ado, he broke the news of their second engagement.
"Congratulations on your wedding ceremony!"
"All of you, well-wishers, who are present here will be invited." Chen Linyun announced.
"She must be really happy!"
"I bet they"re equally happy!"
"It"s a gift of new life!"
"Let"s have a toast!" It was Grampa Xue who spoke. He stood up and led the crowd. "Chen Linyun, and Xu"er, my grandchildren, here"s to a prosperous marriage." He raised his gla.s.s of champagne. "I am giving you my blessings. All who are present here can attest to it."
Xue Jinxu"s brows were raised. Her incredulity would have reached the pinnacles of the heavens up above. While she was surprised bigtime, Chen Linyun smugly threw at her direction an "I-told-you-so" look.
"I"ll explain to you later."

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