"What are you doing?" Xue Jinxu curiously peeped onto the computer monitor of her husband, Chen Linyun who was seated in his gigantic chair of authority. She hunched forward and hovered around him as she wrapped her fair jadeite arms around his neck on a sensual back hug.
The wife was seeking attention.
They were currently inside the OIC room. It was a lunch break. Xue Jinxu went to the building of Xue s.h.i.+pping to personally deliver her husband"s lunchbox – the most creative artwork Xue Jinxu had ever put her heart and mind making. After all, it was for her loved one, her husband. It was the return of the creative bentos.
In truth, she could simply send it to him and opt not to go to the office. However, it"s also one of the lady"s dreams to be acknowledged as the OIC"s lovely wife and nothing else. It was on her bucket list.
As was expected, the employees marveled at the sight of her who came not in her business clothes but in a flowery white and orange dress, a clip adorned her beautiful black hair. She came not as a shareholder, member of the board, nor a former COO, and not even as an heiress, but a simple little wife of the OIC. One item on her bucket list checked.
The lady who usually wore a cold stern expression on her face and stiff business façade actually appeared with a sunny, vibrant smiling face and extremely feminine guise. The employees gaped, but it was such a pleasant change.
Before seeing her like this – her feminine side and all, her previous subordinates actually wondered how such a cold person like her could actually fall in love, and what did the OIC, the husband, exactly see in her that made him equally fall in love with such a *ahem* a demoness. They could not decipher where the source of spark could have originated. Their marriage did not even look arranged of some sort.
The employees were even surprised and flabbergasted when the news reached them that this same cold, stiff ruthless COO fought for their love to the point of her banishment from her own family. It simply did not fit her image. Who would have thought that she could also be a hopeless romantic, and thoughtless in front of love?
They even wondered how they could live harmoniously, and if the husband always allowed the former COO to have her way since the OIC appeared a little too frail for a man…
Well, it wasn"t really their business, but such was the nature of man, to poke their noses where it had no business whatsoever.
Xue Jinxu nudged her husband by leaning her head onto his. "Honey, what are you doing?"
"Researching. The word is out that I"m the owner of Shuilong Trading – the trading house that initiated change in the petroleum trading landscape."
"When s.h.i.+ Fan Hai learns about it, I can only surmise that he would boil in anger."
"I just want to be prepared in case he throws some sort of an attack our way as a form of retaliation."
"But, dear, have a look." He pointed at the screen. "This data is what I have collated when I was still at the Ministry of intelligence and Surveillance. Don"t ask how I get it, though, and don"t tell anyone, alright?"

"Mhmm…" She murmured her a.s.sent. She was busy probing the data in front of her. She was even frowning from the information.
"What can you possibly get from there? It"s incomplete." She concluded. "It only had his early years" record up until around five years old, and it resumed just a few years ago when he was already an adult. Why is it like that?"
"Strange, right?" Chen Linyun agreed. "I"ve learned from your grandfather that their whole family went overseas when he was around five years of age. So I sought help from Father. We contacted a government agency in South Korea and requested his records over the years on the guise that we are investigating him as a citizen of this country. They granted our request. The doc.u.ments arrived this morning."
He bent towards a drawer on the lower portion of the table. Xue Jinxu released her arms around him. When he sat upright, he was holding a large unopened parcel of the doc.u.ment with stamps all over it. "Would you do the honor of opening it?" Chen Linyun asked the wife.
The lady nodded her head zealously, her eyes glimmered with such curiosity. She was glad that Chen Linyun was letting her into this. Before, the husband was doing everything alone without even telling her.
She opened the envelope with a swiss knife.
Before pa.s.sing it to her husband, she took a good look at it first. "What does it say?" Chen Linyun inquired, dying from his own curiosity.
The lady frowned.
She pa.s.sed the doc.u.ments on to the curious Chen Linyun who was wearing his own probing peculiar facial expression. The lady"s frown was such feedback.
The lady did not utter a word.
Chen Linyun studied the doc.u.ments himself. Just like how the lady reacted, he frowned, as well, in dismay.
"He doesn"t have records in South Korea until around ten years ago. He would have been in his teenage years. That was his first entry in that country, and he had been going in and out after that."
"He literally disappeared for a few years."
The couple looked at each other with an expression mirroring their own. Their faces were both contorted with utter confusion. The doc.u.ments that they managed to obtain with such difficulty should have brought clarity to the situation at hand, and should at least have an explanation to the gap in the records of the Young Master s.h.i.+.
On the contrary, it not only failed to provide clarity, it even added further perplexity. Being intellectuals, their instincts told them that the matter wasn"t so simple nor straightforward. The Young Master s.h.i.+"s existence and ident.i.ty most probably have such profound underlying mysteries that, if probed, might get them into even deeper trouble.
The only question was, should they go and dig deeper? Will it benefit them?
After all, curiosity killed the cat.

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