Chen Linyun only slept for a while. He arrived last night at his dorm room at around half past two. He couldn"t sleep straight and even awoke several times in between.

Only to find out that he wasn"t dreaming. Not at all. No, not a bit close.

Because everytime he opened his eyes and turned his head sideways, lying on his own bed across him, was the girl in grey hoodie that he carried the night before. She was there as if she"s the real owner of that bed. And him, who"s the real owner of that bunk bed settled to the empty cot across.

He was restless.

It was his first time "touching a woman".. *Cough* *Cough* Well, his hands carried the woman.
It was his first time being alone with a woman in room.
Only, that woman is still unconscious.
Only, it does not mean anything.
Kudos for him being naïve.
So much for being young. Eighteen-year-old young.

But he was not stupid. In his eighteen years he was actually relatively above his peers. He was even quite considered an intellectual. His dark-rimmed were not just props.
He is smart and cold and aloof – that his aura makes him quite intimidating to his peers both to men and women alike. He is not the friendly type, although his temperament isn"t that complex either.

But now, while he was looking at this sleeping angel across, it seemed that he is a different person. His face and ears could not stop burning. He"s even redder than a tomato.

Out of courtesy he left his room and stood guard at the door.

With his hands at his pockets, he half-leaned on the wall beside the door. The hallway was still dark and eerie, and not a single soul was seen or heard. It was around six in the morning. He closed his eyes in this position.


The door opened. Behind the door the tip of the white cap peeked first. Then appeared large almond brown eyes. Those eyes were full of curiosity and confusion alike. Her hoodie fell when she turned her head to look at him. At this fluid movement her jet-black hair was thrown in the open. It was a wonderful spectacle.

Upon hearing the door creaked, Chen Linyun opened his eyes. Their eyes met.

"Hi." She said.

"What place is this? Where am I?" There"s an obvious confusion on her face.
"Do I know you? Do you know me? What happened?"
"Did we..??" She shook her head briskly. "Impossible." She thought.

She couldn"t remember clearly what happened the night before. The last thing that she remembered was that she donned her most comfortably casual wear – the grey hoodie, cap and the hood covering closely half of her face, then she roamed around without any specific direction at all. Then she remembered she had drunk a little bit. Somewhere downtown. Here in Country D. Alone.
She shuddered at her limited recollection. She could not remember any more.
It was her first time to this – to roam around freely and alone and at night.
It was really careless of her.
And it was strange waking up at another person"s room. And sleeping at another person"s bed – inside a guy"s room and bed.

Before she opened the door, she had already checked her clothes, wallet and every bit of her and all was intact. Even her cap and hood were still in place.
So she thinks it"s impossible that she might have done something that she shouldn"t, or something that she will regret.
She"s not so sure though.

She realized she had a splitting headache. Then, she heard a pleasantly low voice break her reverie.

"No." Said this young man across her curtly.
He was so red in the face though his actions seemed cool. His face betrayed him.
At an instant she was lost. "No? What?" Her brows furrowing, not understanding his simple response.

"To answer your question." *Cough* "We didn"t do anything inappropriate. You don"t have to worry. You are at my dormitory – I found you on the streets last night and couldn"t really leave you behind." He was looking at the floor while saying all these. He glanced up at her then quickly withdrew his gaze to the floor. His hands were still in his pockets. He looked embarra.s.sed.
Then he added, "I have to apologize if I made you sleep in my room. Don"t worry n.o.body was there to disturb you."

"Even I did not dare try." He added in his mind.

This whole conversation was uncomfortable to him. He wasn"t that sociable.
Although he was the one who helped her, he thought that she might think it weird to wake up in a guy"s room. He"s a bit old-fas.h.i.+oned.
She smiled at him. Her grin showcased her perfectly white teeth, and a dimple adorned her left cheek. She was such a darling little morning angel.
"I have to thank you for saving me last night. It was so irresponsible of me – really. I am very sorry for troubling you. I did not mean to intrude. You seem to be a good fellow."
She smiled again. "What a pretty smile." He thought and as if hit by a b.u.t.ton, his face flushed red.
This time she laughed. "You blush easily." She blurted out.
The young boy couldn"t help but just scratch his head and look away up, at the ceiling. He really was embarra.s.sed. He couldn"t think of any reply.
"I"m Xue Jinxu." She held her hand in front of him for a handshake. He took it out of courtesy and quickly withheld.
"If it weren"t for you I might be in some unthinkable situation now." She shuddered at the thought.
"I"d like to treat you to dinner as thanks. It"s on me. But I don"t know your name yet."
"She seems to like to talk a lot." That"s what he thinks. But he likes it.
"My name is Chen Linyun.
"Got it. I really appreciate it. Next time I hope it"s my turn to return the favor. But don"t get me wrong" she said shaking her hands in front of her and continued, "I don"t mean for you to be in an inconvenient situation next time. But if you really need help, please don"t hesitate to tell me. I"d be glad to help you. I"m indebted to you now." She said this while her eyes were sparkling with grat.i.tude.
All this while he was just silent, facing down on the floor.
Then they heard noises of foot steps nearby.
Chen Linyun was quick to react. He pulled her hand and entered the room with her and closed the door.

She was taken aback. Her large eyes widened. It was totally unexpected.
With the door close and with all the swift movements, he broke in cold sweat again, and hurriedly explained to her, "I forgot to tell you that my dormitory is an all-male facility, and the presence of a woman is strictly not allowed." He glanced towards her.

"Oh." Is what she could only exclaim.

Little did they realize that their position is a bit awkward.
Since he pulled her in, after the door closed, he maintained a protective stance neither too close nor too far but in a way appeared that he was embracing her. She was trapped between him and the door.

This time, it was Xue Jinxu who was really red in the cheeks, and quite bashful.
No doubt that she can only exclaim "oh" from his explanation a while ago.
Her confidence and talkativeness had faded completely.
He smiled and released her.

"Sorry for that."
They both laughed. It was an awkward laugh, an attempt to salvage the situation. Better any sound than silence.

"You don"t have to treat me to dinner or return the favor in the future. I"m just glad to be of help. Any person would do what I did. It"s nothing."
"Well, Brother Chen, you are humble. It definitely isn"t nothing. I insist in the future if there"s an opportunity, pray tell."

"Mhm-mhm. She called me Brother Chen." Chen Linyun is amused by the sudden closeness.

"I better go now. I"ll be fine on my own now." She grinned again while fixing her hair, tucking it neatly under the cap and turning up the hood to cover half of her face. Her guise was complete. She knew that she would pa.s.s as a boy with her current look. So she uncaringly opened the door. With one last smile she thanked him again and left.

Just like that.

Chen Linyun"s peace and quiet has been perturbed.
"Take responsibility, somehow." He said in his mind, to the girl who just left, eyes glimmering.
He gazed darkly at her fading silhouette but did not do anything anyway.

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